Research Methods Flashcards
What is the independant variable ?
This is the variable that the researcher manipulates in order to determine its effect on the dependant variable. An example would be seeing how chocolate effects mood. Chocolate is the independent variable.
What is the dependant variable
The variable being measured. An example would be how chocolate affects mood. Mood is the dependant variable.
What the control condition?
Where the independant variable is not manipulated. Provides a standard against which the experimental conditions can be compared.
What is an extraneous variable
Any variable other than the independant variable that could affect the dependant variable. For example the weather and personal life events.
What is a confounding variable ?
This is any variable other than the independent variable that has affect the dependant variable. Examples include noise and light.
What is operationalisation?
The variable needs to be defined and stated how it will be measured.
What is a laboratory experiment?
This is when an experiment is carried out in a controlled environment, such as a laboratory, allowing the researcher to exert a high level of control over the IV and eliminate any extraneous variables. Participants are randomly allocated to a condition. They are conducted in an artificial setting.
Advantages of laboratory experiments
1) one strength is that lab experiments have a high level of control over the IV and conditions. Therefore it is very easy to control any EV and prevent them from confounding variables that could affect data collected
2) the researcher can modify the IV and can establish a cause and effect relationship between the IV and DV.
3) another strength is that it can be easily repeated by other researchers to see if similar results are obtained. If findings are similar, the results are reliable.
Disadvantages of laboratory experiments
1) one disadvantage is that demand characteristics might occur within the study. Some participants may behave ina more positive light than normal and this is called social desirability bias.
2) a high level of control over the independant varibake and extraneous variables means the experiment can lack mundane realism. This means the study lacks ecological validity .
What is a field experiment
This is an experiment carried out in the real world rather than an artificial setting of a laboratory. The IV is still manipulated by the researcher to see the effect on the dependant variable. An example may be to observe people in the street.
Advantages of field experiments
1) one strength is that there is more mundane realism and ecological validity than lab experiments.
2) the researcher can manipulate the independant variable, cause and effect relationship between the independent and the dependant can be established.
3)an advantage is that there is less chance of demand characteristics than a lab experiment. Participants may not even be aware they are in an experiment so they behave more naturally.
Disadvantages of field experiments
1) there is less control over extraneous variables when compared to a lab experiment. Therefore, the effect on the dependant variable may not be caused by the independent variable. This means research may not be valid
2) another disadvantage is that there is less control over the sample . Therefore the sample may not be representative of the target population.
3) another disadvantage is that it may be difficult to replicate which means that they might be unreliable especially compared to lab experiments.
What is a natural experiment
The researcher takes advantage of a naturally occurring independant variable to see its effect on the dependant variable. A natural experiment is a study that measures variables that aren’t directly manipulated by the researcher for comparing behaviour in a single sex and mixed school.
Advantages of natural experiments
1) an advantage of natural experiments is that there is a high level of mundane realism and ecologicaly validity compared to lab experiments.
2) another advantage is that they are useful when it is impossible or unethical to manipulate the independent variable in a lab experiment / field experiment. For example a group of naturally stressed men aged 60-65 who have high stress levels and cholesterol.
Disadvantages of natural experiments
1) there is low control over extraneous variables compared to a lab experiment
2) a disadvantage is that they are very difficult to replicate. This means the results may be unreliable and if the experiment was repeated, the same results would be unlikely.
3) a problem of natural experiments is that they are very difficult to determine cause and effect due to low control of variables.
What is a quasi experiment ?
They contain a naturally occurring independant variable, however this variable is a difference between people that already exists such as age and gender. The researcher examine the effect of this variable on the dependant variable. They take place in a lab setting. An example would be that males have a higher testosterone level than females in a sample of 50 men and women aged 40-70.
Advantages of a quasi experiments
1) a strength is that there is a high level of control. The effects of extraneous variables are minimised. So the experimenter can be more confident that is the independant variable which has affected the dependant variable.
2) a strength is that replication is very likely. Due to strict controls, it is easier to replicate and find whether resist are reliable.
Disadvantages of quasi experiments
1) lack of ecological validity because this setting is artificial so the experiment may not be a reflection of real life.
2) demand characteristics could occur because participants could accurately or inaccurately guess the aim of the study and respond according to what they think is being investigated. This can make data collected invalid.
What is an observation?
An observation is when a researcher watches or listens to participants engaging in whatever behaviour is being studied.
How can psychologists observe participants
1) they can record data- make notes or videos so they have a more accurate permanent record
2) sampling behaviour using event sampling or time sampling (when you observe every 10 minutes or so)
What is non participant observation
This is when the researcher does not get directly involved with the interactions of the participants and does not take part in their activities. For example observing participants in the gym and the psychologist stands around and does not engage in any exercise.
Advantage and disadvantage of non participant observation
1) an advantage is that the researcher can study a situation in its natural setting without altering conditions so it is less likely for the participant to show demand characteristics.
2) one disadvantage is that it relies solely on observing behaviour. The data collected will be qualitative, interpretive and to some extent limited.
What is Participant observation?
This is when the researcher is directly involved with the interactions of the participants and will engage in the activities that the participants are doing, eg doing exercise in a gym.
What is one Advantage and disadvantage of participant observation
1) one advantage is that it gives the researcher a better understanding of what is happening which enables the researcher to collect quantitative and qualitative data through surveys and interviews.
