Renal - First Aid Flashcards
Kidney Embryology:
- week 4
- then degenerates

Kidney Embryology:
- functions as interim kidney for 1st trimester
- later contributes to male genital system

Kidney Embryology:
- permanent
- first appears in 5th week of gestation
- nephrogenesis continues through weeks 32–36 of gestation
- aberrant interaction between ureteric bud and metanephric mesenchyme tissues may result in several congenital malformations of the kidney (eg. renal agenesis, multicystic dysplastic kidney)

Kidney Embryology:
- derived from caudal end of mesonephric duct
- gives rise to ureter, pelvises, calyces, and collecting ducts
- fully canalized by 10th week
Ureteric Bud

Kidney Embryology:
- metanephric blastema
- ureteric bud interacts with this tissue
- interaction induces differentiation and formation of glomerulus through to distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
Metanephric Mesenchyme

Kidney Embryology:
last to canalize → most common site of obstruction (can be detected on prenatal ultrasound as hydronephrosis)
Ureteropelvic Junction
Renal Congenital Anomalies:
- oligohydramnios → compression of developing fetus → limb deformities, facial anomalies (eg. low-set ears and retrognathia, flattened nose), compression of chest and lack of amniotic fluid aspiration into fetal lungs → pulmonary hypoplasia (cause of death)
- causes include ARPKD, obstructive uropathy (eg. posterior urethral valves), bilateral renal agenesis, chronic placental insufficiency
Potter Sequence (Syndrome)
POTTER sequence is associated with:
- Pulmonary hypoplasia
- Oligohydramnios (trigger)
- Twisted face
- Twisted skin
- Extremity defects
- Renal failure (in utero)
Renal Congenital Anomalies:
- inferior poles of both kidneys fuse abnormally
- as they ascend from pelvis during fetal development, the kidneys get trapped under inferior mesenteric artery and remain low in the abdomen
- kidneys function normally
- associated with hydronephrosis (eg. ureteropelvic junction obstruction), renal stones, infection, chromosomal aneuploidy syndromes (eg. Turner syndrome; trisomies 13, 18, 21), and rarely renal cancer
Horseshoe Kidney

Renal Congenital Anomalies:
- condition of being born with only one functioning kidney
- majority asymptomatic with compensatory hypertrophy of contralateral kidney, but anomalies in contralateral kidney are common
- often diagnosed prenatally via ultrasound
Congenital Solitary Functioning Kidney
Congenital Solitary Functioning Kidney:
ureteric bud fails to develop and induce differentiation of metanephric mesenchyme → complete absence of kidney and ureter
Unilateral Renal Agenesis
Congenital Solitary Functioning Kidney:
- ureteric bud fails to induce differentiation of metanephric mesenchyme → nonfunctional kidney consisting of cysts and connective tissue
- predominantly nonhereditary and usually unilateral
- bilateral leads to Potter sequence
Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney
Renal Congenital Anomalies:
- bifurcation of ureteric bud before it enters the metanephric blastema creates a Y-shaped bifid ureter
- duplex collecting system can alternatively occur through two ureteric buds reaching and interacting with metanephric blastema
- strongly associated with vesicoureteral reflux and/or ureteral obstruction
- ↑ risk for UTIs
Duplex Collecting System
Renal Congenital Anomalies:
- membrane remnant in the posterior urethra in males
- its persistence can lead to urethral obstruction
- can be diagnosed prenatally by hydronephrosis and dilated or thick-walled bladder on ultrasound
- most common cause of bladder outlet obstruction in male infants
Posterior Urethral Valves
Kidney Anatomy and Glomerular Structure
- Left kidney is taken during donor transplantation because it has a longer renal vein.
- Afferent = Arriving
- Efferent = Exiting
- Renal Blood Blow: renal artery → segmental artery → interlobar artery → arcuate artery → interlobular artery → afferent arteriole → glomerulus → efferent arteriole → vasa recta/peritubular capillaries → venous outflow

Course of Ureters
- Course of Ureters: arises from renal pelvis, travels under gonadal arteries → over common iliac artery → under uterine artery/vas deferens (retroperitoneal)
- Gynecologic procedures (eg. ligation of uterine or ovarian vessels) may damage ureter → ureteral obstruction or leak.
- Muscle fibers within the intramural part of the ureter prevent urine reflux.
3 Constrictions of Ureters:
- Ureteropelvic Junction
- Pelvic Inlet
- Ureterovesical Junction
- Water (ureters) flows over the iliacs and under the bridge (uterine artery or vas deferens).

Fluid Compartments
- HIKIN’: HIgh K+ INtracellularly
60–40–20 rule (% of body weight for average person):
- 60% total body water
- 40% ICF, mainly composed of K+, Mg2+, organic phosphates (eg. ATP)
- 20% ECF, mainly composed of Na+, Cl–, HCO3–, albumin
- Plasma volume can be measured by radiolabeling albumin.
- Extracellular volume can be measured by inulin or mannitol.
- Osmolality = 285–295 mOsm/kg H2O

Glomerular Filtration Barrier
- Responsible for filtration of plasma according to size and charge selectivity.
- Composed of:
- fenestrated capillary endothelium
- basement membrane with type IV collagen chains and heparan sulfate
- epithelial layer consisting of podocyte foot processes
- Charge Barrier
- all 3 layers contain ⊝ charged glycoproteins that prevent entry of ⊝ charged molecules (eg. albumin)
- Size Barrier
- fenestrated capillary endothelium (prevent entry of > 100 nm molecules/blood cells)
- podocyte foot processes interpose with basement membrane
- slit diaphragm (prevent entry of molecules > 50–60 nm)
Renal Clearance
Cx = (UxV)/Px = volume of plasma from which the substance is completely cleared per unit time
- If Cx < GFR: net tubular reabsorption of X
- If Cx > GFR: net tubular secretion of X
- If Cx = GFR: no net secretion or reabsorption
Cx = clearance of X (mL/min) Ux = urine concentration of X (eg, mg/mL) Px = plasma concentration of X (eg, mg/mL) V = urine flow rate (mL/min)
Glomerular Filtration Rate
- Inulin clearance can be used to calculate GFR because it is freely filtered and is neither reabsorbed nor secreted.
- GFR = Uinulin × V/Pinulin = Cinulin = Kf [(PGC – PBS) – (πGC – πBS)]
- GC = glomerular capillary
- BS = Bowman space
- πBS normally equals zero
- Kf = filtration coefficient
- Normal GFR ≈ 100 mL/min.
- Creatinine clearance is an approximate measure of GFR. Slightly overestimates GFR because creatinine is moderately secreted by renal tubules.
- Incremental reductions in GFR define the stages of chronic kidney disease.

