Endocrine - First Aid Flashcards
Thyroid Development
- Thyroid diverticulum arises from floor of primitive pharynx and descends into neck.
- Connected to tongue by thyroglossal duct, which normally disappears but may persist as cysts or the pyramidal lobe of thyroid.
- Foramen cecum is normal remnant of thyroglossal duct.
Most common ectopic thyroid tissue site is the _____. Removal may result in hypothyroidism if it is the only thyroid tissue present.
Tongue (Lingual Thyroid)
_____ presents as an anterior midline neck mass that moves with swallowing or protrusion of the tongue (vs. persistent cervical sinus leading to branchial cleft cyst in lateral neck).
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
Thyroid follicular cells are derived from the _____.
Thyroid parafollicular cells (a.k.a. C cells, produce Calcitonin) are derived from the _____.
Neural Crest
Adrenal Cortex and Medulla
GFR corresponds with Salt (mineralocorticoids), Sugar (glucocorticoids), and Sex (androgens).
The deeper you go, the sweeter it gets.
The adrenal cortex is derived from the _____.
The medulla is derived from _____.
Neural Crest
The _____ secretes FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, prolactin, GH, and β-endorphin. Derived from oral ectoderm (Rathke pouch).
Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis)
Melanotropin (MSH) is secreted from _____ of the pituitary.
Intermediate Lobe
Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis):
hormone subunit common to TSH, LH, FSH, and hCG
α subunit
Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis):
determines hormone specificity
β subunit
Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis):
ACTH, MSH, and β-endorphin are derivatives of _____.
Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis):
Basophils secrete _____.
B-FLAT: Basophils—FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH
Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis):
Acidophils secrete _____.
- GH
The _____ stores and releases vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, or ADH) and oxytocin.
Posterior Pituitary (Neurohypophysis)
Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, or ADH) and Oxytocin are made in the _____.
Hypothalamus (Supraoptic and Paraventricular Nuclei)
Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, or ADH) and Oxytocin are transported to the posterior pituitary via _____.
Neurophysins (Carrier Proteins)
The posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) derived from the _____.
Endocrine Pancreas Cell Types
Islets of Langerhans are collections of α, β, and δ endocrine cells. Islets arise from pancreatic buds.
- α = glucagon (peripheral)
- β = insulin (central)
- δ = somatostatin (interspersed)
Insulin is inside (β cells).
Insulin Synthesis
Preproinsulin (synthesized in RER) → cleavage of “presignal” → Proinsulin (stored in secretory granules) → cleavage of Proinsulin → exocytosis of Insulin and C-peptide equally
_____ are ↑ in insulinoma and sulfonylurea use, whereas exogenous insulin lacks _____.
Insulin Function
- Released from pancreatic β cells.
- Binds insulin receptors (tyrosine kinase activity ①), inducing glucose uptake (carrier-mediated transport) into insulin-dependent tissue ② and gene transcription.
- Unlike glucose, insulin does not cross placenta.
- Brain utilizes glucose for metabolism but ketone bodies during starvation.
- RBCs utilize glucose, as they lack mitochondria for aerobic metabolism.
Anabolic Effects of Insulin
- ↑ glucose transport in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue
- ↑ glycogen synthesis and storage
- ↑ triglyceride synthesis
- ↑ Na+ retention (kidneys)
- ↑ protein synthesis (muscles)
- ↑ cellular uptake of K+ and amino acids
- ↓ glucagon release
- ↓ lipolysis in adipose tissue
Insulin-Dependent Glucose Transporters
GLUT4: adipose tissue, striated muscle (exercise can also ↑ GLUT4 expression)
Insulin-Independent Transporters
- GLUT1: RBCs, brain, cornea, placenta
- GLUT2 (bidirectional): β islet cells, liver, kidney, small intestine
- GLUT3: brain, placenta
- GLUT5 (Fructose): spermatocytes, GI tract
- SGLT1/SGLT2 (Na+-glucose cotransporters): kidney, small intestine
Insulin-Independent Glucose Uptake
- Brain
- RBCs
- Intestine
- Cornea
- Kidney
- Liver
- Islet (β) Cells
- Placenta
- Spermatocytes
Insulin Regulation
- Glucose is the major regulator of insulin release
- ↑ insulin response with oral vs. IV glucose due to incretins (eg. glucagon-like peptide 1 [GLP-1], glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide [GIP]), which are released after meals and ↑ β cell sensitivity to glucose.
- Release ↓ by α2, ↑ by β2 (2 = regulates insulin).
