Repro: Female Manual Flashcards
Anterior boundary of the vulva
Mons pubis
Is the collective term for the female external genital organs that are visible in the perineal area. It is covered entirely by cornified stratified squamous epithelium.
Posterior boundary of the vulva
Lateral boundary of the vulva
Both genitocrural fold
Is the prominent area that becomes hairy after puberty. It is superior and anterior to the ___________.
Mons pubis. Symphysis pubis.
In women, it is usually triangular while most male have diamond pattern.
Escutcheon/hair pattern
Are two large cutaneous folds of adipose and fibrous tissue each of which measure approximately ______ in length and ______ in width.
Labia majora. 7-8cms. 2-3cms.
The __________ surface of the labia majora is pigmented and covered with hair follicles while the _______ surface lack hair follicles but has many sebaceous glands.
Outer convex. Inner convex.
The labia majora are homologous to the ______ and usually undergo atrophy after menopause.
Other name for vulva
Are two small pinkish to reddish cutaneous folds between the labia majora and the vaginal orifice. They divide anteriorly at the _____ to form the ______ superiorly and the ________ inferiorly. It is composed of dense connective tissue with erectile tissue and elastic fibers.
Labia minora. Clitoris. Prepuce. Frenulum.
Other name for labia minora
In labia minora, the skin is less ______ with many sebaceous glands but lacking hair follicle and ________.
Keratinized. Eccrine.
The labia minora is homologous to the __________ and part of the skin of the penis in males.
Penile urethra
Is a thin membrane at the entrance of the vagina. It is covered by stratified squamous epithelium on both surfaces and consists of fibrous tissue with few small blood vessels.
The remnants of the hymen in adult women that presents as small tags or nodules after the first coitus are called
Carunculae myrtiformes
Is a short cylindrical erectile organ at the superior portion of the vestibule. It measures approximately ________ in length and less than ____ in diameter. Usually only ______ is visible while the body is beneath the skin surface.
Clitoris. 1.5-2cms. 1cm. Glans.
The clitoris is composed of _______ which attach the periosteum of the symphysis pubis. The body has two cylindrical _______ that function as erectile tissue.
Two crura. Corpus cavernosa.
Is the distal one third of the clitoris which is a highly sensitive part due to its numerous ending.
The clitoris is homologous to the ______ in male.
Is the cleft between the labia minora that is visualized when the labia are held apart. It extends from the clitoris to the posterior ______.
Vestibule. Fourchette.
The structures that open to the vestibule are the
Ducts of Bartholin’s gland, External urethral meatus & Vaginal orifice “DUV”
The mucosa of the proximal 2/3 is composed of stratified squamous epithelium while the distal 1/3 is composed of stratified squamous epithelium. The mucosal edge of the orifice appears everted.
Are branched tubular glands adjacent to the distal urethra. Its duct runs parallel to the long axis of the urethra approximately ___cm before opening into the distal urethra.
Paraurethral gland/Skene’s gland. 1cm.
The skene’s glands are homologous to the ______ in male.
Measurement of female urethra
Are vulvovaginal glands that are located at about 4 and 8’ oclock of the posterolateral aspect of the vaginal orifice. The duct of each gland is lined by transitional epithelium and opens into the groove between the hymen and labia minora.
Bartholin’s gland
Bartholin’s glands are homologous to the ________ in male.
Cowper’s gland
Are two erectile tissues on either sides of the vaginal orifice. Its distal end is adjacent to the Bartholin’s glands.
Vestibular bulbs
Vestibular bulbs are homologous to the ___________ in male.
Bulb of the penis
Anterior to the female pelvic cavity
Urinary bladder & Internal genitalia
Posterior to the female pelvic cavity
Refers to the uterine tubes, ligaments of the uterus & ovaries (adjacent parts)
Peritoneum passes the anterior _______ superior to the pubis.
Abdominal wall
Peritoneum covers the superior surface of the
Urinary bladder
Peritoneum passes from the superior surface of the urinary bladder to the uterus where it forms the
Vesicouterine pouch
Peritoneum covers the fundus and body of the _____ and contacts the posterior part of the _________.
Uterus. Vaginal fornix.
Peritoneum forms the ________ between the uterus and the rectum.m
Rectouterine pouch
Peritoneum covers the anterior surface and sides of the
Peritoneum forms the sigmoid mesocolon beginning at the level of the 3rd sacral vertebra. Laterally, a _______ is apparent on each side of the urinary bladder. Further posteriorly, a _______ is apparent on each side of the rectum.
Paravesical fossa. Pararectal fossa.m
A muscular tube extends from the vulva inferiorly towards the uterus superiorly. Female copulatory organ.
Vaginal measurement in length
The upper half of the vagina lies in above the
Pelvic floor
The lower half of the vagina lies in the
A space between the surface of the cervix and the vaginal wall is called
Vaginal fornix
Four parts of the vaginal fornix
Anterior, Lateral (2) & Posterior
The anterior vaginal wall is _______ than the posterior vaginal wall.
The posterior wall of the vagina is in contact with the peritoneum that lines the
Rectouterine pouch
The uterus is tilted approximately ____ anterior to the axis of the vagina. It must be _______.
90’. Anteverted.
Three blood supply of the vagina
Uterine artery, Middle hemorrhoidal artery & Internal pudendal artery “UMI”
Is a thick-walled hollow muscular organ located at the center of the true pelvis. It has a configuration of an inverted pear.