2) this can lead to inaccurate and biased data if participants alter their behaviour in response to the researcher’s presence, leading to social desirability bias.
What is covert observation
The psychologist goes undercover and does not reveal their identity to participants. The group do not know they are being observed.
Advantage and disadvantage of covert observation
1) one advantage is that participants will not show demand characteristics as they are unaware they are being watched, making results more accurate so high ecological validity.
2) it has ethical issues are participants do not know they are part of a study. Debriefing after a study however reduces the ethical issues.
What is overt observation
The psychologist reveals their true identity and might also state that they are observing the group.
Advantage and disadvantage of overt observation
1) the researcher will find it easier to make notes as they do not hide their identity. It is also ethical because participants can give consent.
2) observer effects can occur as participants change their behaviour when they are being observed leading to invalid results.
What is naturalistic observation
A researcher observed participants in their own natural environment and there is no deliberate manipulation of the independent variable.
Advantages of naturalistic observation
1) participants are usually unaware they are being observed so there is reduced chance of observer effect and participants are more likely to act naturally, giving valid results.
2) they are useful when the deliberate manipulation of variable would be impractical or unethical.
Disadvantages of naturalistic observation
1) it is impossible to have any control over extraneous variables. This means other variables may affect the dependant variable. This could make results invalid.
2) there is risk of observer bias. Due to lack of control, the observer may be subjective and biased when trying to interpret data. This could lead to unreliable results.
What is controlled observation
Researcher observed participants in a controlled environment and this allows for manipulation of the independent variable.
Advantages of controlled observation
1) cause and effect can be determined because the observation is highly controlled. Therefore psychologists can determine if the independent variable effected the dependant variable.
2) extraneous variables can be controlled for this type of observation. Therefore it means results are more valid as can be more certain the independent variable is having an effect on the dependant variable.
Disadvantages of controlled observation
1) low levels of mundane realism and ecological validity because of the Hugh control in the observation. This is likely to reflective and not an accurate reflection of real life.
2) there is a risk of observer bias which means that the researchers own views and opinions can influence the recording of the data which becomes inaccurate .
What is observer bias
If the observer knows the aim of the study, they may interpret the behaviours differently to fit the aim. Therefore the data recorded is inaccurate and subjective. Two observers can reduce this effect. They correlate their observations. If a kappa score of +0.8 is gained, results are reliable.
What is event sampling
The observer decides in advance what types of behaviour they are interested in and record all occurrences. All other types of behaviour are ignored. Every time the event occurs, the observer makes a note
What is time interval sampling
The observer decides in advance that observation will take place only during specified time periods (eg every ten minutes) and records the occurrence of the specific behaviour during that period only.
What is a pilot study
It is a preliminary small scale investigation of the procedures to be used in the main study . It is a trial run on a small scale. It helps identify flaws before spending money on the large scale study.
Advantage and disadvantage of pilot study
1) saves time and money and ensures that the main study will work
2) the pilot study may not represent what actually happens on a larger scale.
What is a self report technique
This is when participants give information about themselves without researcher interference. This can be done in the forms of questionare and interviews.
What is a structured interview
All participants are asked the same questions in the same order. This provides quantitative data and usually consists of closed questions that have restricted answers.
Advantage and disadvantage of structured interviews
1) structured interviews are usually quite quick as they only consist of closed questions that require a yes or no answer which is less time consuming than an unstructured interview.
2) structured interviews lack qualitative and in depth data. The answers are restrictive and therefore results might be invalid.
What is an unstructured interview
An informal in depth conversational exchange between the interviewer and interviewee. Questions are not pre planned. This provides qualitative data and consists of open questions.
Advantages and disadvantages of unstructured interview
1) they are useful when investigating sensitive or controversial topics and allows researchers to gain a real understanding of the topic being investigated.
2) there is a risk of social desirability bias. Therefore the results may not be valid.
What is a semi structured interview
This type of interview combines a mixture of structured and unstructured techniques producing both quantitative and qualitative data, it consists of both open and closed questions. Some of the questions are pre planned and some the interviewer may ask some other questions he wants to discuss
Advantage and disadvantage of semi structured interview
1) with some of the questions being open ended, the interviewer can get a better idea of the interviewees thoughts and feelings on the topic.
2) It’s time-consuming to sit down with respondents and conduct an open-ended interview
Advantages of questionare
1) they are quick, easy and relatively cheap compared to interviews. It is possible to collect large amount of data and have a large sample with a questionare
2) questionnaires are very easy to replicate. If the second trial has similar results, the results can be said to be reliable
Disadvantages of questionares
1) questionares can be ambiguous and wording may not be clear. If the researcher is not there to explain questions, participants may misunderstand the questions. This could lead to invalid data.
2) questionares can have a low response rate, especially is they are sent by the post and need to be returned.
What is a positive correlation
As one variable increases, the other variable also increases as well. For example the number of ince cream sold increases as temperature increases.
What is negative correlation
As one variable increases, the other variable decreases. For example, the more time someone spends playing video games, the fewer a grades they get
What is the strength of correlations
It goes from +1 to -1
A strong positive correlation will be closer to +1.
0 means no correlation
-1 means strong negative correlation.
The strength of a correlation is known as correlation coefficient