family topic 2 Flashcards


functionalist theory on role of family

what view does functionalist have nuclear family and why?

who are two sociologist you speak about?

what does first sociologist say + criticism

what does second sociologist say + criticism


-functionalist have positive view on nuclear family as family social institution that maintains value consensus and social solidarity.

  • Murdock + parson

-Man takes instrumental role ( breadwinner)
- Women takes expressive role ( caring and nurturing)
- Roles are based on biological differences between men and women which makes them have different roles
- 4 functions family has according to Murdock
1. Sexual - married heterosexual couples enjoy a healthy sex life which prevents them having affairs
2.Reproductive-bearing children maintain society
3.Economic- providing food and shelter
4. Educational- primary socialisation of children
overall=Murdock argues nuclear family is universal
Too optimistic - positive view of family and ignores the negative aspect of family=abuse

1. the Function family performs depends on type of society.

-There are two types of society : traditional pre industrial and modern industrial.

  • traditional pre industrial society ( classic extended was common because people worked in agriculture which required a large workforce and there was no welfare kin relied on each other for support)
  • nuclear family fits modern society perfectly because of 3 reasons:
  1. Geographic mobility-people need to move for education and work. Having a small family makes it easier.
  2. Increased social mobility- if person becomes socially mobile- different income, lifestyle and value this would weaken their bond with their kin - nothing in common
  3. Welfare state- turn to state for support which weakens their bond with extended kin
  • parson says as society changed family changed as well
  • parson say family changed from extended to nuclear through a process of structural differentiation and has become specialised in 2 things:
  1. Primary socialisation- passing society norms and values onto the new generation
  2. Stabilising adult personalities- family is friendly warm place where adults can relax ( warm bath theory)

criticism of parson:
Feminist - segregated roles - sexist - assumes women biologically to paid employment

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new right theory on role of family

  • who do they agree with and why do they agree?
  • what do they say?
  • who is new right sociologist and what does he say?
  • what is criticism
  • agree with functionalist that nuclear is ideal type of family and that men and women have segregated roles in the family.
  • but they say nuclear family is under threat because of
    1. Increasing divorce rates
    2.Too generous welfare benefits
    3. The influence of feminism = has devalued marriage
  • this is threat because it leads to family diversity and decline in nuclear family and this leads to social disorder such as crime.

Murray - As a result of these changes their are 2 groups in society ( underclass and new Victorians)

-Unemployed single mothers who depended on benefits
-They can not socialise with their children properly
-So children fail in education and turn to crime
-Men who father these children do not have work so they have no family to support and become dependent on benefits and become antisocial
Creates dependency culture

New Victorians
-Middle class
-Work and pay taxes
-Marry and socialise their children properly

to solve these problems
- all parents must be married
- benefits should be cut
-mothers should stay at home

- cutting benefits - innocent children suffer
- ignore fact nuclear families fail to socialise their children properly

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marxist theory on the role family

what is their view on role of family + why?

  • what are 5 functions does that family perform? + each criticism

negative view as it exist to maintain ruling class power and serve capitalism.

- Creates future workforce for the ruling class
- w.c own no inheritance so they will have no choice but to work.

2.False heaven
Zaretsky- sociologist
- family acts as a de stress after a long day after work to manage the resentment they feel against capitalism that exploits them.
- therefore family appears to be like “heaven” but the love we receive is illusion that only benefits ruling class.
- as they are less likely to resign as they have family to support them.

  1. unit of consumption
    Sociologist = Marcuse
    - family is source of profit for ruling class
    -Buying consumer goods , we generate profit for the ruling class
    -Advertisers use the media to promote the products
    - Advertisers also promote these products to children so they can persuade their parents to buy them

4.Inheritance of private property:
Sociologist = Engels
Family ensures legitimacy of the male heir for the ruling class by guaranteeing their paternity through monogamous marriages

5.socialisation and ideological state apparatus:
families role is to control they way people think
Socialising the children into ruling class ideology
Convincing children that hierarchy and inequality are inevitable
For e.g, father authority in the family is unquestionable which accustoms children to idea that someone will always be above them

reproduction: ignores family diversity assuming nuclear family is dominant

false heaven= ignores benefit of stable family life

unit of consumption : deterministic assume family will disappear in communist state.

inheritance of private property = underestimate the importance of gender equality within the family

socialisation and ideological status appartus= ignores the extent to which families can choose to live in capitalist society as it offers higher standards of living.

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what is feminist view on the role of family?
what are 4 types of feminist + criticism ?

  • negative view on the role of family as it maintains patrichacy.

1.radical feminist:

-Society is patriarchal - ruled by men therefore men are the enemy
and source of women oppression and exploitation.

  • in family men dominate women the most
    as they benefit from women’s free domestic labour
    and dominate through domestic abuse or threat of it.
    According to Geer solution is =separatism or political lesbianism or forming all matrichal households.
  1. liberal feminist:
    -Claim the gender inequality will end with introduction of legal changes such as equal pay act.
    - this legal changes will lead to change in social attitudes.
    Hold march progress view = progress is gradual but it is happening
    E.g men do chores in the house and spend time with children

3.Difference feminist
We can’t generalise about women’s experience
Different women experience patriarchal in different ways
For example, black lone parent families’ women help each other out and are less oppressive of women than traditional nuclear family

  1. Marxist feminist
    - Main oppression is capitalism
    -exploiting and oppressing women because they perform unpaid domestic work
    - Reproducing the future workforce=women bear children and socialise them to accept an unfair
    Ansley = “women are takers of shit” and absorbs men’s anger by performing sexual and emotional services which maintain healthy and emotionally healthy men
    women are reserve army of labour = employed when they are needed

Liberal = too optimistic, equal pay act was introduced 1970 yet women still earn 18% less

Radical = ignore positive aspects of family life and position of women have improved

Marxist = ignore the trend to gender equality

Difference feminism = criticised for causing division between women = makes movement for equality weaker

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personal life perspective!


make sure i add this one

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