Pathology - First Aid Flashcards
_____ are reversible changes that can be physiologic (eg. uterine enlargement during pregnancy) or pathologic (eg. myocardial hypertrophy 2° to systemic HTN to prevent injury). If stress is excessive or persistent, adaptations can progress to cell injury (eg. significant LV hypertrophy → injury to myofibrils → HF).
Cellular Adaptations
Cellular Adaptations
Cellular Adaptations:
↑ structural proteins and organelles → ↑ in size of cells.
Cellular Adaptations:
- controlled proliferation of stem cells and differentiated cells → ↑ in number of cells.
- excessive stimulation → pathologic _____, which may progress to dysplasia and cancer
Cellular Adaptations:
- ↓ in tissue mass due to ↓ in size (↑ cytoskeleton degradation via ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and autophagy; ↓ protein synthesis) and/or number of cells (apoptosis)
- causes include disuse, denervation, loss of blood supply, loss of hormonal stimulation, poor nutrition
Cellular Adaptations:
- reprogramming of stem cells → replacement of one cell type by another that can adapt to a new stress
- usually due to exposure to an irritant, such as gastric acid (Barrett esophagus) or cigarette smoke (respiratory ciliated columnar epithelium replaced by stratified squamous epithelium)
- may progress to dysplasia → malignant transformation with persistent insult (eg. Barrett esophagus → esophageal adenocarcinoma)
- connective tissue can also be affected (eg. myositis ossificans, the formation of bone within muscle after trauma)
Cellular Adaptations:
- disordered, precancerous epithelial cell growth
- characterized by loss of uniformity of cell size and shape (pleomorphism); loss of tissue orientation; nuclear changes (eg. ↑ nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio and clumped chromatin)
- mild and moderate dysplasias (ie. do not involve entire thickness of epithelium) may regress with alleviation of inciting cause
- severe dysplasia usually becomes irreversible and progresses to carcinoma in situ
- usually preceded by persistent metaplasia or pathologic hyperplasia
Cell Injury
Cell Injury:
- ATP-dependent programmed cell death
- intrinsic and extrinsic pathways; both pathways activate caspases (cytosolic proteases) → cellular breakdown including cell shrinkage, chromatin condensation, membrane blebbing, and formation of apoptotic bodies, which are then phagocytosed
- characterized by deeply eosinophilic cytoplasm and basophilic nucleus, pyknosis (nuclear shrinkage), and karyorrhexis (fragmentation caused by endonuclease- mediated cleavage
- cell membrane typically remains intact without significant inflammation (unlike necrosis)
- DNA laddering (fragments in multiples of 180 bp) is a sensitive indicator
- involved in tissue remodeling in embryogenesis
- occurs when a regulating factor is withdrawn from a proliferating cell population (eg, ↓ IL-2 after a completed immunologic reaction → apoptosis of proliferating effector cells)
- also occurs after exposure to injurious stimuli (eg. radiation, toxins, hypoxia)
- regulated by Bcl-2 family of proteins
- BAX and BAK are proapoptotic, while Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL are antiapoptotic
- BAX and BAK form pores in the mitochondrial membrane → release of cytochrome C from inner mitochondrial membrane into the cytoplasm → activation of caspases
- Bcl-2 keeps the mitochondrial membrane impermeable, thereby preventing cytochrome C release
- Bcl-2 overexpression (eg. follicular lymphoma t[14;18]) → ↓ caspase activation → tumorigenesis
Intrinsic (Mitochondrial) Pathway
- Fas-FasL interaction is necessary in thymic medullary negative selection
- mutations in Fas ↑ numbers of circulating self-reacting lymphocytes due to failure of clonal deletion
- defective Fas-FasL interactions cause autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
Extrinsic (Death Receptor) Pathway
Extrinsic (Death Receptor) Pathways
- Ligand Receptor Interactions
- FasL binding to Fas [CD95] or TNF-α binding to its receptor
- Immune Cell
- cytotoxic T-cell release of perforin and granzyme B
Cell Injury:
- enzymatic degradation and protein denaturation of cell due to exogenous injury → intracellular components leak
- inflammatory process (unlike apoptosis)
- seen in ischemia/infarcts in most tissues (except brain)
- injury denatures enzymes → proteolysis blocked
- preserved cellular architecture (cell outlines seen), but nuclei disappear
- ↑ cytoplasmic binding of eosin stain (↑ eosinophilia; red/pink color)
