Approaches Flashcards
Definition of psychology
The scientific study of the human mind and its functions; especially affecting behaviour in a given context
Definition of a science
A means of acquiring knowledge through systematic and objective investigation. The aim is to discover laws.
Introspection definition
The first systematic and experimental attempt to study the mind/ mental processes by breaking down conscious awareness into basic structures of reflections, thoughts, images and sensations.
Who created introspection
Wilhelm Wundt
What was Wundt’s role in the development of psychology
- known as the father of Psychology and his ideas stem from philosophical roots
- in 1879, opened the first experimental psychological labratory in Leipzig, Germany . This lab was designed to aid the scientific study of psychology so results could be replicated.
- he wanted to focus on the psychological processes of perception and structuralism (theory of consciousness)
- he wanted to document introspection . He also wanted to investigate Psychology in the Same way as other sciences and helped develop cognitive psychology
- the partcipants had to focus on present experiences. Introspection involves a person saying everything that is going through their mind whilst they are doing an activity. This made the Research into introspection highly reliable so replication would be possible
Advantages of introspection
1) introspection has helped to develop other approaches in psychology such as behaviourism via Watson and the cognitive approach by beck. It helps form the basis of other models.
2) introspection can help establish what causes behaviour. If we know what causes behaviour to occur, then we can predict future behaviour. An example may be that if we know high levels of dopamine can cause OCD, then we can try ensure that dopamine levels are regulated and kept low to prevent OCD.
Weaknesses of introspection
1) Watson (1913) criticised Wundt’s idea of introspection and whether psychology was emerging as a science. Introspection provides subjective data that varies from one individual to the next, and therefore introspection is not objective or very reliable.
2) introspection can be criticised because it fails to explain how the mind works and the processes involved in thinking about a particular topic. Psychologists cannot see how the thoughts are generated and introspection cannot be properly observed.
What is the behavioural approach
A way of explaining behaviour in terms of what is observed in terms of learning
What is classical conditioning
This is learning based on association. A neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus.
Research support for classical conditioning
Conducted by Pavlov. He taught digs to salivate at the sound of a bell.
1) Food (UCS) produces salivation (UCR).
2) a Bell (neutral stimulus) is rung. The dog does not salivate
3) the Food (UCS) is repeatedly paired with the bell (NS) to produce salivation (UCR)
4) now if the bell (conditioned response) is rung alone, the dog will begin to salivate. Learning has taken place via classical conditioning and an association has been established between the bell ringing and the dog salivating.
What is generalisation
Similar stimuli to the orginal conditioned stimulus will cause the conditioned response. Eg for pavlov’s expeirment , a bell with a similar pitch or sound will cause salivation
What is discrimination
Stimuli similar to the original conditioned stimuli will not produce the conditioned response. This can be done by withholding the unconditioned stimulus. Eg for pavlov’s experiment, withholding the Food after the Bell is rung.
What is extinction
The conditioned response is not produced because of the bell being rung. This occurs when the conditioned stimulus is presented without the unconditioned stimulus repeatedly.
Strengths of classical conditioning
1) one strength of pavlov’s Research is That it has helped apply classical conditioning to treatments of psychological disorders. For example classical conditioning has helped form treatments such as flooding and systematic desensitisation.
2) a strength of the behavioural model is that it is a model that can be easily tested and measured in a scientific way by using observations in a labratory. The behavioural model relies on observing data in a highly controlled setting. This helps objectivity and replication.
Weaknesses of classical conditioning
1) one disadvantage of classical conditioning is that it can be viewed as deterministic because it ignores the role of free will in people’s behavioural responses. Classical conditions anticipates an individual will respond to a conditioned stimulus with no variation which is not accurate. This can lead to explanations fir behaviour which are incomplete and inconsistent.
2) the psychologist Menzies criticises the behavioural model and classical conditioning. He studied people who had a phobia of water and found only 2% of his sample had encountered a negative experience with water (due to classical conditioning and learning). Therefore 98% of the sample had not learnt to become frightened of water.
