Repro: Breast Flashcards
Accessory organs of female reproductive system. Secretes milk for infant(lactation)
Mammary glands
Found at the anterior surface of the thorax, overlying pectoral muscles. Extend towards the axilla forming axillary _________. Well developed in _______ & Rudimentary in _______.
Breast. Axillary tail. Female. Male.
Breast grows during _______ (___-___ years of age)
Puberty. 12-15.
Areola enlarge. Each _______ is drained by Lactiferous ducts which opens to the _______.
Lobule. Nipple.
Give rise to buds that form _______ lobules of glandular tissue.
Lactiferous ducts. 15-20.
Each duct has a dilated portion called _________ where milk accumulates during lactation.
Lactiferous sinus
The bulk of the breast tissue is _________ interspersed with connective tissue.
Adipose tissue
Breast ducts comprise only _____ of the breast mass. Lobes, ducts & lymph nodes.
Breast has no _________. These are only seen underneath the breasts separating them from the ribs.
Muscle tissue
Each breast has ____ sections (______) arranged like the petals of daisy.
8-10. Lobes.
Inside each lobule are many smaller structures called
At the end of each lobule are tiny sacs (_______) that can produce milk.
Lobes, lobules and bulbs, are linked by a network of thin tubes known as
Ducts carry milk from bulbs toward dark area of skin in the center of the breast known as
Ducts join together into larger ducts ending at the _______, where milk is delivered.
What happens during birth, 2 years & after puberty in the development of the breast ductal tree
What happens after pregnancy in the development of the breast ductal tree
Proliferation & Differentiation
Amount of ____ surr the glandular tissue determines size of breast.
_______ contain numerous sebaceous (_______) glands, which enlarge during pregnancy & secrete oily substance that provides a protective lubricant for the areola and nipple. Variable in size & color.
Areola. Montgomery.
Areola is light colored in
Nulliparous women
Areola darkens to brown during
First pregancy
Conical or cylindrical prominences. Located at the center of areola. No fat. Located at the level of _______ (nulliparous) position varies.
Fissured and contains openings of lactiferous ducts
Tip of nipples
Nipples is composed of __________ fibers that compress the lactiferous ducts and erect the nipples when they contract.
Circular smooth muscle
No capsule or sheath. Lies in superficial fascia. Separated from pectoral muscles by _______.
Mammary gland. Deep fascia.
Between the breast and deep fascia. Area of _________. Little fat. Allows breast to move freely. Where silicone is inserted for augmentation.
Retromammary space. Loose Connective Tissue.
In mammary gland, each septum is called as
Suspensory Ligament of Cooper
Flow of mammary gland to the exterior
Lobule->Lactiferous duct->Lactiferous sinus->Nipple
An extension of the tissue of the breast that extends into the axilla
Tail of Spence
Attaches mammary gland to skin of the breast. Fibrous band. Supports the breast. Run between the skin and deep fascia.
Cooper’s Ligament
Arterial supply of the breast
Lateral thoracic artery, Intercostal artery, Internal thoracic branches & Thoracoacromial artery “LIIT”
Branches of axillary artery
Lateral thoracic artery & Thoracoacromial artery “LT”
Venous drainage of the breast
Internal thoracic vein, Lateral thoracic vein & Intercostal vein
Nerve supply of the breast
T2-T6 via Lateral and Anterior Cutaneous Nerves
Lymphatic drainage: Initially _________, lymph vessels accompany the ducts towards the nipple. Then from the nipple _______.
Centri-petal. Centri-fugal.
Subareolar network drains into the
Pectoral, Parasternal & Interpectoral nodes “PIP”
Accessory vessels to
Substernal nodes
Lymph from the breast travels to: ________ axillary ______ 75% parasternal nodes, interpectoral to the the breast abdominal lymph nodes.m
Ipsilateral. Lymph nodes.
The axillary nodes include
Pectoral, Lateral & Subcapsular “PLS”
Axillary nodes drain into the ______ axillary lymph nodes then to the _______ axillary lymph nodes.
Central. Apical.
The lymphatic drainage of the breasts is particularly relevant to oncology since _________ is a common cancer and cancer cells can break away from a tumour and spreads to other parts of the body the lymph system by __________.
Breast cancer. Metastasis.
Located at the axilla. Regions drained are the upper limb, most of the mammary gland, some of the anterolateral chest wall, posterior thoracic wall and scapular region.
Axillary nodes
Axillary nodes number from ______ and are organized in five groups based on their position with the axilla.
Axillary nodes: along the lateral border of the pectoralis major muscle
Pectoral nodes
Axillary nodes: located along the distal axillary
Lateral nodes
Axillary nodes: centrally located along the axillary
Central nodes
Axillary nodes: located along the subcapsular vein and its tributaries
Subscapular nodes
Axillary nodes: located at the apex of axilla
Apical nodes
Located at the lateral border of the sternum, along the course of the internal thoracic vessels. Regions drained are the medial part of the anterior chest wall and muscles.
Parasternal nodes
An important group of nodes to examine during a breast physical exam; also known as _________.
Pectoral nodes. Anterior axillary nodes.
Constitute an important drainage pattern in cases of cancer of the mammary gland. One or two PN may be found on in the anterior end of intercostal spaces. Also known as ______.
Parasternal nodes. Sternal nodes.
Located along the lateral border of the pectorals major muscle along the course of the lateral thoracic vessels. Anterolateral thoracic wall and muscles; most of the mammary gland.
Pectoral nodes
Refers to any cancer
80% of Breast cancer
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
Breast imaging
Mammogram, Ultrasound & MRI
Changes in breast during puberty: ________ branch more. More ____ deposition.
Lactiferous ducts. Fat.
Changes in breast during menstruation: increase due to
Increase FSH & LH
Changes in breast during pregnancy: increase size due to formation of new glands, _______ (milk-secreting cells), in grapelike cluster. Milk secreted _________.
Alveoli. After pregnancy.
Changes in breast during menopause: small and _______. Decrease in _____ & _____.
Wrinkled. Glands and Fat.
In puberty, as the body begins to produce ______, glandular tissue grows and the breasts begin to take in shape. _______ becomes elastic, allowing fat tissue to accumulate. Once the woman begins to ovulate, ________ triggers the remaining development of the breast.
Estrogen. Fibrous tissue. Progesterone.
Around menstruation, hormonal changes that are part of the menstrual cycle have marked effects on breast ______ and ______. For example, just before menstruation begins, duct gland grow and tissue retain fluid, causing the breast to ______ and become ______.
Size & firmness. Swell. Tender.
During pregnancy, as the body prepares for birth the mammary glands and ducts _____ & _____. After delivery, the mammary glands begin ________.
Grow & swell. Milk production.
During and after menstruation, the onset of menopause causes the loss of mammary glands, which the body replaces with fat tissue, making the breast ________. The appearance and function of the breasts are controlled by the changes in ______. Specific changes occur at certain times in a woman’s life.
Less firm. Hormones.
Consists of adipose and fibrous tissue, is inseparably intermingled with epithelial parenchyma.