Effective Renal Plasma Flow
- Effective renal plasma flow (eRPF) can be estimated using para-aminohippuric acid (PAH) clearance.
- Between filtration and secretion, there is nearly 100% excretion of all PAH that enters the kidney.
- Renal Blood Flow (RBF) = RPF/(1 − Hct)—usually 20–25% of cardiac output
- Plasma Volume = TBV × (1 – Hct)
- eRPF underestimates true renal plasma flow (RPF) slightly.
- Filtration Fraction (FF) = GFR/RPF
- Normal FF = 20%
- Filtered Load (mg/min) = GFR (mL/min) × plasma concentration (mg/mL)
- GFR can be estimated with creatinine clearance.
- RPF is best estimated with PAH clearance.
- Prostaglandins Dilate Afferent arteriole (PDA)
- Angiotensin II Constricts Efferent arteriole (ACE)

Changes in Glomerular Dynamics

Calculation of Reabsorption and Secretion Rate
- Filtered Load = GFR × Px
- Excretion Rate = V × Ux
- Reabsorption Rate = filtered – excreted
- Secretion Rate = excreted – filtered
- FeNa = fractional excretion of sodium

Glucose Clearance
- Glucose at a normal plasma level (range 60–120 mg/dL) is completely reabsorbed in proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) by Na+/glucose cotransport.
- In adults, at plasma glucose of ∼ 200 mg/dL, glucosuria begins (threshold).
- At rate of ∼ 375 mg/min, all transporters are fully saturated (Tm).
- Normal pregnancy is associated with ↑ GFR.
- With ↑ filtration of all substances, including glucose, the glucose threshold occurs at lower plasma glucose concentrations → glucosuria at normal plasma glucose levels.
- Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors (eg. -flozin drugs) result in glucosuria at plasma concentrations < 200 mg/dL.
- Glucosuria is an important clinical clue to diabetes mellitus.
- Splay Phenomenon
- Tm for glucose is reached gradually rather than sharply due to the heterogeneity of nephrons (ie. different Tm points)
- represented by the portion of the titration curve between threshold and Tm

Nephron Physiology:
Proximal Convoluted Tubule
- contains brush border
- reabsorbs all glucose and amino acids and most HCO3–, Na+, Cl–, PO43–, K+, H2O, and uric acid
- isotonic absorption
- generates and secretes NH3, which enables the kidney to secrete more H+
- PTH—inhibits Na+/PO43– cotransport → PO43– excretion
- AT II—stimulates Na+/H+ exchange → ↑ Na+, H2O, and HCO3− reabsorption (permitting contraction alkalosis)
- 65–80% Na+ reabsorbed

Nephron Physiology:
Loop of Henle
Thin Descending Loop of Henle
- passively reabsorbs H2O
- via medullary hypertonicity (impermeable to Na+)
- concentrating segment
- makes urine hypertonic
Thick Ascending Loop of Henle
- reabsorbs Na+, K+, and Cl−
- indirectly induces paracellular reabsorption of Mg2+ and Ca2+ through ⊕ lumen potential generated by K+ backleak
- impermeable to H2O
- makes urine less concentrated as it ascends
- 10–20% Na+ reabsorbed

Nephron Physiology:
Distal Convoluted Tubule
- reabsorbs Na+ and Cl−
- impermeable to H2O
- makes urine fully dilute (hypotonic)
- PTH— ↑ Ca2+/Na+ exchange → Ca2+ reabsorption
- 5–10% Na+ reabsorbed

Nephron Physiology:
Collecting Tubule
- reabsorbs Na+ in exchange for secreting K+ and H+ (regulated by aldosterone)
- Aldosterone
- acts on mineralocorticoid receptor → mRNA → protein synthesis
- In principal cells: ↑ apical K+ conductance, ↑ Na+/K+ pump, ↑ epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) activity → lumen negativity → K+ secretion
- In α-intercalated cells: lumen negativity → ↑ H+ ATPase activity → ↑ H+ secretion → ↑ HCO3−/Cl− exchanger activity
- acts at V2 receptor → insertion of aquaporin H2O channels on apical side
- 3–5% Na+ reabsorbed

Renal Tubular Defects
The kidneys put out FaBulous Glittering LiquidS (from front to end of tube).
- Fanconi Syndrome
- Bartter Syndrome
- Gitelman Syndrome
- Liddle Syndrome
- Syndrome of Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess

Renal Tubular Defects:
- generalized reabsorption defect in PCT → ↑ excretion of amino acids, glucose, HCO3–, and PO43–, and all substances reabsorbed by the PCT
- may lead to metabolic acidosis (proximal RTA), hypophosphatemia, and osteopenia
- caused by hereditary defects (eg, Wilson disease, tyrosinemia, glycogen storage disease), ischemia, multiple myeloma, nephrotoxins/drugs (eg. ifosfamide, cisplatin, expired tetracyclines), and lead poisoning
Fanconi Syndrome

Renal Tubular Defects:
- resorptive defect in thick ascending loop of Henle (affects Na+/K+/2Cl– cotransporter)
- metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, and hypercalciuria
- autosomal recessive
- presents similarly to chronic loop diuretic use
Bartter Syndrome

Renal Tubular Defects:
- reabsorption defect of NaCl in DCT
- metabolic alkalosis, hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, and hypocalciuria
- autosomal recessive
- presents similarly to lifelong thiazide diuretic use
- less severe than Bartter syndrome
Gitelman Syndrome

Renal Tubular Defects:
- gain of function mutation → ↑ activity of Na+ channel → ↑ Na+ reabsorption in collecting tubules
- metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, hypertension, and ↓ aldosterone
- autosomal dominant
- presents similarly to hyperaldosteronism, but aldosterone is nearly undetectable
- treated with Amiloride
Liddle Syndrome

Renal Tubular Defects:
- in cells containing mineralocorticoid receptors, 11β-hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase converts cortisol (can activate these receptors) to cortisone (inactive on these receptors)
- hereditary deficiency of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase → excess cortisol → ↑ mineralocorticoid receptor activity
- metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, hypertension
- ↓ serum aldosterone level
- autosomal recessive
- can be acquired from glycyrrhetinic acid (present in licorice), which blocks activity of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
- treated with K+-sparing diuretics (↓ mineralocorticoid effects) or corticosteroids (exogenous corticosteroid ↓ endogenous cortisol production → ↓ mineralocorticoid receptor activation)
Syndrome of Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess
Cortisol tries to be the SAME as Aldosterone.

