Mini topic 1 : class and achievment Flashcards
External and internal factors
What is 3 external factors?
- material dep
- cultural dep
- cultural capital
What is material deprivation ?
what 3 things does it include?
- living in poverty
- includes - Housing
- Finance
- Health
Material deprivation : Housing
what are 3 issues with housing?
- overcrowding living conditions
- no study space
- tiredness due to lack of sleep from sharing beds - temporary accommodation
- moving home = changes of school
-feeling insecure = low self esteem - cold and damp living conditions
-illness = absence of school
- catch up with work missed = lack of understanding
Material deprivation: Health
what are 2 issues regarding health?
for both issues there are 2 sociologist!
- ill health : Howard
- poorer families have lower intake in vitamins and minerals this affects their energy levels and they have lower performance at school
- ill health causes frequent absence from school - Emotional problems = Wilkinson
- lower social class 10yr olds have hyperactivity, anxiety and behavioural disorders and this leads to exclusion.
Material deprivation: Finance
what are 2 issues with finance
- 3 sociologist for this one
- lack of money = no money for books, pc and uniform
Tanner- poor families cant afford this
bull - cost of free schooling - free school meals - Flaherty.
- many children are entitled to free school meals but do not take it as they are afraid they are going to be stigmatised by their peers.
evaluation for material deprivation
2 things
- new labour government between 1997-2010
- introduced policies to reduce poverty
- 3,000 sure starts were open in the uk
- this provided : education, care and health services. - gov created EMA - financial support those in post 16 education
what is cultural deprivation?
what is 3 things does it include?
- lack of values, skills and attitudes needed for educational success
1) language
2) parent education and style
3) working class subculture
cultural deprivation: Language
2 sociologist
Hubbs Tait et al: when parents use language that is challenging it improves children cognitive ability
Bernstein: two speech code - restricted and elaborated
restricted - w/c= limited vocab
elaborated - m/c = wide vocab
- elaborated code is used by teachers, textbooks and in exams so m.c children benefit and w.c children lose out therefore underachieve
cultural deprivation: Parent education and style
2 sociologist
parent education: Douglas
- w.c parents do not care about children’s education and less ambitious for children education and have infrequent visits in schools.
use of income - Bernstein and young
m.c parents have income needed for educational toys and activities. this helps develop children’s intellect.
cultural deprivation: working class subculture
what is w.c subculture?
1 sociologist
w.c subculture = different values to mainstream values
- Barry Sugarman
- 4 key factors that affect educational achievement
- fatalism - belief in fate ( it is what it is)
2.collectivism - family and friends are more important than your own success - immediate gratification - seeking rewards rather than long term rewards
- present time orientation - living for today
evaluation for cultural deprivation
Keddie = cultural deprivation is a myth
- because children are culturally different rather than deprived
- sure start
Bernstein can be criticised because he implies restricted code is inferior to elaborated code.
what is cultural capital?
what is two types of cultural capital?
knowledge, values and attitudes held by m.c
1. economic
2. education
cultural capital : economic
what is economic capital?
1 sociologist
cultural capital : education
what is education capital?
- economic capital is material wealth
- leech and campos argue m.c children are able to buy houses near good schools to increase their chances of their child getting in.
- called selection by mortgage. - educational capital = educational qualifications
m.c children have it and they help their children with their homework
What are 4 internal factors?
- labelling
- marketisation of education
- setting, streaming and subcultures
- class identities.
internal factor : labelling and self fulfilling prophecy
what is labelling?
- who is the sociologist? + criticism
- how does labelling affect w.c?
- what is self fulfilling prophecy?
- who is the sociologist?
- how does self fulfilling affect w.c?
labelling : attaching meaning to indivuals and groups this can be stereotype about persons social class, gender and ethnicity.
w.c children are label negatively and m.c children are labelled positively
- Becker:
- interviewed 60 high school Chicago teachers
- found teachers have an ideal pupil
-m.c are closest of being ideal pupil. w.c were bad behaved and were further from being an ideal pupil
criticism: hempel Jorgensen teachers do not always link it to class and background. for e.g in w.c schools there were a lot of behavioural problems and quiet students were seen as ideal students.
- deterministic - think children will act up on it
self fulfilling prophecy = prediction that becomes true because it was made.
Rosenthal and Jacobson
- they went to study labelling and self fulfilling prophecy in a Californian school
- they did a covert study told teachers they had a test which would identify “spurters” but it was a normal standardised test.
- they chose 20 students at random and said these children are spurters and a year later they returned to find that those “spurters” made 47% progress.
- shows self fulfilling prophecy can lead to underachievement because if a teacher label the student negatively they would act upon it and w.c children get labelled negatively.
internal factor: streaming
what is streaming?
how does streaming affect w.c?
who is sociologist?
streaming - placing students in class by ability then teaching each class separately from the others in all subjects. so e.g in set 1 for maths your in set 1 for English as well.
- w.c children are often placed in lower streams resulting in self fulfilling prophecy when they notice their teachers low expectation of them. in contrast m.c students benefit from streaming as develop positive self image and gain motivation because of teachers expectations.
- Gillborn and youdell - a-c economy shows teachers ability to label to stream students. found teachers are less likely to see w.c students as having ability therefore place them in the lower streams.
- argue a-c economy has created educational triage were pupils that are labelled by ability are given support accordingly.
( educational triage:
1. those who will pass will be left to get on with it
2.those with potential will be given help
3.those who are hopeless will be left alone.
- m.c children will do well because they are given help
-w.c children will be left alone as they are seen as “helpless cases”)
Marketisation of education
1.what is marketisation of education?
2.what does this policy do?
3. what are the 4 policies they introduced?
4. what are 2 issues of these policies?
- running schools like business on principle of free market economy
- -increase competition between schools
-give parents a choice
- schools regulated through Ofsted and league tables
1. open enrolment = parents can send they kids to any school
2.formula funding = schools get money from the government per student (3k) more students more money
3. exam and league tables =shows students who get top grades. more students more money
4. Ofsted =provide info for parents
class identities
what is class identities?
what is habitus?
what are habitus in schools?
who is affected by habitus?+ how do they go about it ?
-pupils form class identities outside of school and this can interact with school values as it can produce educational success or failure.
- habitus refers to learned, being and acting that are shared with a particular class in response to their position in class structure
- schools have middle class habitus which means m.c children who have been socialised into middle class habitus gain symbolic capital ( status/worth)
- w.c children do not fit in the habitus therefore do not do well at school because they cant interact with middle class values.
- w.c children have to find other ways of creating self worth so they turn to their appearance as a way of defining themselves.
- e.g wearing branded clothing such as “Nike” and girls adopt a hyper heterosexual femine style.