- seen in bacterial abscesses and brain infarcts
- neutrophils release lysosomal enzymes that digest the tissue
- Early: cellular debris and macrophages
- Late: cystic spaces and cavitation (brain)
- neutrophils and cell debris seen with bacterial infection
- seen in TB, systemic fungi (eg. Histoplasma capsulatum), and Nocardia
- macrophages wall off the infecting microorganism → granular debris
- fragmented cells and debris surrounded by lymphocytes and macrophages (granuloma)
- Enzymatic: acute pancreatitis (saponification)
- Nonenzymatic: traumatic (eg. injury to breast tissue)
- damaged cells release lipase, which breaks down triglycerides liberated fatty acids bind calcium → saponification
- outlines of dead cells without peripheral nuclei
- saponification (combined with Ca2+) appears dark blue on H&E stain
- immune reactions in vessels (eg. polyarteritis nodosa), preeclampsia, hypertensive emergency
- immune complexes combine with fibrin → vessel wall damage (type III hypersensitivity reaction)
- vessel walls are thick and pink
- distal extremity and GI tract after chronic ischemia
- Dry: ischemia, coagulative
- Wet: superinfection, liquefactive superimposed on coagulative
Cell Injury:
- inadequate blood supply to meet demand
- mechanisms include ↓ arterial perfusion (eg. atherosclerosis), ↓ venous drainage (eg. testicular torsion, Budd-Chiari syndrome), and shock
ACA/MCA/PCA boundary areas
- Watershed areas (border zones) receive blood supply from most distal branches of 2 arteries with limited collateral vascularity. These areas are susceptible to ischemia from hypoperfusion.
- Neurons most vulnerable to hypoxic-ischemic insults include Purkinje cells of the cerebellum and pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and neocortex (zones 3, 5, 6).
Subendocardium (LV)
- straight segment of proximal tubule (medulla)
- thick ascending limb (medulla)
area around central vein (zone III)
- Splenic flexure
- Rectum
Watershed areas (border zones) receive blood supply from most distal branches of 2 arteries with limited collateral vascularity. These areas are susceptible to ischemia from hypoperfusion.
- occur in venous occlusion and tissues with multiple blood supplies, such as liver, lung, intestine, testes; reperfusion (eg. after angioplasty)
- reperfusion injury is due to damage by free radicals
Red (Hemorrhagic) Infarct
Red = reperfusion
occur in solid organs with a single (end-arterial) blood supply, such as heart, kidney, and spleen
Pale Infarct
Cell Injury:
- response to eliminate initial cause of cell injury, to remove necrotic cells resulting from the original insult, and to initiate tissue repair
- divided into acute and chronic
- can be harmful to the host if the reaction is excessive (eg. septic shock), prolonged (eg. persistent infections such as TB), or inappropriate (eg. autoimmune diseases such as SLE)
Cardinal Signs of Inflammation
- Rubor (redness)
- Calor (warmth)
- Vasodilation (relaxation of arteriolar smooth muscle)
- Tumor (swelling)
- Dolor (pain)
- Functio Laesa (loss of function)
Cardinal Signs of Inflammation:
- vasodilation (relaxation of arteriolar smooth muscle) → ↑ blood flow
- Mediators:
- Histamine
- Prostaglandins
- Bradykinin
- Rubor (redness)
- Calor (warmth)
Cardinal Signs of Inflammation:
- endothelial contraction/disruption (eg. from tissue damage) → ↑ vascular permeability → leakage of protein-rich fluid from postcapillary venules into interstitial space (exudate) → ↑ oncotic pressure
- Endothelial Contraction:
- Leukotrienes (C4, D4, E4)
- Histamine
- Serotonin
Tumor (swelling)
Cardinal Signs of Inflammation:
- sensitization of sensory nerve endings
- Mechanism:
- Bradykinin, PGE2
Dolor (pain)
Cardinal Signs of Inflammation:
other cardinal signs impair function (eg. inability to make fist with hand that has cellulitis)
Functio Laesa (loss of function)
Systemic Manifestations (Acute-Phase Reaction) of Inflammation
- Fever
- Leukocytosis
- ↑ Plasma Acute-Phase Proteins
Systemic Manifestations (Acute-Phase Reaction) of Inflammation:
pyrogens (eg. LPS) induce macrophages to release IL-1 and TNF → ↑ COX activity in perivascular cells of hypothalamus → ↑ PGE2 → ↑ temperature set point
Systemic Manifestations (Acute-Phase Reaction) of Inflammation:
- elevation of WBC count
- type of cell that is predominantly elevated depends on the inciting agent or injury (eg. bacteria → ↑ neutrophils)
_____ is the severe elevation in WBC (> 40,000 cells/mm³) caused by some stressors or infections (eg. Clostridium difficile).