- Glucose enters β cells ③ → ↑ ATP generated from glucose metabolism ④ closes K+ channels (target of sulfonylureas) ⑤ and depolarizes β cell membrane ⑥. Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open → Ca2+ ⑦ influx and stimulation of insulin exocytosis ⑧.
Glucagon is made by the _____ and is secreted in response to hypoglycemia.
α Cells of the Pancreas
Glucagon promotes _____. It elevates blood sugar levels to maintain homeostasis when concentration of bloodstream glucose falls too low (ie. fasting state).
- Glycogenolysis
- Gluconeogenesis
- Lipolysis
- Ketone Production
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Hormones:
- ↑ water permeability of distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct cells in kidney to ↑ water reabsorption
- stimulus for secretion is ↑ plasma osmolality
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Hormones:
- ↑ ACTH, MSH, β-endorphin
- ↓ in chronic exogenous steroid use
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Hormones:
- ↓ prolactin, TSH
- antagonists (eg. antipsychotics) can cause galactorrhea due to hyperprolactinemia
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Hormones:
- ↑ GH Analog (tesamorelin) used to treat
- HIV‑associated lipodystrophy
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Hormones:
- ↑ FSH, LH
- suppressed by hyperprolactinemia
- tonic _____ suppresses HPG axis
- pulsatile _____ leads to puberty and fertility
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Hormones:
- ↑ melanogenesis by melanocytes
- causes hyperpigmentation in Cushing disease, as MSH and ACTH share the same precursor molecule, proopiomelanocortin
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Hormones:
- causes uterine contractions during labor
- responsible for milk letdown reflex in response to suckling
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Hormones:
- ↓ GnRH
- pituitary prolactinoma → amenorrhea, osteoporosis, hypogonadism, galactorrhea
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Hormones:
- ↓ GH, TSH
- analogs used to treat acromegaly
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Hormones:
- ↑ TSH, prolactin
- ↑ TRH (eg. in 1°/2° hypothyroidism) may increase prolactin secretion → galactorrhea
Prolactin is secreted mainly by the _____.
Anterior Pituitary
Prolactin is structurally homologous to _____.
Growth Hormone
_____ stimulates milk production in breast; inhibits ovulation in females and spermatogenesis in males by inhibiting GnRH synthesis and release. Excessive amounts is associated with ↓ libido.
Prolactin Regulation
- Prolactin secretion from anterior pituitary is tonically inhibited by dopamine from tuberoinfundibular pathway of hypothalamus.
- Prolactin in turn inhibits its own secretion by ↑ dopamine synthesis and secretion from hypothalamus.
- TRH ↑ prolactin secretion (eg. in 1° or 2° hypothyroidism).
- Dopamine agonists (eg. bromocriptine) inhibit prolactin secretion and can be used in treatment of prolactinoma.
- Dopamine antagonists (eg. most antipsychotics) and estrogens (eg. OCPs, pregnancy) stimulate
prolactin secretion.
Growth Hormone (Somatotropin) is secreted by the _____.
Anterior Pituitary
_____ stimulates linear growth and muscle mass through IGF-1 (somatomedin C) secretion by
liver. It ↑ insulin resistance (diabetogenic).
Growth Hormone (Somatotropin)
Somatostatin keeps your growth static.
Somatomedin mediates your growth.
Growth Hormone (Somatotropin) Regulation
- Released in pulses in response to growth hormone–releasing hormone (GHRH).
- Secretion ↑ during exercise, deep sleep, puberty, hypoglycemia.
- Secretion is inhibited by glucose and somatostatin release via negative feedback by somatomedin.
- Excess secretion of GH (eg. pituitary adenoma) may cause acromegaly (adults) or gigantism (children).
Excess growth hormone (somatotropin) is treated with _____.
Somatostatin Analogs (eg. Octreotide)
Appetite Regulation:
- stimulates hunger (orexigenic effect) and GH release (via GH secretagogue receptor)
- produced by the stomach
- sleep deprivation or Prader-Willi syndrome → ↑ production
- acts via lateral area of hypothalamus to ↑ appetite (hunger center)
Ghrelin makes you hunghr and ghrow.
Appetite Regulation:
- satiety hormone
- produced by adipose tissue
- mutation of gene → congenital obesity
- sleep deprivation or starvation → ↓ production
- acts via ventromedial area of hypothalamus to ↓ appetite (satiety center)
Leptin keeps you thin.