Relative Concentrations along Proximal Convoluted Tubules
- Tubular inulin ↑ in concentration (but not amount) along the PCT as a result of water reabsorption.
- Cl− reabsorption occurs at a slower rate than Na+ in early PCT and then matches the rate of Na+ reabsorption more distally. Thus, its relative concentration ↑ before it plateaus.

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System:
- secreted by JG cells in response to ↓ renal perfusion pressure (detected by renal baroreceptors in afferent arteriole)
- ↑ renal sympathetic discharge (β1 effect)
- ↓ NaCl delivery to macula densa cells

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System:
- helps maintain blood volume and blood pressure
- affects baroreceptor function
- limits reflex bradycardia, which would normally accompany its pressor effects
Angiotensin II

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System:
- released from atria and ventricles in response to ↑ volume
- may act as a “check” on renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
- relaxes vascular smooth muscle via cGMP → ↑ GFR, ↓ renin
- dilates afferent arteriole, constricts efferent arteriole, and promotes natriuresis
- ANP—atria
- BNP—ventricles

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System:
- primarily regulates serum osmolality
- also responds to low blood volume states
- stimulates reabsorption of water in collecting ducts
- also stimulates reabsorption of urea in collecting ducts to maintain corticopapillary osmotic gradient

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System:
- primarily regulates ECF volume and Na+ content
- responds to low blood volume states
- responds to hyperkalemia by ↑ K+ excretion

Renal Physiology:
- consists of mesangial cells, JG cells (modified smooth muscle of afferent arteriole) and the macula densa (NaCl sensor, located at distal end of loop of Henle)
- JG cells secrete renin in response to ↓ renal blood pressure and ↑ sympathetic tone (β1)
- macula densa cells sense ↓ NaCl delivery to DCT → ↑ renin release → efferent arteriole vasoconstriction → ↑ GFR
- maintains GFR via renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
- in addition to vasodilatory properties, β-blockers can decrease BP by inhibiting β1‑receptors of the JGA → ↓ renin release
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
Kidney Endocrine Functions:
- released by interstitial cells in peritubular capillary bed in response to hypoxia
- stimulates RBC proliferation in bone marrow
- often supplemented in chronic kidney disease
Kidney Endocrine Functions:
PCT cells convert 25-OH Vitamin D3 to 1,25-(OH)2 Vitamin D3 (Calcitriol, active form)
Calciferol (Vitamin D)

Kidney Endocrine Functions:
- paracrine secretion vasodilates the afferent arterioles to ↑ RBF
- NSAIDs block renal-protective _____ synthesis → constriction of afferent arteriole and ↓ GFR; this may result in acute renal failure in low renal blood flow states
Kidney Endocrine Functions:
- secreted by PCT cells
- promotes natriuresis
- at low doses, dilates interlobular arteries, afferent arterioles, efferent arterioles → ↑ RBF, little or no change in GFR
- at higher doses, acts as a vasoconstrictor
Hormones Acting on the Kidneys

Potassium Shifts:
shifts K+ into cell → hypokalemia
- Hypo-osmolarity
- Alkalosis
- β-Adrenergic Agonist (↑ Na+/K+ ATPase)
- Insulin (↑ Na+/K+ ATPase)—insulin shifts K+ into cells
Potassium Shifts:
shifts K+ out of cell → hyperkalemia
Hyperkalemia? DO LAβSS:
- Digitalis (blocks Na+/K+ ATPase)
- HyperOsmolarity
Lysis of Cells (eg. crush injury, rhabdomyolysis,
tumor lysis syndrome) - Acidosis
- β-blocker
- High Blood Sugar (insulin deficiency)
- Succinylcholine (↑ risk in burns/muscle trauma)
Electrolyte Disturbances:
- nausea
- malaise
- stupor
- coma
- seizures
↓ Na+
Electrolyte Disturbances:
- irritability
- stupor
- coma
↑ Na+
Electrolyte Disturbances:
- U waves and flattened T waves on ECG
- arrhythmias
- muscle cramps
- spasm
- weakness
↓ K+
Electrolyte Disturbances:
- wide QRS and peaked T waves on ECG
- arrhythmias
- muscle weakness
↑ K+
Electrolyte Disturbances:
- tetany
- seizures
- QT prolongation
- twitching (Chvostek sign)
- spasm (Trousseau sign)
↓ Ca2+
Electrolyte Disturbances:
- stones (renal)
- bones (pain)
- groans (abdominal pain)
- thrones (↑ urinary frequency)
- psychiatric overtones (anxiety, altered mental status)
↑ Ca2+
Electrolyte Disturbances:
- tetany
- torsades de pointes
- hypokalemia
- hypocalcemia (when < 1.2 mg/dL)
↓ Mg2+
Electrolyte Disturbances:
- ↓ DTRs
- lethargy
- bradycardia
- hypotension
- cardiac arrest
- hypocalcemia
↑ Mg2+
Electrolyte Disturbances:
- bone loss
- osteomalacia (adults)
- rickets (children)
↓ PO43−
Electrolyte Disturbances:
- renal stones
- metastatic calcifications
- hypocalcemia
↑ PO43−
Features of Renal Disorders