Leukemoid Reaction
Systemic Manifestations (Acute-Phase Reaction) of Inflammation:
- factors whose serum concentrations change significantly in response to inflammation
- produced by the liver in both acute and chronic inflammatory states
- induced by IL-6
↑ Plasma Acute-Phase Proteins
⊕ Acute Phase Reactants of Inflammation
More FFiSH in the C (sea).
- Ferritin
- Fibrinogen
- Serum Amyloid A
- Hepcidin
- C-Reactive protein
⊕ Acute Phase Reactants of Inflammation:
binds and sequesters iron to inhibit microbial iron scavenging
⊕ Acute Phase Reactants of Inflammation:
- coagulation factor
- promotes endothelial repair
- correlates with ESR
⊕ Acute Phase Reactants of Inflammation:
prolonged elevation can lead to amyloidosis
Serum Amyloid A
⊕ Acute Phase Reactants of Inflammation:
↓ iron absorption (by degrading ferroportin) and ↓ iron release (from macrophages) → anemia of chronic disease
⊕ Acute Phase Reactants of Inflammation:
- opsonin
- fixes complement and facilitates phagocytosis
- measured clinically as a nonspecific sign of ongoing inflammation
C-Reactive Protein
⊝ Acute Phase Reactants of Inflammation
- Albumin
- Transferrin
⊝ Acute Phase Reactants of Inflammation:
reduction conserves amino acids for positive reactants
⊝ Acute Phase Reactants of Inflammation:
internalized by macrophages to sequester iron
Products of inflammation (eg, fibrinogen) coat RBCs and cause aggregation. The denser RBC aggregates fall at a faster rate within a pipette tube → ↑ _____. Often co-tested with CRP levels.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
↑ Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
- Anemia
- Infection
- Inflammation (eg. giant cell [temporal] arteritis, polymyalgia rheumatica)
- Cancer (eg. metastases, multiple myeloma)
- Renal Disease (end-stage or nephrotic syndrome)
- Pregnancy
↓ Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
- Sickle Cell Anemia (altered shape)
- Polycythemia (↑ RBCs “dilute” aggregation factors)
- HF
- Microcytosis
- Hypofibrinogenemia
_____ is the transient and early response to injury or infection. Characterized by neutrophils in tissue,
often with associated edema. Rapid onset (seconds to minutes) and short duration (minutes to days). Represents a reaction of the innate immune system (ie. less specific response than chronic inflammation).
Acute Inflammation
Acute Inflammation Stimuli
- Infections
- Trauma
- Necrosis
- Foreign Bodies
Acute Inflammation Mediators
- Toll-Like Receptors
- Arachidonic Acid Metabolites
- Neutrophils
- Eosinophils
- Antibodies (pre-existing)
- Mast Cells
- Basophils
- Complement
- Hageman Factor (Factor XII)
_____ is a cytoplasmic protein complex that recognizes products of dead cells, microbial products, and crystals (eg. uric acid crystals) → activation of IL-1 and inflammatory response.
Acute Inflammation Components:
- vasodilation (→ ↑ blood flow and stasis)
- ↑ endothelial permeability
- brings cells and proteins to site of injury or infection
Acute Inflammation Components:
- extravasation of leukocytes (mainly neutrophils) from postcapillary venules
- accumulation in the focus of injury followed by leukocyte activation
Acute Inflammation Outcomes
- resolution and healing (IL-10, TGF-β)
- persistent acute inflammation (IL-8)
- abscess (acute inflammation walled off by fibrosis)
- chronic inflammation (antigen presentation by macrophages and other APCs → activation of CD4+ Th cells)
- scarring
*Macrophages predominate in the late stages of acute inflammation (peak 2–3 days after onset) and influence the outcome of acute inflammation by secreting cytokines.
_____ predominantly occurs at postcapillary venules. WBCs exit from blood vessels at sites of tissue injury and inflammation in 4 steps.