Appetite Regulation:
- act at cannabinoid receptors in hypothalamus and nucleus accumbens, two key brain areas for the homeostatic and hedonic control of food intake → ↑ appetite
- cause “the munchies”
Antidiuretic Hormone (Vasopressin) is synthesized in the _____.
Hypothalamus (Supraoptic and Paraventricular Nuclei)
Antidiuretic Hormone (Vasopressin) is stored and secreted by the _____.
Posterior Pituitary
_____ regulates serum osmolality (V2-receptors) and blood pressure (V1-receptors). Primary function is serum osmolality regulation (↓ serum osmolality, ↑ urine osmolality) via regulation of aquaporin channel insertion in principal cells of renal collecting duct.
Antidiuretic Hormone (Vasopressin)
ADH level is ↓ in _____.
Central Diabetes Insipidus (DI)
ADH level is ↑ in _____.
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus (DI)
Nephrogenic DI can be caused by mutation in _____.
_____ is a treatment for central DI and nocturnal enuresis.
Desmopressin (ADH Analog)
Antidiuretic Hormone (Vasopressin) is regulated by _____.
- osmoreceptors in hypothalamus (1°)
- hypovolemia
Adrenal Steroids
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasias
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasias:
- ↑ Mineralocorticoids
- ↓ Cortisol
- ↓ Sex Hormones
- ↑ BP
- ↓ K+
- ↓ Androstenedione
- XY: ambiguous genitalia, undescended testes
- XX: lacks 2° sexual development
17α-Hydroxylase Deficiency
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasias:
- ↓ Mineralocorticoids
- ↓ Cortisol
- ↑ Sex Hormones
- ↓ BP
- ↑ K+
- ↑ Renin activity
- ↑ 17-Hydroxyprogesterone
- most common
- presents in infancy (salt wasting) or childhood (precocious puberty)
- XX: virilization
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasias:
- ↓ Aldosterone
- ↑ 11-Deoxycorticosterone (results in ↑ BP)
- ↓ Cortisol
- ↑ Sex Hormones
- ↑ BP
- ↓ K+
- ↓ renin activity
- XX: virilization
Cortisol is formed in the _____.
Adrenal Zona Fasciculata
Cortisol is bound to _____.
Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin
Cortisol Functions
Cortisol is a A BIG FIB:
- ↑ Appetite
- ↑ Blood pressure:
- upregulates α1-receptors on arterioles → ↑ sensitivity to norepinephrine and epinephrine (permissive action)
- at high concentrations, can bind to mineralocorticoid (aldosterone) receptors
- ↑ Insulin resistance (diabetogenic)
- ↑ Gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, and proteolysis (↓ glucose utilization)
- ↓ Fibroblast activity (poor wound healing, ↓ collagen synthesis, ↑ striae)
- ↓ Inflammatory and Immune responses:
- inhibits production of leukotrienes and prostaglandins
- inhibits WBC adhesion → neutrophilia
- blocks histamine release from mast cells
- eosinopenia, lymphopenia
- blocks IL-2 production
- ↓ Bone formation (↓ osteoblast activity)
Exogenous corticosteroids can cause reactivation of _____ (blocks IL-2 production).
- TB
- Candidiasis
Cortisol Regulation
- CRH (Hypothalamus) stimulates ACTH release (Pituitary) → Cortisol production in Adrenal Zona Fasciculata.
- Excess Cortisol ↓ CRH ACTH, and Cortisol secretion.
- Chronic stress induces prolonged secretion.
Forms of Plasma Ca2+
- ionized/free (~ 45%, active form)
- bound to albumin (∼ 40%)
- bound to anions (∼ 15%)
Calcium Homeostasis
- ↑ in pH → ↑ affinity of albumin (↑ negative charge) to bind Ca2+ → hypocalcemia (eg. cramps, pain, paresthesias, carpopedal spasm).
- Ionized/free Ca2+ is 1° regulator of PTH; changes in pH alter PTH secretion, whereas changes in albumin do not.
Parathyroid Hormone is formed by the _____.
Chief Cells of Parathyroid
Parathyroid Hormone Functions
- ↑ bone resorption of Ca2+ and PO43−
- ↑ kidney reabsorption of Ca2+ in distal convoluted tubule
- ↓ reabsorption of PO43− in proximal convoluted tubule
- ↑ 1,25-(OH)2 D3 (Calcitriol) production by stimulating kidney 1α-hydroxylase in proximal convoluted tubule
- PTH ↑ serum Ca2+, ↓ serum PO43–, ↑ urine PO43–, ↑ urine cAMP.
