Reprod 2: Female reprod Flashcards
how many oogonia are you born with
what happens to the oogonia during puberty
when does the first meiotic division of oocyte occur
when does the second meiotic division of ooctyes occur
do all oocytes complete fertilzation
female process of oogenesis
how many secondary oocytes are produced from one oogonium
is oogenesis limited or unlimited
how many oocytes per ovary
what happens to follicles before, and during puberty
what are granulosa cells
what are theca cells
the menstrual cycle is made up of which two cycles
what are the 2 phases of the ovarian cycle
what are the three phases of the uterine cycle
during which phase us the endometrium the thickest
what happens during the follicular phases (pathway)
follicular phase (6 steps)
What happens to the follicular cells with an LH surge
what does collagenase do
what does progesterone do to the follicle
what is the fimbria and what does it do
what happens during the luteal phase
what happens to the corpus luteum if fertilzation occurs
what happens to the corpus luteum if fertilization does not occur
what cells turn into luteal cells
what is corpus albicans
what is the endometrium
what happens during menses
what happens during the proliferative phase
what happens during the secretory phase
ovulation occurs at the end of which phase
estrogen and progesterone during menses are:
estrogen during proliferative is:
progesterone during proliferative is:
estrogen in early luteal:
Progesterone in early luteal:
Estrogen in late luteal
Progesterone in late luteal
when does estrogen peak
when does progesterone peak
what is the primary goal of the early to mid follicular phase
what is LH stimulating duirng the early-mid fol phase? Why?
What does FSH do during early - mid fol phase?
why does granulose secrete AMH in early/mid fol phase?
what effect does esteerogen have on granulosa cells during early/mid fol
what does estrogen do to the hypo and pit during early/mid fol? what does this subsequently do to FSH and LH
what follicle is present?
what do fol cells secrete?
what does inhibin do?
LATE FOL AND OVULATION: what does progesterone do?
LATE FOL AND OVULATION: what does esterogen do?
LATE FOL AND OVULATION: how is the LH surge caused?
LATE FOL AND OVULATION: what hormones are at their peak?
LATE FOL AND OVULATION: what hormones are climbing
early to mid luteal: what’s the goal?
early to mid luteal: whats influencing the corpus luteam to rlease estrogen, progesteron and inhibin
early to mid luteal: what to prog and est do to GnRH
late luteal: What’s the goal?
late luteal: increased FSH is leading to
late luteal: if unfertilized what happens to prog and est
late luteal: since prog and est are lowered what happens to the GnRH feedback loop
How do LH in the theca cells and FSH in the granulosa cells create estrogen
what does estrogen do to female sex tissues
what does estrogen do to GnRH , LH, and FSH
what does estrogen do to your secondary sex characteristics
what does estrogen do to fat depositis
what do adrenal androgens do in females
when does the chance of a successful pregnancy decrease for women
why does pregnancy become more risky after 33 y/o
what happens to the ovaries in menopause
What happens between LH and FSH and est and prog during menopause