Operant conditioning definition
A Form of learning in which behaviour is shaped and maintained by consequences. The consequences include punishment, positive and negative reinforcement.
What is positive reinforcement
You receive something positive when carrying out a behaviour. For example getting a sticker for completing homework.
What is negative reinforcement
This is where you perform A behaviour in order to avoid something unpleasant and therefore the behaviour continues in the future. For example doing homework to avoid detention.
Operant conditioning Research support procedure
Conducted by skinned.
The skinnner box was a cage with loud speakers, lights, a lever, a door and a floor which could be electrified.
One hungry rate at a time would be placed in the body and would be allowed to freely run round.
The rat might accidentally press the lever which resulted in a Food pellet and the rat learns pressing the lever leads to reward (positive reinforcement)
The rat could also avoid being shocked by pressing the lever. (Negative reinforcement)
Strengths of operant conditioning
1) Research evidence to support operant conditioning in real life. Token economy is used in institutions as a form of behaviour modification. It works by rewarding appropriate behaviour with tokens which can be exchanged for privileges. Paul and Lentz used token economy to treat patients with schizophrenia and it was found their behaviour became more appropriate.
2) a strength of skinner’s Research is That he relied on the experimental method. He used highly controlled conditions to discover the relationships between variables so that he could establish a cause and effect relationship eg pressing the level causes the rat to learn Food will arrive.
Weaknesses of operant conditioning
1) skinners Research ignores the concept of free will. He suggests past experiences involving operant conditioning will affect future behaviour, and people/animals have no control over the behaviours they show. This is a deterministic view of behaviour.
2) the skinned box has been criticised in terms of ethical issues. Rats and pigeons were often placed in the box in stressful and aversive conditions which could have a negative effect upon the Psychological and psychical health of the animals.
3) it is also difficult to generalise the results gained from rats and pigeons to humans. Animals are very different to humans, and therefore the results that skinner gained from his experiments might not be applicable to humans.
What is social learning theory
New patterns of behaviour can be acquired/learnt by observing the behaviour of others.
Who explained how social learning theory work
Bandura (1977)
Key steps devised by Bandura for social learning theory
1) modelling
2) imitation
3) identification
4) vicarious reinforcement
What is modelling
Modelling - social learning requires a person to model or carry out the behaviour, so that the observer can learn the behaviour. Model can be a parent or tv character etc. Models provide examples of behaviour which can be learned by imitation
What is imitation
Children learn behaviours via imitation That are modelled by significant others and this process tends to be more rapid than classical/operant conditioning. Characteristics of successful imitation include
- characteristics of the model (age, gender etc)
- observers perceived ability to perform the behaviour shown
- the observed consequence of behaviour (positive or negative)
What is identification
This is the extent to which the observer relates to the model and feels that he/She is similar to them so that they could experience the same outcomes as the model. Children are likely to identify with models of the same gender in order for social learning to be effective.
What is vicarious reinforcement
Children who observed a model who got rewarded for showing aggressive behaviour were more likely to imitate the aggressive behaviour. This shows that individuals do not need to experience rewards or punishment directly in order to learn new behaviours.
What does mediational processes involve
1) attention - the observer must pay attention and notice the behaviour of the model
2) retention - the observer must remember the behaviour of the model
3) motor reproduction - the observer must be able to perform the behaviour
4) motivation - the observer must be willing to perform the behaviour in light of rewards
Strengths of the social learning theory by Bandura
1) it has provided great understanding on how criminal behaviour is learnt. Akers (1998) found that criminals seem to engage in more criminal behaviour when they are exposed to a model that they can highly identify with eg Same age/gender.
2) social learning theory is good because it gives a more comprehensive view of human learning when compared to operant and classical conditioning. Social learning theory recognises the importance of both behaviourial and cognitive factors when examining how people learn new behaviours.
