Research Methods : Validity and Reliability Flashcards
What is reliability?
How consistent results are
• reliable methodologies produce the same/ similar results each time
What is test-retest reliability?
Measures test consistency/ reliability power time
• two tests get correlation 0.8+, results are reliable
What is inter-rater reliability?
The degree of agreement among raters
• height correlation (0.8+) = reliable
What is validity?
The extent to which something is measuring what it is claiming to measure (valid methodologies measure what they claim to)
What is internal validity?
The extent to which a study establishes a cause-and-effect relationship between IV and DV
What is external validity?
The extent to which a study can be generalised yo other settings (real life)
What is ecological validity?
Whether data is generalised to the real world
What is population validity?
How well the sample used can be generalised to a population as a whole
What is temporal validity?
Whether the results are still valid today
What is constrict validity?
Whether a test measures the intended theoretical construct
What is concurrent validity?
A test correlating well with other measures of the same construct
What is a predictive validity?
A test accurately predicting outcomes it should theoretically predict
What is face validity?
Whether a test measures what it clams to measure
Androcentric bias
When only male participants are used
Gynocentric bias
When only female participants are used