Leukocyte Extravasation
Leukocyte Extravasation
- Margination and Rolling
- Tight Binding (Adhesion)
- Diapedesis (Transmigration)
- Migration (Chemoattraction)
Leukocyte Extravasation:
defective in leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 2 (↓ Sialyl-LewisX)
Margination and Rolling
Leukocyte Extravasation:
Margination and Rolling
- E-selectin (upregulated by TNF and IL-1)—Sialyl-LewisX
- P-selectin (released from Weibel-Palade bodies)—Sialyl-LewisX
- GlyCAM-1, CD34—L-selectin
Leukocyte Extravasation:
defective in leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1 (↓ CD18 integrin subunit)
Tight Binding (Adhesion)
Leukocyte Extravasation:
Tight Binding (Adhesion)
- ICAM-1 (CD54)—CD11/18 Integrins (LFA-1, Mac-1)
- VCAM-1 (CD106)—VLA-4 Integrin
Leukocyte Extravasation:
WBC travels between endothelial cells and exits blood vessel
Diapedesis (Transmigration)
Leukocyte Extravasation:
Diapedesis (Transmigration)
PECAM-1 (CD31)—PECAM-1 (CD31)
Leukocyte Extravasation:
WBC travels through interstitium to site of injury or infection guided by chemotactic signals
Leukocyte Extravasation:
Chemotactic Products Released in Response to Bacteria:
- C5a
- IL‑8
- LTB4
- Kallikrein
- Platelet-Activating Factor
*various leukocytes
_____ is inflammation of prolonged duration characterized by infiltration of tissue by mononuclear cells (macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells). Tissue destruction and repair (including angiogenesis and fibrosis) occur simultaneously. May or may not be preceded by acute inflammation.
Chronic Inflammation
Chronic Inflammation Stimuli
- Persistent Infections (eg, TB, T pallidum, certain fungi and viruses) → Type IV Hypersensitivity
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Toxic Agents (eg. silica)
- Foreign Material
Chronic Inflammation Mediators
- Macrophages
- dominant cells
- chronic inflammation is the result of their interaction with T lymphocytes
- Th1 cells secrete INF-γ → macrophage classical activation (proinflammatory)
- Th2 cells secrete IL-4 and IL-13 → macrophage alternative activation (repair and antiinflammatory)
Chronic Inflammation Outcomes
- Scarring
- Amyloidosis
- Neoplastic Transformation
- chronic HCV infection → chronic inflammation → hepatocellular carcinoma
- Helicobacter pylori infection → chronic gastritis → gastric adenocarcinoma
Granulomatous Diseases
- Bacterial:
- Mycobacteria (tuberculosis, leprosy)
- Bartonella henselae (cat scratch disease)
- Listeria monocytogenes (granulomatosis infantiseptica)
- Treponema pallidum (3° syphilis)
- Fungal: endemic mycoses (eg. histoplasmosis)
- Parasitic: schistosomiasis
- Chronic Granulomatous Disease
- Autoinflammatory:
- Sarcoidosis
- Crohn disease
- Primary Biliary Cholangitis
- Subacute (de Quervain/granulomatous) Thyroiditis
- Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (Wegener)
- Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss)
- Giant Cell (temporal) Arteritis
- Takayasu Arteritis
- Foreign Material: berylliosis, talcosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis
_____, a pattern of chronic inflammation, are composed of epithelioid cells (macrophages with abundant pink cytoplasm) with surrounding multinucleated giant cells and lymphocytes.
Th1 cells secrete _____, activating macrophages.
_____ from macrophages induces and maintains granuloma formation.
_____ drugs can cause sequestering granulomas to break down → disseminated disease. Always test for latent TB before starting _____ therapy.
Granulomas are associated with hypercalcemia due to _____ production.
Calcitriol (1,25-[OH]2 vitamin D3)
_____ necrosis is more common with an infectious etiology (eg. TB).
Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis requires _____ on biopsy.
Noncaseating Ggranulomas
Types of Calcification
- Dystrophic Calcification
- Metastatic Calcification
- Ca2+ deposition in abnormal tissues
- tends to be localized (eg. calcific aortic stenosis)
- 2° to injury or necrosis
- patients are usually normocalcemic
Dystrophic Calcification
- TB (lung and pericardium) and other granulomatous infections
- liquefactive necrosis of chronic abscesses
- fat necrosis
- infarcts
- thrombi
- Schistosomiasis
- Congenital CMV
- Toxoplasmosis
- Rubella
- Psammoma Bodies
- CREST Syndrome
- atherosclerotic plaques
Dystrophic Calcification
- Ca2+ deposition In normal tissues
- widespread (ie. diffuse, metastatic)
- metastatic calcifications of alveolar walls in acute pneumonitis (arrows)
- patients usually have abnormal serum Ca2+ levels
Metastatic Calcification
- predominantly in interstitial tissues of kidney, lung, and gastric mucosa (these tissues lose acid quickly; ↑ pH favors Ca2+ deposition)
- nephrocalcinosis of collecting ducts may lead to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and renal failure
Metastatic Calcification
- Hypercalcemia
- 1° hyperparathyroidism
- sarcoidosis
- hypervitaminosis D
- High Calcium-Phosphate Product Levels
- chronic renal failure with 2° hyperparathyroidism
- long-term dialysis
- calciphylaxis
- multiple myeloma
Metastatic Calcification
_____ is a yellow-brown “wear and tear” pigment associated with normal aging. Formed by oxidation and polymerization of autophagocytosed organellar membranes. Autopsy of elderly person will reveal deposits in heart, colon, liver, kidney, eye, and other organs.
