Mini topic 4: Gender and achievement Flashcards
give me 3 reason why girl achieve better than boys
- better literacy and communication skills
- increased in employment opportunities
- positive female role models
1.What are 3 external factors for girls success?
+ criticism for each external factor.
1.Impact of feminism
Feminists movement - improved the position of women in society. For e.g changes in the law like equal pay act and sex discrimination act. Encourages girls to gain qualifications
What did Mc Robbie study show?
Studied girls in magazines from 1970s and 1990s
1970s magazines =the importance of getting married
1990s magazine= strong independent women
Shows e.g of social change brought about by feminism
criticism for impact of feminism: reay= feminism has not affected all girls’/c girls have limited aspirations for careers as they face limited job opportunities as they see marriage and motherhood more achievable and source of status
2 Changes in the family
Increase in divorce = created a type of positive role model for girls. Financially independent women
To achieve this independence women need well paid jobs which need high qualifications
This encourages girls to remain in education
criticism for changes in family: New right= lone parent mother are negative role models as they dependent on benefits
- Increased in women’s employment opportunities
New employment laws have been introduced to establish equality between men and women at work
-equal pay act 1970
-sex discrimination act 1975
Increase in the number of working women due to the growth of the service sector which tends to employ women. This gives girls an incentive to get qualifications as there is employments opportunities
Criticism: Quaternary sector =replacing service sector as it prefers to employ men
What are 3 internal factors for girls success
+ criticism for each internal factor
- Positive role models at schools
Increase in female teachers and headteachers
These women in authority act as positive female role models to girls
Girls can see women can succeed which motivates them to gain qualifications
criticism : Most senior teachers like headteachers are boys yet boys still underachieve
- introduction to compulsory subjects
- Girls performance in gcse and coursework has sharply risen then boys
- mitsos and browne =due to the fact that girls are better organised and spend more time on their work
- This is because of gender socialisation= encourages girls to be neat and tidy
criticism: Elwood=Exams have more influence than final grade so coursework doesn’t have huge impact on girls achievement
- Challenging stereotypes in curriculum
Sexist images have been removed from textbooks
Weiner = teachers now challenge prejudice
Presents girls with positive images of women
criticism: Feminist would say education is still patriarchal e.g history lessons focus on men
Working class girls underachievement
- introduction why do they underachieve?
- who is sociologist and why does she say w.c girls underachieve?
- 3 reason why they underachieve?
- Not all girls do well.
- class is factor
- w.c girls underachieve but do better than w.c boys
- Archer et al argues that w.c girls underachieve because of conflict between the w/c femine identity and school values
- when w.c girls experience symbolic violence from their teachers they experience symbolic capital from their peers and this creates a sense of self femine identity by:
- adopting a hyper heterosexual femine identity - investing their time and effort into their appearances. This helps them achieve their status through their peers however it brings them into conflict with their school as they often break school rules such as makeup.
- having boyfriends- it distracts them from their studies and lower their aspirations - become focused on settling down and having children and lose their interest in going uni and developing careers.
- Being loud and outspoken for e.g questioning the teachers authority which leads to conflicts as teacher perceive the girls assertiveness as aggression.
- therefore they face a dilemma either gain respect from their peers or abandon their w.c femine identity and conform to schools in which case they will do well.
- either way they will have to give up something.
- some w.c girls cope with this by defining themselves as “good underneath” - teachers see and treat them as bad but they try to believe they are good to give them selves a sense of worth when schools make them feel worthless.
Boys underachievement
3 reason why boys underachieve
- boys are achieving but at slower rate
- age 6 boys are behind girls at reading and writing
- boys more likely to be excluded from school than girls.
boys underachieve
3 external factors why boys underachieve?
1.Literacy skills
Boys have poor literacy skills and language than girls
Most of the reading done at home is by mothers so activity becomes associated with femininity. Thus boys reject it.
2.Decline in traditional men jobs
Decline in industry which employ men such as iron and steel etc
Mitsos and browne = say this had led to crisis of masculinity
Lack of traditional jobs make boys believe they won’t get jobs so they give up on trying to get qualifications
Boys leisure pursuits such as football and console games do not contribute to developing literacy skills
Girls have bedroom culture-staying in and talking to friends this develop communication, listening and speaking skills
Boys underachievement
3 internal factors why they underachieve
1.feminsation of education
Sewell = schools do not encourage masculine characteristics instead they encourage traits associated with femininity such as methodical work and attentiveness
2.Laddish counter school subculture Epstein-high achieving working class boys =labelled as “swots” by their peers and tend to be harassed to homophobic abuse Francis=boys avoid being labelled “swots” because educational achievement is seems as femine so they do little or no school work and mess about in lessons
3.Lack of positive male role models
Large number of boys are brought up in lone parent families
16% of primary school teachers are males
criticism = most headteachers are males so boys do have a positive role model to look up to
formation of gender identities
3 ways schools help influence gender identities of its students
1.verbal abuse
paetcher = boys use name calling of girls and “effeminate” boys to maintain male power and reinforce gender norms.
parker = found that boys were called homophobic names simply for being freinds with girls regardless of their actual sexual orientation.
2.Double standards
lees= boys boasts about and exaggerates their sexual prowess. While girls who are seen as dressing provocatively are labelled “slags”.
3.Male gaze
Men look women up and down seeing themselves as sexual objects and judging them on their appearance
Mac and ghail see male gaze as a form of surveillance through which dominate hetrosexuality is enforced. it reinforces the boys masculinity by devaluing femeninty which helps keeps girls in place.
What are 3 factors that influence boys and girls choice of subjects to pick
- .Peer Pressure
Peer pressure can encourage or discourage students from taking certain subjects
paetcher E.g boys won’t choose drama, dance or music in fear of negative reaction from peers
Similarly girls tend not to choose sport
2..Gendered career opportunities
Most jobs as seen as women or men
Women’s job=caring and reflecting the activities of housewives - nursing etc
Affect subject choice as it gives students ideas about which jobs are suitable and acceptable for which sex
3.Gendered subject images
Different subjects are seen either as boys or girls subjects
kelly= science seen as boy subject, teachers tend to be men, textbook use examples which appeal to be masculine gender domains
colley = comp science is seen as a boys subject as it involves working with machines