- ↑ RANK-L (receptor activator of NF-κB ligand) secreted by osteoblasts and osteocytes.
- Binds RANK (receptor) on osteoclasts and their precursors to stimulate osteoclasts and ↑ Ca2+ → bone resorption. Intermittent PTH release can also stimulate bone formation.
PTH = Phosphate-Trashing Hormone
_____ functions like PTH and is commonly increased in malignancies (eg. squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, renal cell carcinoma).
PTH-Related Peptide (PTHrP)
Parathyroid Hormone Regulation
- ↓ serum Ca2+ → ↑ PTH secretion
- ↑ serum PO43− → ↑ PTH secretion
- ↓ serum Mg2+ → ↑ PTH secretion
- ↓↓ serum Mg2+ → ↓ PTH secretion
- Common causes of ↓ Mg2+ include diarrhea, aminoglycosides, diuretics, alcohol abuse.
Calcitonin is formed by the _____.
Parafollicular Cells (C Cells) of the Thyroid
_____ ↓ bone resorption of Ca2+.
Calcitonin Regulation
↑ serum Ca2+ → Calcitonin secretion
Calcitonin opposes the actions of _____. Not important in normal Ca2+ homeostasis.
Calcitonin tones down serum Ca2+ levels and keeps it in bones.
_____ are iodine-containing hormones that control the body’s metabolic rate.
Thyroid Hormones (T3/T4)
Thyroid Hormone Production
- Occurs in the follicles of the thyroid.
- 5′-deiodinase converts T4 (the major thyroid product) to T3 in peripheral tissue (5-4-3).
- Peripheral conversion is inhibited by glucocorticoids, β-blockers and propylthiouracil (PTU).
- Functions of thyroid peroxidase include oxidation, organification of iodide and coupling of monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodotyrosine (DIT).
- Inhibited by PTU and methimazole.
- DIT + DIT = T4
- DIT + MIT = T3
_____ occurs when excess iodine temporarily ⊝ thyroid peroxidase → ↓ T3/T4 production.
Wolff-Chaikoff Effect
Thyroid Hormone Function
T3 functions—6 B’s:
- Brain maturation
- Bone growth (synergism with GH)
β-adrenergic effects
- ↑ β1 receptors in heart → ↑ CO, HR, SV, contractility
- β-blockers alleviate adrenergic symptoms in thyrotoxicosis
- Basal metabolic rate ↑ (via Na+/K+-ATPase activity → ↑ O2 consumption, RR, body temperature)
- Blood sugar (↑ glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis)
- Break down lipids (↑ lipolysis)
Only free hormone is active. T3 binds nuclear receptor with greater affinity than T4.
Thyroid Hormone Regulation
- TRH ⊕ TSH release → ⊕ follicular cells.
- Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) may ⊕ follicular cells in Graves disease.
- Negative feedback primarily by free T3/T4:
- Anterior Pituitary → ↓ sensitivity to TRH
- Hypothalamus → ↓ TRH secretion
- Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) binds most T3/T4 in blood. Bound T3/T4 = inactive.
- ↑ TBG in pregnancy, OCP use (estrogen → ↑ TBG) → ↑ total T3/T4
- ↓ TBG in hepatic failure, steroids, nephrotic syndrome
Signaling Pathways of Endocrine Hormones:
- LH
- hCG
- ADH (V2-receptor)
- Calcitonin
- Glucagon
- Histamine (H2-receptor)
Signaling Pathways of Endocrine Hormones:
Signaling Pathways of Endocrine Hormones:
- GnRH
- Oxytocin
- ADH (V1-receptor)
- Histamine (H1-receptor)
- Angiotensin II
- Gastrin
Signaling Pathways of Endocrine Hormones:
Intracellular Receptor
- Progesterone
- Estrogen
- Testosterone
- Cortisol
- Aldosterone
- T3/T4
- Vitamin D
Signaling Pathways of Endocrine Hormones:
Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
Growth Factors:
- Insulin
- IGF-1
*MAP kinase pathway
Signaling Pathways of Endocrine Hormones:
Nonreceptor Tyrosine Kinase
- Prolactin
- Immunomodulators (eg. cytokines IL-2, IL-6, IFN)
- GH
- Erythropoietin
- Thrombopoietin
*JAK/STAT Pathway
*acidophils and cytokines
Signaling Pathways of Steroid Hormones
- Steroid hormones are lipophilic and therefore must circulate bound to specific binding globulins, which ↑ their solubility.
- In men, ↑ sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG) lowers free testosterone → gynecomastia.
