Renal and urinary tract Flashcards
Metabolic acidosis
bodys pH is lower and acidic due to dysfunction of kidneys
proximal renal tubule acidosis
tubule do not proberly reabsorb HCO2 from urine, making the body more acidic
distal reanl tubule acidosi
decreased renal H+ secretion
may be from hyperventilation
metabolic alkolosis
body too basic because of kidney dyfunction
obstructive uropathy
urine blocked from draining
fliud pooling in ureter
xan be caused by kidney stones
fluid back up into kidneys
tubulointerstitial fibrosis
scar tissue accumulation
blood in urine
proteins in urine
post obstructive diuresis
increased urine output
kindey stones
what can cause kidney stones
increased concentraion of certain salts in urine
usually calcium phosphate, ocolate
startung point of crystals to be able and form a stone
urethral stricture
abnormally narroe urethra
bladder protrudes in vagina
neurogenic bladder dysfunction
bladder problems due to nervous system
common cause of urinary incontinence
what renal tumor has the most chance of metastaisizing
rencal cell carcinoma
uncomplicated UTI
healthy person getting a UTI
complicated UTI
has a specific reason its happening, foley/catheter
why are woman more prone to UTI
anus is closer to urethra
what typically causes UTI
intestinal flora bacteria
painful urination
bladder inflammtion/ infection
why is cystitis more common in women
women have a shorter urethra
recurring UTI
gets treated, goas away, comes back
persistant UTI
traatment does work
kidney complication of UTI
pyelonephritis, kidney infection
autoimmune, and connected to strep
type 3 hypersensitivity
nephrotic syndrome
glomeruler disorder that increases protien in urine to more than 3.5 g/day and increase albumin
nephritic syndrome
increase of other matierial in urine
renal insifficiency
25% of normal function, both kidneys effected
how much function remains with end stage renal failure
less than 10%
how does renal failure present
uremia, azotemia (lots of excess protein) oliguria, anuria, kussmaul repirration, high levels on angiotensin II
prerenal failure
metabolic condition causing problems upstream form kidneys
intrarenal failure
problem is within the kidneys
postrenal failure
ureter, bladder, urethra, or soemthing else impending ability of body to get rid of urine