research method topic 3 Flashcards
what is structured interview?
2 strength
2 weakness
researcher ask written questions then writes down the participants response they are not allowed to ask further questions or rephase question
- training the researcher is straight forwarded all they do ask question and they write it down. Wilmott and young interviewed employed undergraduates students to carry out interviews with couples all they had to do was write down a short response.
- higher response than questionnaire people find it hard to refuse face to face request.
- inflexible = not allowed to ask any questions so you cant gain insight into why they think that way
- validity = if they don’t understand a question they cant even rephrase for them
what is unstructured interview?
2 strengths
2 weakness
its like conversation. there is no pre written question they can ask them what they want. it recorded then transcribed
- establish rapport = build a connection. they more likely to feel comftable and open up.
- validity if they don’t understand a question they can ask them to rephrase it
- need to be highly trained to know when they made a point. this adds to cost of research.
- takes a long time to conduct. this limits the number of people who can be interviewed so effects the representative.
what is semi structured interview?
2 strengths
1 weakness
they have pre determined questions but they can ask additional question and rephase questions
- rapport
- less chance of interview bias as it is still formal- this is when the presence of the interviewer affects answer given by respondent. because it still formal.
- data is not reliable = as it can not be replicated.
What is group interview?
2 strength
2 weakness
interview asking group questions (usually 8-10) people ask them questions one after the other.
1. may feel comftable more around others therefore open up
- comments made by one respondent may stimulate thinking of other
- one or two people may dominate the discussion preventing others from participating.
- researcher has to have good leadership to keep group discussing relevant topics
using interview to research education
3 strengths
3 weakness
how to improve the validity of interviews with pupil?
1. reliability and validity
reliable = structured is highly reliable as they are structured in exact same way so you can use it in different schools and make comparisons
- validity = unstructured interview = helps build a rapport with students which makes them feel comftable and open up.
- group interview
- students may find group interview more comftable rather than 1-2-1 with stranger this increases validity of data. - improving the validity of interviewer with pupil
can improve in several ways :
-don’t interrupt children
- give them time
- avoid repeating questions children will assume the first question was wrong.
cost : for unstructured interview they have to be highly trained to spot if children have misunderstood a question. this add to the cost
time = unstructured may take long time to conduct. this would be difficult to use it during schools as it will cause disruption during lessons.
location = if interviews are carried out in school students and teachers would talk to each other about questions are asked . this may affect data invalid as they have time to consider question or even hear what others have said.