Acid-Base Physiology

Acidosis and Alkalosis

Renal Pathology:
disorder of the renal tubules that causes normal anion gap (hyperchloremic) metabolic acidosis
Renal Tubular Acidosis
Renal Tubular Acidosis:
- inability of α-intercalated cells to secrete H+ → no new HCO3– is generated → metabolic acidosis
- urine pH > 5.5
- ↓ serum K+
- caused by Amphotericin B toxicity, analgesic nephropathy, congenital anomalies (obstruction) of urinary tract, and autoimmune diseases (eg. SLE)
- associated with ↑ risk for calcium phosphate kidney stones (due to ↑ urine pH and ↑ bone turnover)
Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis (Type 1)
Renal Tubular Acidosis:
- defect in PCT HCO3– reabsorption → ↑ excretion of HCO3– in urine → metabolic acidosis
- urine can be acidified by α-intercalated cells in collecting duct, but not enough to overcome the increased excretion of HCO3– → metabolic acidosis
- urine pH < 5.5
- ↓ serum K+
- caused by Fanconi syndrome, multiple myeloma, and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
- associated with ↑ risk for hypophosphatemic rickets (in Fanconi syndrome)
Proximal Renal Tubular Acidosis (Type 2)
Renal Tubular Acidosis:
- hypoaldosteronism or aldosterone resistance
- hyperkalemia → ↓ NH3 synthesis in PCT → ↓ NH4+ excretion
- urine pH < 5.5 (or variable)
- ↑ serum K+
- caused by ↓ aldosterone production (eg. diabetic hyporeninism, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, NSAIDs, heparin, cyclosporine, adrenal insufficiency) or aldosterone resistance (eg. K+-sparing diuretics, nephropathy due to obstruction, TMP-SMX)
Hyperkalemic Tubular Acidosis (Type 4)
Casts in Urine
- presence of casts indicates that hematuria/pyuria is of glomerular or renal tubular origin
- bladder cancer, kidney stones → hematuria, no casts
- acute cystitis → pyuria, no casts
Casts in Urine:
- glomerulonephritis
- hypertensive emergency
RBC casts
Casts in Urine:
- tubulointerstitial inflammation
- acute pyelonephritis
- transplant rejection
WBC casts
Casts in Urine:
- “oval fat bodies”
- nephrotic syndrome
- associated with “Maltese cross” sign
Fatty casts
Casts in Urine:
- “muddy brown”
- acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
Granular casts
Casts in Urine:
end-stage renal disease/chronic renal failure
Waxy casts
Casts in Urine:
- nonspecific
- can be a normal finding
- often seen in concentrated urine samples
Hyaline casts
Nomenclature of Glomerular Disorders:
< 50% of glomeruli are involved
Nomenclature of Glomerular Disorders:
> 50% of glomeruli are involved
Nomenclature of Glomerular Disorders:
hypercellular glomeruli
Nomenclature of Glomerular Disorders:
thickening of glomerular basement membrane (GBM)
Nomenclature of Glomerular Disorders:
- 1° disease of the kidney specifically impacting the glomeruli
- Minimal Change Disease
Primary Glomerular Disease
Nomenclature of Glomerular Disorders:
- systemic disease or disease of another organ system that also impacts the glomeruli
- SLE Nephritis
- Diabetic Nephropathy
Secondary Glomerular Disease
Glomerular Diseases

