belief in society topic 1 Flashcards


functionalist belief in society

  1. what type of view does functionalist have on the view of religion and why?
  2. who are 4 sociologist for functionalist theory on role of religion?
  1. positive view on religion as it maintains social solidarity.

4 sociologist
- durkheim
- parson
- bella

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functionalist theory on religion
( durkheim)
1. what is 2 role of relgion according durkheim?

  1. what durkheim method of research?
  2. what is criticism of durkehim
  1. makes a distinction between sacred and profane. the sacred is symbol that have holy meaning e.g cross. while profane is everything that makes up our everyday life.
  • creates cognitive capacity= ability to think, in order to be able to think we need ideas such as time and space. religion created these concepts.
  1. method of research =
    based on Australian aborgines called totemism. they were divided into clans and each clan was represented by symbol (totem). each clan regarded its totem as sacred. therefore in worshipping it totem the clan is worshipping society as totem is representation of society.

criticism of Durkheim
1. based on flawed evidence misunderstood aborgine tribes and use of totemism.
2. religion has dysfunctional consequences rather than binding people together many of the world conflict have begun because of religion.
3. fails to explain origin of religion.

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functionalist view on role of religion
( malinowski)
1. what is one role of religion according to malinsowki

  1. what is malinowski method of research?
  2. what is criticism of malinowski?
  1. promotes social solidarity but in response to psychological needs of indivual in specific situation.
  • stressful situations threaten social solidarity as they disrupt social life.
  • two types of events which are threat
    1. life crisis: such as birth , marriage and death. these religious rituals are performed when in time of crisis to minimise potential threat to social solidarity.
  1. activities which are important but uncontrollable = such as going to a battle. religion provides a sense of control and diminishes anxiety.
  2. method of research=
    - carried out ethnographic study.
    - studying trioband island
    - he found that when the tribe were fishing in safe lagoon, they had no rituals as it was safe to fish in. however when they were ocean the tribe held religious ceremonies because fishing in the ocean was dangerous and uncontrollable.

1. religion often has dysfunctional consequences = rather than binding people together it has caused conflicts.
- he fails to explain the origin of religion.

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functionalist view on role of religion
( Parson)

  1. what is 2 role of religion according to parson?
  2. what is criticism of parson?
  1. provides core value by socialising them making them sacred. for e.g 10 commandments have become part of general value of our society. for e.g “ thou shall not kill”
  2. creates meaning by providing answers to “ultimate” questions such as why is there suffering?

1. religion has dysfunctional consequences. rather than binding people together. many of world’s conflicts has been caused by religion

  1. fails to explain origin of religion.
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functionalist view on role of religion
( bellah)
1. what is 2 things bellah argues?

  1. role is to = unify society esp multi- faith society like American and Britian.
    - America has many different cultures and religions. what unifies them as Americans is civil religion.
    - civil religion include ceremonies such as pledge of alliance to the flag etc.
  2. also argues civil religion does not always include the belief in supernatural. for e.g Nazi Germany. the political ideology of nazims became civil religion uniting the German nation. he calls this functional alternative to religion- nonreligious practices which perform similar functions to religion.
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marxist view on role of religion
1. what is marxist view on role of religion?
2. what 3 roles of religion?
3. what is criticism? (2)

  1. Maintain capitalism and ruling class power
  2. Tool of ideological control = it distorts reality by encouraging the belief that people’s lives are determined by supernatural power. For e.g christians and muslims believe in predetermination = God has decided every aspect in their life and there is little they can do to change or improve their situation. For e.g they are poor because god made them poor so they can do little or nothing to change it. This maintains false class consciousness as it prevents revolution.

Legitimates the power e of the ruling class= by making the ruling class position divinely ordained ( God given). E.g in feudal England the king was seen as god’s representative on earth so they had to be obeyed. Therefore disobedience to the monarch is not illegal, it’s a sin.

Consoles the exploited = because w.c are exploited they feel alienated and They feel dehumanised and can not express themselves. They turn to religion as a way of expressing themselves. Marx says religion is “opium of the people”- it’s like a drug, lessening the pain of oppression by promising the rewards of afterlife. This prevents revolution as it creates an illusion of happiness that distracts them from true causes of their suffering.

criticism :
Marxist claim in communist society there would be no need for religion however in many communist societies people continued to be religious.

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femenist view on role of religion
1. what is femenisit view on role of religion?
2. what 3 roles of religion according to femenists.

What is radical femenist view?
- who are 2 sociologist and what do they say + criticism

what are religious femenist view on religion?
who are 3 sociologist and what do they say + no criticism

  1. argue religion is patrichal.
  2. Organisation = religion is led by men. Holm argued that most founders of religion were men for e.g Jesus christ and guru nanak. Religious leaders tend to be men and even women are allowed to be in leadership structures where their position tends to be subordinate to that of men.
    Criticism = protesentat church now allows female priests and bishops.
  3. Belief and doctrines = holm = beliefs of many religions imply that men are superior to women for e.g in islam, a man can divorce his wife by saying divorce 3 times a women can not do that. Also holy texts of most religions were written by men. Perhaps this is where stereotypes of women come from.
  4. Practice = holm= in many religions women can not participate fully in religious ceremonies e.g in islam and judaism women pray seperatly to the men. Also women are forbidden to enter places such as places of worship or touch sacred objects during menus or pregnancy because they are seen as unclean at these times.

Radical femenist: see family as patrichal institution existing for benefit of men
de beavouir= religion is used by men to control women. this because men exercise the control over religious beliefs e.g men wrote bible so male power is God given. also compensates for women for their low status by promsing the rewards of after life.

daly=religion is infused with patrichal ideology. for e.g it provides specific rules for women to follow. e.g how to dress

criticism = view are ethnocentric claims that muslim women say that wearing the hijab is liberating them. it liberates them from being objectived by men.

religious femenist view on religion:

el sadawi argues = religion itself is not patrichal and no direct cause of womens opression. it society that is patrichal and men use religion to justfiy their dominant position by reshaping religion to oppress women.

woodhead= women can use religion to gain freedom and respect in society. christian women can join churche group activities and support and share their experiences with other women.

busco=found pentcostalism in colombia empowers women within the home as it teaches men to respect women. women can use these teaching to influence men behaviour and stop “macho” behaviour towards women.

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