research method topic 5 Flashcards
what is lab experiment? (3)
-in controlled settings
-investigate cause and effect
-used by positivist
lab experiment
2 strengths
2 weakness
consent them coming to lab and taking part means they are agreeing so informed consent
reliable= under controlled conditions so it easily replicated
society is complex. which means under a lab experiment it is not possible to control all variables e.g participants mood and health.
deception = the researchers did not disclose true aims of study to participants in which the participants have been deceived.
Using lab experiment in education
3 strengths
3 weakness
it would be difficult to gain access in real school to carry out experiments so it is easier to set up a lab experiment
most lab experiments do not use real children which is ethical as no children will be harmed in research.
can be easily replicable so data is reliable
inflexible = experimenter has control over the variables so they will only find out information about the variable they are testing but will not get any wider insight into the topic of research.
if real children are used it can cause psychological harm as they are minors
carrying out experiments under artificial conditions makes the data invalid as teachers may behave differently in the lab to how they behave with real students at their school.
what is field experiment? (3)
-Carried out in natural settings
-see effects
field experiment
2 strengths
2 weakness
data is quantitative so participants become number so no one knows who took part in research
more valid than lab experiment because it tends to be covert which prevents Hawthorne effect.
-time consuming more difficult to set up under natural conditions
most study is covert so it’s impossible to gain consent
what are strengths and limitations of using field experiment
2 strengths
3 weakness
names of school, teachers and students can be protected as you can change the name.
more valid than lab experiment as it carried out with real teachers and students
- access = difficult gaining access as it controversial topics
- children = may cause psychological harm and are they really consenting? they are minors
unrepresentative = data may be unrepresentative as it only one schools can represent it to the population
what is comparative method?
2 strengths
2 weakness
comparing two social group that are similar in all aspects but one
-uses official statics to make comparison.
data is quick to obtain it as it uses official statics which is cheap.
No ethical problems because there are no active participants
Data the experiments may need may not exist if its not gathered by the government in official statistics
lacks validity as they can be imposing their own meaning on the data