Renal Pathology:
- massive proteinuria (> 3.5 g/day) with hypoalbuminemia, resulting edema, hyperlipidemia
- frothy urine with fatty casts
- disruption of glomerular filtration charge barrier may be 1° (eg. direct sclerosis of podocytes) or 2° (systemic process [eg. diabetes] secondarily damages podocytes)
- severe nephritic syndrome may present with _____ features if damage to GBM is severe enough to damage the charge barrier
- associated with hypercoagulable state due to antithrombin (AT) III loss in urine and ↑ risk of infection (loss of immunoglobulins in urine and soft tissue compromise by edema)
Nephrotic Syndrome
NephrOtic = prOteinuria
Causes of Nephrotic Syndrome
- Minimal Change Disease (Lipoid Nephrosis)
- Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
- Membranou Nephropathy
- Amyloidosis
- Diabetic Glomerulonephropathy
Nephrotic Syndrome:
- most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children
- often 1° (idiopathic) and may be triggered by recent infection, immunization, immune stimulus
- rarely, may be 2° to lymphoma (eg. cytokine-mediated damage)
- 1° disease has excellent response to corticosteroids
- Imaging:
- LM—normal glomeruli (lipid may be seen in PCT cells)
- IF—⊝
- EM—effacement of podocyte foot processes
Minimal Change Disease (Lipoid Nephrosis)
Nephrotic Syndrome:
- most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in African-Americans and Hispanics
- can be 1° (idiopathic) or 2° to other conditions (eg. HIV infection, sickle cell disease, heroin abuse, massive obesity, interferon treatment, or congenital malformations)
- 1° disease has inconsistent response to steroids
- may progress to CKD
- Imaging:
- LM—segmental sclerosis and hyalinosis
- IF—often ⊝ but may be ⊕ for nonspecific focal deposits of IgM, C3, and C1
- EM—effacement of foot processes similar to minimal change disease
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
Nephrotic Syndrome:
- also known as Membranous Glomerulonephritis
- can be 1° (eg. antibodies to phospholipase A2 receptor) or 2° to drugs (eg. NSAIDs, penicillamine, gold), infections (eg. HBV, HCV, syphilis), SLE, or solid tumors
- 1° disease has poor response to steroids
- may progress to CKD
- Imaging:
- LM—diffuse capillary and GBM thickening
- IF—granular due to IC deposition
- EM—“spike and dome” appearance of subepithelial deposits
Membranous Nephropathy
Nephrotic Syndrome:
- kidney is the most commonly involved organ
- associated with chronic conditions that predispose to amyloid deposition (eg. AL amyloid, AA amyloid)
- Imaging:
- LM—Congo red stain shows apple-green birefringence under polarized light due to amyloid deposition in the mesangium
Nephrotic Syndrome:
- most common cause of ESRD in the United States
- hyperglycemia → nonenzymatic glycation of tissue proteins → mesangial expansion
- GBM thickening and ↑ permeability
- hyperfiltration (glomerular HTN and ↑ GFR) → glomerular hypertrophy and glomerular scarring (glomerulosclerosis) leading to further progression of nephropathy
- LM—Mesangial expansion, GBM thickening, eosinophilic nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesions)
Diabetic Glomerulonephropathy
Renal Pathology:
- inflammatory process
- when glomeruli are involved, leads to hematuria and RBC casts in urine
- associated with azotemia, oliguria, hypertension (due to salt retention), proteinuria, and hypercellular/inflamed glomeruli on biopsy
Nephritic Syndrome
NephrItic = Inflammatory
Causes of Nephritic Syndrome
- Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis
- Rapidly Progressive (Crescentic) Glomerulonephritis
- Diffuse Proliferative Glomerulonephritis
- IgA Nephropathy (Berger Disease)
- Alport Syndrome
- Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
Nephritic Syndrome:
- most frequently seen in children
- ~ 2–4 weeks after group A streptococcal infection of pharynx or skin
- resolves spontaneously in most children
- may progress to renal insufficiency in adults
- type III hypersensitivity reaction
- presents with peripheral and periorbital edema, cola-colored urine, and HTN
- ⊕ strep titers/serologies and ↓ complement levels (C3) due to consumption
- Imaging:
- LM—glomeruli enlarged and hypercellular
- IF—(“starry sky”) granular appearance (“lumpy-bumpy”) due to IgG, IgM, and C3 deposition along GBM and mesangium
- EM—subepithelial immune complex (IC) humps
Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis
Nephritic Syndrome:
- poor prognosis, rapidly deteriorating renal function (days to weeks)
- Imaging:
- LM
- crescent moon shape
- crescents consist of fibrin and plasma proteins (eg. C3b) with glomerular parietal cells, monocytes, macrophages
- LM
- several disease processes may result in this pattern which may be delineated via IF pattern
- Linear IF due to antibodies to GBM and alveolar basement membrane:
- Goodpasture Syndrome—hematuria/hemoptysis, type II hypersensitivity reaction, treated with plasmapheresis
- Negative IF/Pauci-immune (no Ig/C3 deposition):
- Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (Wegener)—PR3-ANCA/c-ANCA
- Microscopic Polyangiitis—MPO-ANCA/p-ANCA
- Granular IF
- Linear IF due to antibodies to GBM and alveolar basement membrane:
Rapidly Progressive (Crescentic) Glomerulonephritis
Nephritic Syndrome:
- often due to SLE (“wire lupus”)
- often present as nephrotic syndrome and nephritic syndrome concurrently
- Imaging:
- LM—“wire looping” of capillaries
- IF—granular
- EM—subendothelial and sometimes intramembranous IgG-based ICs often with C3 deposition
Diffuse Proliferative Glomerulonephritis
Nephritic Syndrome:
- episodic hematuria that occurs concurrently with respiratory or GI tract infections (IgA is secreted by mucosal linings)
- renal pathology of IgA vasculitis (HSP)
- Imaging:
- LM—mesangial proliferation
- IF—IgA-based IC deposits in mesangium
- EM—mesangial IC deposition
IgA Nephropathy (Berger Disease)
Nephritic Syndrome:
- mutation in type IV collagen → thinning and splitting of glomerular basement membrane
- most commonly X-linked dominant
- eye problems (eg. retinopathy, lens dislocation), glomerulonephritis, sensorineural deafness
- Imaging:
- EM—“basket-weave”
Alport Syndrome
“Can’t see, can’t pee, can’t hear a bee.”
Nephritic Syndrome:
- often co-presents with nephrotic syndrome
- Ttype I
- may be 2° to hepatitis B or C infection
- may also be idiopathic
- subendothelial IC deposits with granular IF
- Type II
- associated with C3 nephritic factor (IgG antibody that stabilizes C3 convertase → persistent complement activation → ↓ C3 levels)
- intramembranous deposits, also called dense deposit disease
- in both types, mesangial ingrowth → GBM splitting → “tram-track” appearance on H&E and PAS stains
Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
Renaal Pathology:
- can lead to severe complications such as hydronephrosis and pyelonephritis
- obstructed _____ presents with unilateral flank tenderness, colicky pain radiating to groin, and hematuria
- treat and prevent by encouraging fluid intake
- most common presentation:
- calcium oxalate _____ in patient with hypercalciuria and normocalcemia
Kidney Stones
Kidney Stones:
- Precipitates with: hypocitraturia
- X-Ray: radiopaque
- CT Scan: radiopaque
- Urine Crystal: envelope or dumbbell shape
- most common (80%)
- more common than calcium phosphate stones
- hypocitraturia often associated with ↓ urine pH
- can result from ethylene glycol (antifreeze) ingestion, vitamin C abuse, hypocitraturia, malabsorption (eg. Crohn disease)
- Treatment:
- thiazides
- citrate
- low-sodium diet
Calcium Oxalate
Kidney Stones:
- Precipitates with: ↑ pH
- X-Ray: radiopaque
- CT-Scan: radiopaque
- Urine Crystal: wedge-shaped prism
- Treatment:
- low-sodium diet
- thiazides
Calcium Phosphate
Kidney Stones:
- Precipitates with: ↑ pH
- X-Ray: Radiopaque
- CT-Scan: Radiopaque
- Urine Crystal: coffin lid
- also known as struvite
- account for 15% of stones
- caused by infection with urease ⊕ bugs (eg. Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Klebsiella) that hydrolyze
- urea to ammonia → urine alkalinization
- commonly form staghorn calculi
- Treatment:
- eradication of underlying infection
- surgical removal of stone
Ammonium Magnesium Phosphate
Kidney Stones:
- Precipitates with: ↓ pH
- X-Ray: radiolucent
- CT-Scan: minimally visible
- Urine Crystal: rhomboid or rosettes
- about 5% of all stones
- Risk Factors:
- ↓ urine volume
- arid climates
- acidic pH
- strong association with hyperuricemia (eg. gout)
- often seen in diseases with ↑ cell turnover (eg. leukemia)
- Treatment:
- alkalinization of urine
- allopurinol
Uric Acid
Kidney Stones:
- Precipitates with: ↓ pH
- X-Ray: faintly radiopaque
- CT-Scan: moderately radiopaque
- Urine Crystal: hexagonal
- hereditary (autosomal recessive) condition in which Cystine-reabsorbing PCT transporter loses function, causing cystinuria
- transporter defect also results in poor reabsorption of Ornithine, Lysine, and Arginine
- Cystine is poorly soluble, thus stones form in urine
- usually begins in childhood
- can form staghorn calculi
- sodium cyanide nitroprusside test ⊕
- Treatment:
- low sodium diet
- alkalinization of urine
- chelating agents if refractory
“SIXtine” stones have SIX sides.
- Cystine
- Ornithine
- Lysine
- Arginine
Renal Pathology:
- distention/dilation of renal pelvis and calyces
- usually caused by urinary tract obstruction (eg. renal stones, severe BPH, congenital obstructions, cervical cancer, injury to ureter)
- other causes include retroperitoneal fibrosis and vesicoureteral reflux
- dilation occurs proximal to site of pathology
- serum creatinine becomes elevated if obstruction is bilateral or if patient has an obstructed solitary kidney
- leads to compression and possible atrophy of renal cortex and medulla
Renal Pathology:
- polygonal clear cells filled with accumulated lipids and carbohydrate
- often golden-yellow due to ↑ lipid content
- originates from PCT → invades renal vein (may develop varicocele if left sided) → IVC → hematogenous spread → metastasis to lung and bone
- manifests with hematuria, palpable masses, 2° polycythemia, flank pain, fever, and weight loss
- most common 1° renal malignancy
- most common in men 50–70 years old
- ↑ incidence with smoking and obesity
- associated with paraneoplastic syndromes
- associated with gene deletion on chromosome 3 (sporadic, or inherited as von Hippel-Lindau syndrome)
- Treatment:
- surgery/ablation for localized disease
- immunotherapy (eg. Aldesleukin) or targeted therapy for metastatic disease, rarely curative
- resistant to chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Renal Cell Carcinoma
“PEAR”-aneoplastic Syndromes
- Ectopic EPO
- Renin
RCC = 3 letters = chromosome 3
Renal Pathology:
- benign epithelial cell tumor arising from collecting ducts
- large eosinophilic cells with abundant
- mitochondria without perinuclear clearing (vs. chromophobe renal cell carcinoma)
- presents with painless hematuria, flank pain, and abdominal mass
- often resected to exclude malignancy (eg. renal cell carcinoma)
Renal Oncocytoma
Renal Pathology:
- most common renal malignancy of early childhood (ages 2–4)
- contains embryonic glomerular structures
- presents with large, palpable, unilateral flank mass and/or hematuria
- “loss of function” mutations of tumor suppressor genes WT1 or WT2 on chromosome 11
- May be a part of several syndromes:
- WAGR complex
- Denys-Drash syndrome
- Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Nephroblastoma (Wilms Tumor)
Nephroblastoma (Wilms Tumor):
- Wilms tumor
- aniridia (absence of iris)
- genitourinary malformations
- mental retardation/intellectual disability (WT1 deletion)
WAGR Complex
- Wilms tumor
- Aniridia (absence of iris)
- Genitourinary malformations
- mental Retardation/intellectual disability (WT1 deletion)
Nephroblastoma (Wilms Tumor):
- Wilms tumor
- diffuse mesangial sclerosis (early-onset nephrotic syndrome)
- dysgenesis of gonads (male pseudohermaphroditism)
- WT1 mutation
Denys-Drash Syndrome
- Diffuse mesangial sclerosis
- Dysgenesis of gonads
Nephroblastoma (Wilms Tumor):
- Wilms tumor
- macroglossia
- organomegaly
- hemihyperplasia (WT2 mutation)
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
Renal Pathology:
- also known as Urothelial Carcinoma
- most common tumor of urinary tract system (can occur in renal calyces, renal pelvis, ureters, and bladder)
- can be suggested by painless hematuria (no casts)
- Associated with:
- Phenacetin
- smoking
- aniline dyes
- Cyclophosphamide
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Pee SAC:
- Phenacetin
- Smoking
- Aniline dyes
- Cyclophosphamide
Renal Pathology:
- chronic irritation of urinary bladder → squamous metaplasia → dysplasia and squamous cell carcinoma
- Risk Factors:
- Schistosoma haematobium infection (Middle East)
- chronic cystitis
- smoking
- chronic nephrolithiasis
- presents with painless hematuria
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder
Urinary Incontinence:
- outlet incompetence (urethral hypermobility or intrinsic sphincteric deficiency) → leak with ↑ intra-abdominal pressure (eg. sneezing, lifting)
- ↑ risk with obesity, vaginal delivery, and prostate surgery
- ⊕ bladder stress test (directly observed leakage from urethra upon coughing or Valsalva maneuver)
- Treatment:
- pelvic floor muscle strengthening (Kegel) exercises
- weight loss
- pessaries
Stress Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence:
- overactive bladder (detrusor instability) → leak with urge to void immediately
- associated with UTI
- Treatment:
- Kegel exercises
- bladder training (timed voiding distraction or relaxation techniques)
- Antimuscarinics (eg. Oxybutynin)
Urgency Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence:
features of both stress and urgency incontinence
Mixed Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence:
- incomplete emptying (detrusor underactivity or outlet obstruction) → leak with overfilling
- associated with polyuria (eg. diabetes), bladder outlet obstruction (eg. BPH), neurogenic bladder (eg. MS)
- ↑ post-void residual (urinary retention) on catheterization or ultrasound
- Treatment:
- catheterization
- relieve obstruction (eg. α-blockers for BPH)
Overflow Incontinence
Renal Pathology:
- inflammation of urinary bladder
- presents as suprapubic pain, dysuria, urinary frequency, and urgency
- systemic signs (eg. high fever, chills) are usually absent
- Risk Factors
- female gender (short urethra)
- sexual intercourse (“honeymoon cystitis”)
- indwelling catheter
- diabetes mellitus
- impaired bladder emptying
- Causes:
- E. coli (most common)
- Staphylococcus saprophyticus—seen in sexually active young women (E. coli is still more common in this group)
- Klebsiella
- Proteus mirabilis—urine has ammonia scent
- Lab Findings:
- ⊕ leukocyte esterase
- ⊕ nitrites (indicate gram ⊝ organisms)
- sterile pyuria and ⊝ urine cultures suggest urethritis by Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis
Urinary Tract Infection
(Acute Bacterial Cystitis)
Renal Pathology:
- neutrophils infiltrate renal interstitium
- affects cortex with relative sparing of glomeruli/vessels
- presents with fever, flank pain (costovertebral angle tenderness), nausea/vomiting, and chills
- causes include ascending UTI (E. coli is most common)
- hematogenous spread to kidney
- presents with WBCs in urine +/− WBC casts
- CT would show striated parenchymal enhancement
- Risk Factors:
- indwelling urinary catheter
urinary tract obstruction - vesicoureteral reflux
- diabetes mellitus
- pregnancy
- indwelling urinary catheter
- Complications:
- chronic pyelonephritis
- renal papillary necrosis
- perinephric abscess
- urosepsis
- Treatment: antibiotics
Acute Pyelonephritis
Renal Pathology:
- the result of recurrent episodes of acute pyelonephritis
- typically requires predisposition to infection such as vesicoureteral reflux or chronically obstructing kidney stones
- coarse, asymmetric corticomedullary scarring, blunted calyx
- tubules can contain eosinophilic casts resembling thyroid tissue (thyroidization of kidney)
Chronic Pyelonephritis
Renal Pathology:
- rare
- grossly orange nodules that can mimic tumor nodules
- characterized by widespread kidney damage due to granulomatous tissue containing foamy macrophages
- associated with Proteus infection
Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis
Renal Pathology:
- formerly known as acute renal failure
- defined as an abrupt decline in renal function as measured by ↑ creatinine and ↑ BUN or by oliguria/anuria
Acute Kidney Injury
Acute Kidney Injury:
- due to ↓ RBF (eg. hypotension) → ↓ GFR
- Na+/H2O and urea retained by kidney in an attempt to conserve volume → ↑ BUN/creatinine ratio (urea is reabsorbed, creatinine is not) and ↓ FENa
Prerenal Azotemia

