Research Methods : Self Reports Flashcards
What’re self reports
Methods of gathering data where Ps provide info about themselves (thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc)
Advs of self reports
• rich, qualitative data
• can help explain reasons behind behaviour
• easy to get her a large amount of data
• can ask hypothetical questions
Disadvs of self reports
• Ps may try and come off in a socially acceptable way - social desirability bias
• only useful if P is willing to disclose info
• Ps much have the introspective ability to understand their own thoughts and feelings
• acquiescence bias - people tend to agree with statements
• Ps may misinterpret questions
• Ps may have forgotten/ not know how to answer
What’re questionnaires
Where Ps are given pre-set questions to answer. Ideally, questions should progress logically from least sensitive to most and the researcher should ensure that the answer to a question isn’t influenced by previous questions
Types of questionnaires
• likely scale (strongly disagree - strongly agree)
• rating scales (1-10)
• closed questions (yes or no)
• open questions (describe… tell me about…)
Questionnaires ads
• socially desirability bias reduced (no interviewer + anonymous)
• large amount of data collected quickly
• quantitative data easier to analyse
Questionnaire disads
• given options may not represent P’s true opinion
• quantitative data is less rich
What’s cronbach’s alpha?
The measure of internal consistency of items within a questionnaire
What’s a psychometric measure?
Quantifies knowledge, abilities, attitude and personality traits
What’re closed questions?
Where only a certain amount of choices available as answers - quantitative
What’re open questions?
Allow Ps to guide full, detailed answers were there is no restriction on what can be said - qualitative
What’re standardised instructions?
A set of written/ recorded instructions given to Ps to ensure they all receive them in the same way
What’re filler questions?
Questions put into questionnaires/ interviews to disguise the aim of the study
What’s an interview?
An experimenter asking Ps questions (generally one to one) and recording their answers
What’re structured interviews?
Have predetermined questions