The dome shaped tap of the uterus is called
Is the part of the uterus between the fundus and the cervix
The narrow lower segment of the uterus just above the cervix is the
Is a thick walled portion of the uterus that protrudes into the vaginal canal
Length, width, thickness and weight of Nulliparous uterus
8cm, 5cm, 2.5cm & 40-50 grams
Length, width, thickness and weight of Multiparous uterus
1-2cm larger & 20-30grams heavier
It is triangular in a coronal section.
Uterine cavity
The uterine mucosa is called
The endometrium may be divided into
Inner stratum basale & Outer stratum functionale
The one that only responds to fluctuating hormonal levels.
Stratum functionale
The thick muscular wall of the uterus is called
The peritoneal covering on the surface of the uterus is called
The tissue within the broad ligament near the uterus is called
The blood supply of the uterus is provided by the _______, which are branches of the _______, and the _______, which originated from the ______.
Uterine arteries. Hypogastric arteries. Ovarian arteries. Aorta.
Connect the cornua of the uterine cavity with the peritoneum. It is contained in the free edge of the superior portion of the broad ligament.
Fallopian/Uterine tubes and Oviducts
Length of the Oviduct
Diameter of the fallopian tube
Less than 1cm
Part of the oviduct which is surrounded by myometrium
Intramural/Interstitial segment
Length of Intramural segment
Is a narrow segment of oviducts.
Length of Isthmus
Is a wide tortuous segment where fertilization normally occurs.
Length of ampulla
Is the distal trumpet-shaped portion of the oviducts
The ostia of the oviduct are surrounded by finger-like structures called
The largest fimbrae is attached to the ovary called
Fimbra ovarica
The medial 2/3 of each tube is supplied by the _______ & the distal 1/3 is supplied by the _______.
Uterine. Ovarian.
Are almond shaped organ that is lightly gray in color.
Weight of the ovary during reproductive years
Diameter of the ovaries
The ovarian vessels, passes through the ___________ of the ovary, enter the tubal extremity of the ovary.
Suspensory ligament
The ovarian ligament proper is attached to the
Uterine extremity
A shallow depression in the lateral pelvic wall bounded by the ureter, external iliac vein and uterine tube. Ovary sits here.
Ovarian fossa
Is a thin muscular layer that forms the inferior border of the abdominopelvic cavity.
Pelvic diaphragm
The primary muscles of the pelvic diaphragm are the
Levator ani
Levator ani is composed of
Coccygeus, Pubococcygeus, Iliococcygeus & Puborectalis “CPIP”
Also known as the triangular ligament, is a strong muscular membrane that stretches across the triangular anterior portion of the pelvic outlet. It is external and inferior to the pelvic diaphragm.
Urogenital diaphragm
To support the urethra and maintenance of the urethrovesical junction
Urogenital diaphragm
Has a superficial fatty layer and a deep membranous layer
Superficial perineal fascia
In female, this provides the shape of the labia majora and is continuous with the fat of the lower abdominal wall, ischioanal fossa and thigh.
Superficial fatty layer
Is continuous with the membranous layer of the lower abdominal wall (Scarpa’s fascia)
Colles fascia
Lateral to the labium minus, covers the superficial surface of the bulb of the vestibule.
Bulbospongious muscle
The posterior attachment of the bulbospongiosus muscle is the
Perineal body
The anterior attachment of the bulbospongiosus muscle is the
Corpus cavernosum clitoris
Covers the superficial surface of the crus of the clitoris.
Ischiocavernous muscle
The proximal attachments of the ischiocavernous muscle are the
Ischial tuberosity and ischiopubic ramus
The distal attachment of the ischiocavernous muscle are the
Crus of the clitoris
Forces blood from the crus of the clitoris into the distal part of the corpus cavernosum clitoris.
Ischiocavernous muscle
The lateral attachment of the superficial transverse perineal muscle is the
Ischial tuberosity & Ischiopubic ramus
The medial attachment of the superficial transverse perineal muscle is the
Perineal body
Helps to support the perineal body
Superficial transverse perineal muscle
Is a fibromuscular mass located between the anal canal and the posterior edge of the perineal membrane which serves as an attachment for several muscles.
Perineal body
Lie superior (deep) to the perineal membrane
Deep perineal pouch
Are thin, mesenteric-like double reflection peritoneum stretching from the lateral pelvic sidewalls to the uterus and are contiguous with the uterine serosa. Offers minor support to the uterus.
Broad ligament
Three parts of the broad ligament
Mesometrium, mesosalpinx & mesovarium.m
Supports uterine tube
Attaches the ovary to the posterior aspect of the broad ligament
Part of broad ligament that is below the attachment of the mesovarium
The tissue enclosed between the two layers of the broad ligament
Are composed of fibrous tissue and muscle fibers. It passes through the superficial inguinal ring and descends into the fat that forms the labia majora in a fan like fashion.
Round ligament
In fetus, a small finger-like projection of the peritoneum accompanies the round ligament into the inguinal canal and is called
Canal of Nuck
Is a fibrous cord within the broad ligament that connects the ovary to the uterus.
Ovarian ligament
Is a peritoneal fold that covers the ovarian vessels. This extends into the greater pelvis from the superior aspect of the ovary.
Suspensory ligament of the ovary
Extends from the lateral aspects of the superior part of the cervix and the vagina to the pelvic walls. It forms the base of the broad ligament. It helps maintain the anatomic position of the cervix and upper part of the vagina and provides the major support of the uterus and cervix.
Cardinal ligament
Other name for cardinal ligament
Makenrodt’s ligament/Transverse cervical ligament
Extend from the upper part of the cervix posteriorly to the third sacral vertebra. It serves as a minor support of the cervix.
Uterosacral ligament/Sacrogenital ligament
Extends from the pubis
Pubocervical/vesical ligament