Acute Kidney Injury:
- most commonly due to acute tubular necrosis (from ischemia or toxins)
- less commonly due to acute glomerulonephritis (eg. RPGN, hemolytic uremic syndrome) or acute interstitial nephritis
- in ATN, patchy necrosis → debris obstructing tubule and fluid backflow across necrotic tubule → ↓ GFR
- urine has epithelial/granular casts
- urea reabsorption is impaired → ↓ BUN/creatinine ratio and ↑ FENa
Intrinsic Renal Failure

Acute Kidney Injury:
- due to outflow obstruction (stones, BPH, neoplasia, congenital anomalies)
- develops only with bilateral obstruction or in a solitary kidney
Postrenal Azotemia

Consequences of Renal Failure
- Decline in renal filtration can lead to excess retained nitrogenous waste products and electrolyte disturbances.
- Metabolic Acidosis
- Dyslipidemia (especially ↑ triglycerides)
- Hyperkalemia
Uremia—clinical syndrome marked by:
- nausea and anorexia
- pericarditis
- asterixis
- encephalopathy
- platelet dysfunction
- Na+/H2O retention (HF, pulmonary edema, hypertension)
- Growth retardation and developmental delay
- Erythropoietin failure (anemia)
- Renal osteodystrophy
- 2 Forms of Renal Failure:
- Acute (eg. ATN)
- Chronic (eg. hypertension, diabetes mellitus, congenital anomalies)
Renal Pathology:
- hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and failure of vitamin D hydroxylation associated with chronic renal disease → 2° hyperparathyroidism
- high serum phosphate can bind with Ca2+ → tissue deposits → ↓ serum Ca2+
- ↓ 1,25-(OH)2D3 → ↓ intestinal Ca2+ absorption
- causes subperiosteal thinning of bones
Renal Osteodystrophy
Renal Pathology:
- acute interstitial renal inflammation
- pyuria (classically eosinophils) and azotemia occurring after administration of drugs that act as haptens, inducing hypersensitivity (eg. diuretics, penicillin derivatives, proton pump inhibitors, sulfonamides, rifampin, NSAIDs)
- less commonly may be 2° to other processes such as systemic infections (eg. Mycoplasma) or autoimmune diseases (eg. Sjögren syndrome, SLE, sarcoidosis)
- associated with fever, rash, hematuria, pyuria, and costovertebral angle tenderness, but can be asymptomatic
Acute Interstitial Nephritis
(Tubulointerstitial Nephritis)
Remember these P’s:
- Pee (diuretics)
- Pain-free (NSAIDs)
- Penicillins and cephalosporins
- Proton pump inhibitors
- RifamPin
Renal Pathology:
- most common cause of acute kidney injury in hospitalized patients
- spontaneously resolves in many cases
- can be fatal, especially during initial oliguric phase
- ↑ FENa
Acute Tubular Necrosis
Stages of Acute Tubular Necrosis
- Inciting Event
- Maintenance Phase—oliguric; lasts 1–3 weeks; risk of hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, and uremia
- Recovery Phase—polyuric; BUN and serum creatinine fall; risk of hypokalemia and renal wasting of other electrolytes and minerals
Acute Tubular Necrosis:
- 2° to ↓ renal blood flow (eg. hypotension, shock, sepsis, hemorrhage, HF)
- results in death of tubular cells that may slough into tubular lumen (PCT and thick ascending limb are highly susceptible to injury)
Acute Tubular Necrosis:
- 2° to injury resulting from toxic substances (eg. aminoglycosides, radiocontrast agents, lead, cisplatin, ethylene glycol), crush injury (myoglobinuria), and hemoglobinuria
- proximal tubules are particularly susceptible to injury
Renal Pathology:
- acute generalized cortical infarction of both kidneys
- likely due to a combination of vasospasm and DIC
- associated with obstetric catastrophes (eg. abruptio placentae) and septic shock
Diffuse Cortical Necrosis
Renal Pathology:
- sloughing of necrotic renal papillae → gross hematuria and proteinuria
- may be triggered by recent infection or immune stimulus
- associated with sickle cell disease or trait, acute pyelonephritis, NSAIDs, diabetes mellitus
Renal Papillary Necrosis
SAAD papa with papillary necrosis:
- Sickle cell disease or trait
- Acute pyelonephritis
- Analgesics (NSAIDs)
- Diabetes mellitus
Renal Cyst Disorders:
- numerous cysts in cortex and medulla causing bilateral enlarged kidneys ultimately destroy kidney parenchyma
- presents with flank pain, hematuria, hypertension, urinary infection, and progressive renal failure in ~ 50% of individuals
- mutation in PKD1 (85% of cases, chromosome 16) or PKD2 (15% of cases, chromosome 4)
- death from complications of chronic kidney disease or hypertension (caused by ↑ renin production)
- associated with berry aneurysms, mitral valve prolapse, benign hepatic cysts, and diverticulosis
- Treatment:
- if hypertension or proteinuria develops, treat with ACE inhibitors or ARBs
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
Renal Cyst Disorders:
- cystic dilation of collecting ducts
- often presents in infancy
- associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis
- significant oliguric renal failure in utero can lead to Potter sequence
- concerns beyond neonatal period include systemic hypertension, progressive renal insufficiency, and portal hypertension from congenital hepatic fibrosis
Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease
Renal Cyst Disorders:
- also known as Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease
- inherited disease causing tubulointerstitial fibrosis and progressive renal insufficiency with inability to concentrate urine
- medullary cysts usually not visualized
- smaller kidneys on ultrasound
- poor prognosis
Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease
Renal Cyst Disorders:
- filled with ultrafiltrate (anechoic on ultrasound)
- very common and account for majority of all renal masses
- found incidentally and typically asymptomatic
Simple Cysts
Renal Cyst Disorders:
those that are septated, enhanced, or have solid components on imaging require follow-up or removal due to risk of renal cell carcinoma
Complex Cysts
Diuretics Site of Action

- osmotic diuretic
- ↑ tubular fluid osmolarity → ↑ urine flow, ↓ intracranial/intraocular pressure
- used for drug overdose and elevated intracranial/intraocular pressure
- causes pulmonary edema, dehydration, and hypo- or hypernatremia
- contraindicated in anuria and HF

- carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
- causes self-limited NaHCO3 diuresis and ↓ total body HCO3− stores
- used for glaucoma, metabolic alkalosis, altitude sickness, and pseudotumor cerebri
- alkalinizes urine
- causes proximal renal tubular acidosis, paresthesias, NH3 toxicity, sulfa allergy, and hypokalemia
- promotes calcium phosphate stone formation (insoluble at high pH)
“ACID”azolamide causes ACIDosis.