Weaknesses of social learning theory by Bandura
1) social learning theory can be criticised as it does not take into account cause and effect. For instance, Research has found that increased associations with peers can increases likelihood of delinquent behaviour in young people through learning poor behaviour. However we cannot assume that this is the lone cause. Other factors such as poor attitudes also can affect delinquency.
2) another weakness is that it ignores other potential influences on behaviour. For example it ignores the role of biology or genetics which could cause people to behave in certain ways. For example, Bandura found in his experiment that boys were more aggressive than girls regardless of the experimental situation they were in.
Bandura’s Research support on Social learning theory
Called the bobo doll experiment
- Bandura conducted an observational study involving 36 male and 36 female children aged 37-69 months.
- they were shows an aggressive/non aggressive female/make model who was interacting with a bobo doll.
- after the children had seen the aggressive acts, they were made to feel frustrated by showing them toys that they were not allowed to play with.
- the children were taken one by one into a room which had some toys including a bobo doll and were observed for 20 minutes.
Results of the bobo doll experiment
1) the Children who observed the aggressive model reproduced the same aggressive behaviour towards the bobo doll, whereas children who were shown the non aggressive model showed no aggression towards the bobo doll.
2) 33% of children who had observed/heard verbal aggression repeated what they had seen/heard. 0% of the non aggressive group displayed verbal aggression
3) in a follow up study, the children observed a model being rewarded for being aggressive to the bobo doll and this increased the likelihood that children were also aggressive to the bobo doll.
4) Boys seem to be more aggressive than girls and imitation of aggression was greatest when the model was the same gender as the observer.
Strengths of bandura’s bobo doll experiment
1) it was conducted in a laboratory setting so is highly controlled to ensure that the independent variable had an effect on the dependant variable. It also ensures that the Study is highly reliable and the results are likely to be replicated in the future.
2) it provides good evidence that social learning theory is a powerful way for children to learn new behaviours. This has the implication that we should be aware of the role of media eg video games in young children as they may be easily influenced by what they see in tv and may imitate aggressive behaviours.
Weaknesses of bandura’s bobo doll experiment
1) As it was conducted in a lab setting, the results gained may not be able to be generalised to the wider population and may lack ecological validity. Also observational Research has the limitation That participants may show demand characteristics and guess the aim and distort they behaviour giving invalid results on social learning theory.
2) the bobo doll experiment only examines the short term effects of social learning theory . We do not know whether the children left the experiment and behaved aggressively in the future, so we do not know how influential social learning theory is.
What is the cognitive approach
- cognitive psychologists investigate internal mental processs by using methods of lab and field experiments.
- They make inferences about cognitive internal processes.
- the information processing model is used to compare the processing of the mind to a computer.
- Models can be used to provide testable theories about mental processing and these can be
studied scientifically and inferences made. - Behaviour influenced by thoughts are both unconscious and conscious.
What are Schemas
- Schemas Are Information That Are developed through experience and expectations of How we should behave.
- they help us organise vast amounts of information by acting as a ”shortcut”.
-Schemas can cause us to exclude anything that does not conform to our ideas on the world.
What are the two types of schema
1) role schema - a schema about behaviour expected from someone in a particular role.
2)event Schema - a Schema about what to expect from an event.
Strengths of the cognitive approach
1) it has many different applications in psychology. For example it has helped in the development of cognitive neuroscience as well as therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy. It can explain the development of faulty thinking which can aid the understanding of abnormal psychology eg phobias.
2) it emphasises scientific methods such as laboratory experiments when collecting data. This means that there is a high level of control to help establish cause and effect relationships. So Research is more objective and scientific.
Weaknesses of the cognitive approach
1) one criticism is the idea of soft determinism. The cognitive approach views behaviour as being determined by internal cognitive factors but ignores biology or the environment. There is lots of evidence to suggest that genetics has an effect on cognitive thinking.
2) it can be criticised because it does not give a full picture of what goes on inside the mind. Psychologists still make inferences which might be based on limited information from experiments. It is questionable whether psychologists Van understand thinking based on inferences alone.