Childhood Flashcards
Childhood is a social construct
what does social construct mean?
- Something created by society rather than existing naturally
- What is 3 reason to argue why childhood is social construct?
- what is 1 reason to argue why childhood is not a social construct?
- modern western notion idea of childhood
- cross cultural differences in childhood
- childhood in postmodernity
- biological view
childhood is a social construct
~Modern western notion idea of childhood~
why do they believe childhood is a social construct? (3)
who is sociologist and what does he say?
what do they conclude about childhood?
In modern western society childhood is seen as a special time of life
- children are seen as fundamentally different to adults.
- They are physically, and psychologically immature and lacking skills and knowledge needed to run their own lives
Pilcher = argues Childhood is seen as separate stage in life to adulthood this is evident from the laws
- regulate what children allowed, required and forbidden to do.
-They also dress differently to adults
- also, there are products aimed specifically at children
- it is a golden age of happiness and innocence. children are vulnerable and need to be protected and adults need to provide for them
evaluation: this view of childhood in western world in other socities children are not seen as seperate to adults.
childhood is a social construct (2)
~cross cultural differences~
what do they argue? ( 2)
who is sociologist + what do they say?
- children in different societies have different experiences earlier in their lives. as some start working at younger age and are treated like adults.
- childhood is therefore shaped by the culture of a particular society
- benedict= children LEDCs experience childhood differently to children in MEDCS because of 3 things:
- take on responsibility at younger age- punch - children aged 5 in Bolivia start working at younger age
- less value is placed on children showing obedience to adult
firth - in Tikopia of the western pacific doing as your told by a grown up is a concession given by the child not a right expected by adult. - Children sexual behaviour is different to how it is seen in MEDCS
Malinowski - trobiand islanders view children sexual exploration with amusement and tolerance
childhood is a social construct
~childhood in postmodernity~
who is sociologist and what does she argue (2)
what is childhood in postmodernity like (2)
- Jenks argues: childhood is a social construct created in 20th century by modern society.
- childhood is seen as time were children have to be nurtured and protected by family and education system.
- modern society is concerned with futurity childhood is preparation to become a productive adult in the future.
- for this a children need to be nurtured, protected and controlled this led to idea of childhood being a seperate stage to adulthood.
- evaluation = overgeneralises the experiences of children his study used a small sample
Childhood is NOT a social construct
what is biological view of childhood?
- biological view of childhood
- childhood is period physical and mental Development which occurs through several stages each which brings an indivual closer to adulthood.
evaluation = not natural if it was natural all children would have the same experience
Position of children in society
-What 5 sociologists say the position of children in society has improved?
- what 3 sociologists say the position of children has not improved
- Aries and shorter
- Butler et al
- Hillman, Brannen and Bhatti FOR SOME!!!
not improved
1. firestone and holt
2. furedi
3. hockey and James
position of children in society has IMPROVED:
- what did Aries and SHORTER say?
- Children are more valued, better cared for, educated and have rights
- hold a march progress view = childrens lives are improving and now better than never.
- Family and society have become more child centred.
- Parent invest in time, emotional work and money into children.
position of children in society has IMPROVED
what did butler say (3)
what research did he carry out? + what did he find?
- children have more rights
- Lots of laws to protect children
- States can even take them away from parents for protection
- he carried out research in how much say children have in decisions in the family
-interviewed children aged 8-11
- found: they had a lot to say even in important decisions, so children do have power in today’s family
Position of children in society has IMPROVED
- what did Hilman, brannen and woodroffe say?
- childhood has improved FOR SOME
depending on gender, class and ethnicity
- gender: HILMAN: boys have more freedom than girls
- ethnicity: BRANNEN Asian parents are strict esp towards their daughters.
- class: WOODROFFE = w.c children are more likely to suffer from behavioural disorders.
Position of children in society has NOT improved (1)
1. what does firestone and holt say?
- Children are unequal in relation to adults.
- controlled in 5 ways
1) neglect and abuse = indicates the dark side of family in which children are the victims
2) space= stranger danger, driven to school, not allowed in shops or pubs
3) Time = bedtime, tv time
4) bodies = able to control how children sit, walk and what they wear.
- access to resource = children are unable to work because of laws so they are dependent on their parents. pocket money depends on grades or behaviour
Position of children in society has NOT improved (2)
2. what does furedi say? (3)
- Paranoid parenthood
Parents are worried about their children safety because of media creating moral panic about dangers to children
- prevent them from playing outside or going on school trips
- As a result, children spend their time indoors
-This is damaging to children development and experience of childhood
Position of children in society has NOT improved (3)
why do hockey and James say position of children in society has not improved
- children want to escape from childhood because they think it oppressive
- they escape either through acting up ( swearing, drinking and smoking)
or acting down such as acting and behaving like babies.
future of childhood
1. What sociologist say childhood is disappearing/dead?
2. what sociologist say childhood is not disappearing?
- postman and qvrorpt
- Opie, Jenks and furedi
childhood is disappearing/ dead (1)
1. what does postman say? + criticism
- media has brought adulthood into children lives as result the boundary between adult and children are breaking
- children are growing up and losing their innocence
- they are becoming more like adults - death of childhood.
for e.g
- underage sex, drinking and smoking.
criticised = emphasises the influence of television but ignores other factors that affect development of childhood.
childhood is disappearing/ dead (2)
1. what does qvropt say?
1) childhood is disappearing because of falling birth rates
- fewer children are born there are less needed to invest in children’s resources such as schools and playgrounds
- childhood is becoming isolated experience as there is fewer children in family and neighbourhood.
childhood is NOT DISAPPEARING (1)
1. What does Opie say? (2)
- disagrees with postman
- carried out research into children’s toys and games and found there is continuation of Childrens culture.
childhood is NOT DISSAPPEARING (2)
What does Jenks say? (4)
- not disappearing it just changing
postmodernity it is characterised by choice and indivualisation which means relationships are unstable.
- parents see relationships with children as most important relationships and therefore views children as vulnerable and in need for protection.
- therefore, children continue to be in separate status to adulthood.
evaluation : jenks think all children have same experience.
childhood is NOT DISAPPEARING (3)
furedi ( 2)
- childhood is not disappearing its being extended
- there is an increase in kidult = young adults who still live at home
this is because of:
economic factors: cost of living crisis
cultural factors: parents are now far more protective over their children than before and encourage their children to be dependent on them.