- sulfonamide loop diuretics
- inhibit cotransport system (Na+/K+/2Cl−) of thick ascending limb of loop of Henle
- abolish hypertonicity of medulla, preventing concentration of urine
- stimulate PGE release (vasodilatory effect on afferent arteriole); inhibited by NSAIDs
- ↑ Ca2+ excretion
- used for edematous states (HF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, pulmonary edema), hypertension, and hypercalcemia
- causes ototoxicity, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, dehydration, allergy (sulfa), metabolic alkalosis, nephritis (interstitial), and gout
- Furosemide
- Bumetanide
- Torsemide
Loops Lose Ca2+.
- Ototoxicity
- Hypokalemia
- Hypomagnesemia
- Dehydration
- Allergy (sulfa)
- Metabolic Alkalosis
- Nephritis (Interstitial)
- Gout

- loop diuretic
- nonsulfonamide inhibitor of cotransport system (Na+/K+/2Cl−) of thick ascending limb of loop of Henle
- used for diuresis in patients allergic to sulfa drugs
- causes similar to Furosemide, but more ototoxic
Ethacrynic Acid
Loop earrings hurt your ears.

- inhibit NaCl reabsorption in early DCT → ↓ diluting capacity of nephron
- ↓ Ca2+ excretion
- used for hypertension, HF, idiopathic hypercalciuria, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and osteoporosis
- causes hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, hyponatremia, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, hypercalcemia and sulfa allergy
Thiazide Diuretics
- Hydrochlorothiazide
- Chlorthalidone
- Metolazone
- hyperGlycemia
- hyperLipidemia
- hyperUricemia
- hyperCalcemia

- Spironolactone and Eplerenone are competitive aldosterone receptor antagonists in cortical collecting tubule
- Triamterene and Amiloride act at the same part of the tubule by blocking Na+ channels in the cortical collecting tubule
- used for hyperaldosteronism, K+ depletion, HF, hepatic ascites (Spironolactone), nephrogenic DI (Amiloride), and antiandrogen
- causes hyperkalemia (can lead to arrhythmias)
- causes endocrine effects with Spironolactone (eg. gynecomastia, antiandrogen effects)
Potassium-Sparing Diuretics
TaKe a SEAT.
- Spironolactone
- Eplerenone
- Amiloride
- Triamterene

Diuretics: Electrolyte Changes
Urine NaCl
- ↑ with all diuretics (strength varies based on potency of diuretic effect)
- serum NaCl may decrease as a result
Diuretics: Electrolyte Changes
Urine K+
- ↑ especially with loop and thiazide diuretics
- serum K+ may decrease as a result
Diuretics: Electrolyte Changes
↓ Blood pH (Acidemia)
- Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors: ↓ HCO3− reabsorption
- K+ Sparing: aldosterone blockade prevents K+ secretion and H+ secretion, hyperkalemia leads to K+ entering all cells (via H+/K+ exchanger) in exchange for H+ exiting cells
Diuretics: Electrolyte Changes
↑ Blood pH (Alkalemia)
- Loop Diuretics and Thiazides
- volume contraction → ↑ AT II → ↑ Na+/H+ exchange in PCT → ↑ HCO3− reabsorption (“contraction alkalosis”)
- K+ loss leads to K+ exiting all cells (via H+/K+ exchanger) in exchange for H+ entering cells
- in low K+ state, H+ (rather than K+) is exchanged for Na+ in cortical collecting tubule → alkalosis and “paradoxical aciduria”
Diuretics: Electrolyte Changes
Urine Ca2+
- ↑ with loop diuretics: ↓ paracellular Ca2+ reabsorption → hypocalcemia
- ↓ with thiazides: enhanced Ca2+ reabsorption
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
- Captopril
- Enalapril
- Lisinopril
- Ramipril
Renal Drugs:
- inhibit ACE → ↓ AT II → ↓ GFR by preventing constriction of efferent arterioles
- ↑ renin due to loss of negative feedback. Inhibition of ACE also prevents inactivation of bradykinin, a potent vasodilator
- used for hypertension, HF (↓ mortality), proteinuria, and diabetic nephropathy
- prevent unfavorable heart remodeling as a result of chronic hypertension
- in chronic kidney disease (eg. diabetic nephropathy), ↓ intraglomerular pressure, slowing GBM thickening
- causes cough and angioedema (both due to ↑ bradykinin
- contraindicated in C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency)
- teratogen (fetal renal malformations)
- ↑ Creatinine (↓ GFR)
- causes hyperkalemia and hypotension
- used with caution in bilateral renal artery stenosis because ACE inhibitors will further ↓ GFR → renal failure
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
Captopril’s CATCHH:
- Cough
- Angioedema
- Teratogen
- ↑ Creatinine
- Hyperkalemia
- Hypotension
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers
- Losartan
- Candesartan
- Valsartan
Renal Drugs:
- selectively block binding of angiotensin II to AT1 receptor
- effects similar to ACE inhibitors, but do not increase bradykinin
- used for hypertension, HF, proteinuria, or chronic kidney disease (eg. diabetic nephropathy) with intolerance to ACE inhibitors (eg. cough, angioedema)
- causes hyperkalemia, ↓ GFR, and hypotension
- teratogen
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers
Renal Drugs:
- direct renin inhibitor
- blocks conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I
- used for hypertension
- causes hyperkalemia, ↓ GFR, hypotension, and angioedema
- relatively contraindicated in patients already taking ACE inhibitors or ARBs and contraindicated in pregnancy