Alterations of hormonal regulation (E1) Flashcards
what can cause hormonal alteration (5)
synthesis disorders
gland failure to recognize cellular need
inappropriate de/activation of hormone
dysfunctional delivery systems
recipient cells responding improperly
Example of a dysfunctional delivery system
lipid hormones are hydrophobic and need a shuttle protein. If this does not work
in posterior pituitary
causes high antidiuretic hormone release, and body hold on to too much water
sodium level too diluted from increased renal H20 retention, a result of SIADH
Diabetes insipidus
posterior pituitary
not enough ADH, causes excessive urination
excessive urination
excessive thirst
neurogenic diabetes insipidus
problem in nervous system, with posterior pituitary
nephrogenic DI
problem lies with the kidneys
psychogenic polydipsia
psychological compulsion to drink too much water
anterior pituitary
stops secreting essentially all hormones
hypopituitary dwarfism
anterior pituitary
not making enough HGH (human growth hormone)
growth hormone hypersecretion
anterior pituitary hyperpituitarism
anterior pituitary
inappropriate lactation
involves increases of secretion of THs
enlarged neck from hyperthyroidism
thyroid strom
stress induced hypersecretion of hormones
graves disease
body produces antibodies that mimic thyroid stimulating hormones
creates overstimulation of the thyroid
decreased production by thyroid
1st degree hypothyroidism
problem is within the thyroid
2nd degree hypothyroidism
thyroid is not getting enough stimulation to make TH
what often causes hypothyroidism
4 types of thyroiditis
acute, subacute, postpartum, autoimmune
immune system attacks thyroid, hypothyroidism
manifestation of hypothyroidism in the face
increased PTH production, results in hypercalcemia/hypercalciuria, and hypophosphatemia
decreases PTH production, hypocalcemia
diabetes mellitus
not enough glucose is being turned into glycogen, abnormality with insulin
Type 1 diabetes
absolute insulin deficiency
type 2 diabetes
insulin resistance, if diet is high in glucose, insulin will be constantly used and receptors will be come less receptive to insulin
gestational diabetes
typically temporary, happens during pregnancy due to hormone cascades
How to test for diabetes
HBA1c levels- if hemoglobin has a lot of glucose stuck to it, glucose levels are too high
diabetic ketoacidosis
when body can use energy from glycogen, breaks down fats instead which causes ketones
nonenzymatic glycosylation
complication of DM
glucose is stuck to molecules that it shouldn’t be
complication of DM
too high blood sugar
glucose into polyol pathway, and oxidative stress is put on cells
diabetic neuropathy
complication of DM
tingling in peripherals
diabetic retinopathy
complication of DM
eye problems
microvascular disease
complication of DM
effects the blood stream and can cause gangrene/ necrosis in late stages
adrenal disorder
increased adrenocorticotropic hormone increases cortisol
diffuse weight gain
decreased adrenocorticotropic hormone equals decreased cortisol
idiopathic Addison’s disease
increased aldosterone, which regulates ions.
hang on to too much sodium= too much water= increased blood pressure
increased secretion of estrogens or increased breakdown of testosterones into estrogen by aromatase
increased secretion of androgens