- In women, ↓ SHBG raises free testosterone → hirsutism.
- OCPs, pregnancy → ↑ SHBG
Cushing Syndrome is caused by _____.
↑ Cortisol
Cushing Syndrome ↑ Cortisol due to _____.
- Exogenous Corticosteroids—result in ↓ ACTH, bilateral adrenal atrophy. Most common cause.
- Primary Adrenal Adenoma, Hyperplasia, or Carcinoma—result in ↓ ACTH, atrophy ofuninvolved adrenal gland.
- ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma (Cushing Disease); Paraneoplastic ACTH Secretion (eg. small cell lung cancer, bronchial carcinoids)—result in ↑ ACTH, bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. Cushing Disease is responsible for the majority of endogenous cases of Cushing Syndrome.
Findings in Cushing Syndrome
- hypertension
- weight gain
- moon facies
- abdominal striae
- truncal obesity
- buffalo hump
- skin changes (eg. thinning, striae)
- hirsutism
- osteoporosis
- hyperglycemia (insulin resistance)
- amenorrhea
- immunosuppression
*can also present with pseudohyperaldosteronism
Diagnosis of Cushing Syndrome
Screening Tests:
- ↑ free cortisol on 24-hr urinalysis
- ↑ midnight salivary cortisol
- no suppression with overnight low-dose dexamethasone test
Serum ACTH:
- If ↓, suspect adrenal tumor or exogenous glucocorticoids.
- If ↑, distinguish between Cushing Disease and ectopic ACTH secretion (eg. from small cell lung cancer).
_____ is the inability of adrenal glands to generate enough glucocorticoids +/− mineralocorticoids for the body’s needs. Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, orthostatic hypotension, muscle aches, weight loss, GI disturbances, sugar and/or salt cravings. Treatment glucocorticoid/mineralocorticoid replacement.
Adrenal Insufficiency
Diagnosis of Adrenal Insufficiency
- Measurement of:
- Serum Electrolytes
- Morning/Random Serum Cortisol and ACTH (low cortisol, high ACTH in 1° adrenal insufficiency; low cortisol, low ACTH in 2°/3° adrenal insufficiency due to pituitary/hypothalamic disease)
- ACTH Stimulation Test
Metyrapone Stimulation Test:
- Metyrapone blocks last step of cortisol synthesis (11-deoxycortisol → cortisol).
- Normal response is ↓ cortisol and compensatory ↑ ACTH and 11-deoxycortisol. In 1° adrenal insufficiency, ACTH is ↑ but 11-deoxycortisol remains ↓ after test.
- In 2°/3° adrenal insufficiency, both ACTH and 11-deoxycortisol remain ↓ after test.
Adrenal Insufficiency:
- deficiency of aldosterone and cortisol production due to loss of gland function → hypotension (hyponatremic volume contraction), hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, skin and mucosal hyperpigmentation (due to ↑ MSH, a byproduct of ACTH production from proopiomelanocortin)
- associated with autoimmune polyglandular syndromes
Primary Adrenal Insufficiency
Primary Pigments the skin/mucosa.
Adrenal Insufficiency:
- sudden onset (eg. due to massive hemorrhage)
- may present with shock in acute adrenal crisis
Acute Primary Adrenal Insufficiency
Adrenal Insufficiency:
- due to adrenal atrophy or destruction by disease
- autoimmune destruction most common in the Western world
- TB most common in the developing world
Chronic Primary Adrenal Insufficiency
(Addison Disease)
_____ is acute 1° adrenal insufficiency due to adrenal hemorrhage associated with septicemia (usually Neisseria meningitidis), DIC, endotoxic shock.
Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome
Adrenal Insufficiency:
- seen with ↓ pituitary ACTH production
- no skin/mucosal hyperpigmentation
- no hyperkalemia (Aldosterone synthesis preserved due to intact Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone axis)
Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency
Secondary Spares the skin/mucosa.
Adrenal Insufficiency:
- aeen in patients with chronic exogenous steroid use, precipitated by abrupt withdrawal
- Aldosterone synthesis unaffected
Tertiary Adrenal Insufficiency
Tertiary is from Treatment.
_____ is the increased secretion of aldosterone from adrenal gland. Clinical features include hypertension,
↓ or normal K+, metabolic alkalosis.
_____ does not directly cause edema due to aldosterone escape mechanism.
1° Hyperaldosteronism
Certain 2° causes of _____ (eg. heart failure) impair the aldosterone escape mechanism, leading to worsening of edema.