Free radicals damage cells via _____.
- Membrane Lipid Peroxidation
- Protein Modification
- DNA Breakage
Free radical injury is initiated via _____.
- Radiation (eg. cancer therapy)
- Metabolism of Drugs (phase I)
- Redox Reactions
- Nitric Oxide (eg. inflammation)
- Transition Metals
- WBC (eg. neutrophils, macrophages) Oxidative Burst
Free radicals can be eliminated by _____.
- Scavenging Enzymes (eg. catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase)
- Spontaneous Decay
- Antioxidants (eg. vitamins A, C, E)
- Certain Metal Carrier Proteins (eg. transferrin, ceruloplasmin)
Free Radical Injuries
- Oxygen Toxicity
- retinopathy of prematurity (abnormal vascularization)
- bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- reperfusion injury after thrombolytic therapy
- Drug/Chemical Toxicity
- acetaminophen overdose (hepatotoxicity)
- carbon tetrachloride (converted by cytochrome P-450 into CCl3 free radical → fatty liver [cell injury → ↓ apolipoprotein synthesis → fatty change], centrilobular necrosis)
- Metal Storage Diseases
- hemochromatosis (iron)
- Wilson disease (copper)
_____ occurs when repair cannot be accomplished by cell regeneration alone. Nonregenerated cells (2° to severe acute or chronic injury) are replaced by connective tissue. 70–80% of tensile strength regained at 3 months; little tensile strength regained thereafter.
Scar Formation
Scar Formation:
- ↑ collagen formation—type III collagen
- parallel collagen organization
- confined to borders of original wound
- infrequent recurrence
- no predisposition
Scar Formation:
- ↑↑↑ collagen formation—disorganized types I and III collagen
- disorganized collagen
- extends beyond borders of original wound with “claw-like” projections typically on earlobes, face, upper extremities
- frequent recurrence
- ↑ incidence in ethnic groups with darker skin
Tissue Mediators:
stimulates angiogenesis
Tissue Mediators:
- angiogenesis
- fibrosis
Tissue Mediators:
- secreted by activated platelets and macrophages
- induces vascular remodeling and smooth muscle cell migration
- stimulates fibroblast growth for collagen synthesis
Tissue Mediators:
tissue remodeling
Tissue Mediators:
stimulates cell growth via tyrosine kinases (eg. EGFR/ErbB1)
Phases of Wound Healing
- Inflammatory—up to 3 days after wound
- Proliferative—day 3–weeks after wound
- Remodeling—1 week–6+ months after wound
Phases of Wound Healing:
- up to 3 days after wound
- Effector Cells:
- platelets
- neutrophils
- macrophages
- clot formation
- ↑ vessel permeability and neutrophil
- migration into tissue
- macrophages clear debris 2 days later
Phases of Wound Healing:
- day 3–weeks after wound
- Effector Cells:
- fibroblasts
- myofibroblasts
- endothelial cells
- keratinocytes
- macrophages
- deposition of granulation tissue and type III collagen
- angiogenesis
- epithelial cell
- proliferation
- dissolution of clot
- wound contraction (mediated by myofibroblasts)
- delayed wound healing in vitamin C deficiency and copper deficiency
Phases of Wound Healing:
- 1 week–6+ months after wound
- Effector Cells: fibroblasts
- type III collagen replaced by type I collagen
- ↑ tensile strength of tissue
- collagenases (require zinc to function) break down type III collagen
- zinc deficiency → delayed wound healing
- cellular (cloudy)
- ↑ protein (> 2.9 g/dL)
- due to:
- lymphatic obstruction (chylous)
- inflammation/infection
- malignancy
- Hypocellular (clear)
- ↓ protein (< 2.5 g/dL)
- due to:
- ↑ hydrostatic pressure (eg. HF, Na+ retention)
- ↓ oncotic pressure (eg. cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome)