Renal Flashcards
Urinary excretion rate =
Urinary excretion rate = Filtration rate - (Reabsorption rate + Secretion rate)
Creatinine in kidneys
Are only filtered not reabsorbed nor excreted
Filtration = Excretio
Na, Cl ions and others are
Freely filtered and partially reabsorbed
Excretion = Rate of filtration - Rate of reabsorption
Amino acids and glucose
Freely filtered and completely reabsorbed from tubules
No excretion
Organic acids and bases
Freely filtered not reabsorbed but additional substances secreted from capillary to tubule
Excretion rate = Filtration + secretion rate
Filtration fraction =
Filtration fraction = GFR/Renal plasma flow
The GC has 3 layers
1 endothelium
2 basement membrane
3 epithelial cell podocyte
Normal GFR
125 ml/min 180L/day
Filtrate devoid of protein, rbc, half of Ca bound and fatty acid
Fenestrations in gc are endowed with
that hinder passage of plasma proteins
negative charges
Filterability of solutes are determined by
Electrical charge
Proteinuria/Albuminuria occurs in minimal change disease bec of
loss of negative charge on the basement membrane proteoglycan
Net filtration pressure =
Net Filtration Pressure = (GCh - Bh) - (GCc+Bc)
Glomerular Filtration Rate =
Glomerular Filtration Rate =
Kf x (Net filtration pressure)
Kf x [(GCh-Bh)-(GCc+Bc)]
Kf normal
12.5 ml/min/mmHg
Kf = GFR/NFP Kf = 125/10mmHg
DM alters Kf by
Inc thickness of bm and damaging functional capillary less surface area
In obstructive renal disease such as calcium or uric stones, GFR is markedly dec bec of
Inc Bowman capsule hydrostatic pressure from backflow limiting filtration
Inc glomerular capillar colloid osmotic pressure : GFR
Decreases GFR
Inc arterial plasma colloid osmotic pressure, inc glomerular capillary colloid osmotic and dec GFR
Inc filtration fraction concentrating plasma proteins, inc colloid osmotic, dec GFR
A greater rate of blood floe into glomerulus: GFR
Lower rate of blood flow into glomerulus: GFR
Primary means of physiologic regulation of GFR
Glomerular hydrostatic pressure
Glomerular hydrostatic pressure is determined by (3)
1 arterial pressure (inc AP, inc GFR)
2 afferent arteriole (vasoconstriction dec GFR and vice versa)
3 efferent arteriole (vasoconstriction inc GFR slightly as long as the inc does not reduce renal blood flow)
too much efferent vasoconstriction eventually dec GFR bec dec renal blood flow can promote inc filtration fraction and inc colloid osmotic pressure DEC GFR)
Oxygen consumption of kidney is related to
High rate of active sodium reabsorption by tubule
Renal blood flow =
Renal blood flow =
(Renal artery pressure1 - Renal vein pressure2)/Total renal vascular resistance
Total renal vascular resistance come from
Interlobular arteries
Afferent arteriole
Efferent arteriole
Strong activation of renal sympathetic nerves and autacoids (NE, Epi, Endothelin) such as in defense rx, ischemia brain, or severe hemorrhage
Otherwise in mild to mod vasoconstriction, little influence on blood flow
Angiotensin II acts preferentially on the efferent arteriole when activated to
Promote flow in the glomerulus
Prevent dec glomerular hydrostatic pressure and prevent dec GFR
Efferent constriction causes reduction in renal blood flow leading to dec flow in peritubular capillaries and sodium and water reabsorption increases
Autoregulation of kidneys depend on:
1 sodium chloride concentration at macula densa
2 control of renal arteriolar resistance
GFR autoregulation is accomplished by
1 renal autoregulation
2 glomerulotubular balance (adaptive mech in renal tubules)
Tubuloglomerular feedback components:
1 afferent arteriolar feedback
2 efferent arteriolar feedback
depending on juxtaglomerular complex
JGC components
1 macula densa (initial distal tubule)
2 juxtaglomerular cell (afferent and efferent)
Macula densa cells sense change in volume delivery at distal tubule when
Dec GFR slows flow rate at LOH
INC reabsorption of NaCl ions in ascending LOH
Dec concentration of NaCl at macula densa
Dec of NaCl at macula densa cause:
Dec resistance to blood flow in afferent arteriole Inc GFR
Inc renin release in JGC (RAAS)
Angiotensin II inc GFR by
Vasoconstricting afferent arterioles
Myogenic mechanisms in renal arteriole has important protective function against
Hypertension-induced kidney i
Filtration =
Filtration = Glomerular filtration x Plasma conc
Reabsorption across tubular epi into interstitial fluid occurs by
active or passive transport
Transport from interstitial fluid into peritubular capillary involve
ultrafiltration (bulkflow)
Moves solute against electrochemical gradient requires energy from metabolism
active transport
Transport coupled to an energy source such as hydrolysis of ATP is called
Primary Active Transport
Transport coupled indirectly to energy source such as ion gradient
Secondary active transport
ex glucose
Diffusiob from a region of low solute to high solute concentration
Primary active transport in kidneys (4)
H ATPase
Ca ATPase
Na enters apical membrane from tubular lumen by
Electrochemical gradient established by NaK ATPase
Na is transported across basolateral membrane by
Electrochemical gradient by NaK ATPase
Na is reabsorbed from interstitial fluid into peritubular capillary by
Reabsorption or secretion of solutes across cells
Transport of solutes between cells across tight junctions and intercellular spaces
Located on brushborder of proximal tubular cells carry glucose into cytoplasm against concentration gradient
Na-glucose co transporter SGLT2 (90%) and SGLT1
Glucose diffuses out into interstitial space with help
Substances are secreted into tubules by secondary transport
Ex. Sodium reab in luminal membrane coupled with H extrusion from cell by Na-H
Na H exhanger
Amount of solute delivered to tubuke exceeds capacity of carrier proteins and specific enzymes involved in transport
Transport maximum
Appearance of glucose in urine occurs before transport max is reached
Glucose threshold
Overall transport maximum 375mg/min is reached when
All nephrons have exceeded maximal capacity to reabsorb
When rate of transport is determined by electrochemical gradient for diffusion, permeability of membrane for substance and time that the substance remains within tubule
Gradient-time transport
PCT Reabsorption and transport
65% water, Na, Cl, bicarbonate, K, glucose and AA
NaCl Na/K ATPase
Na-Glucose and Na-AA co transport
Na-H exchange
H secretion to lumen of PCT is important for
Removal of bicarb
First half of proximal tubule reabsorption
Co transport with Na, glucose, AA, bicarbonate
Second half of PCT
Na with Cl
Organic solute that remains highly concentrated at PCT
Total solute conc and osmolarity remains the same along PCT bec
It is extremely permeable to water
PCT excretes
Bile salt oxalate urate and catecholamine
Used to estimate renal plasma flow bec of rapid secretion in PCT
PAH Para-aminohippuric acid
Filters 20% of water and allows simple diffusion
Thin descending limb of LOH
Impermeable to water
Thick and thin ascending limb of LOH
concentration of urine
The thick ascending limb reabsorbs
25% of Na, Cl, K, Ca, bicarb, magnesium
Transporter in the thick ascending limb of LOH mediating Na transport
NaK2Cl co transporter
Site of action of furosemide, ethacrynic acid and bumetanide
Thick ascending limb of LOH
Thick ascending limb also has
Apart from NaK2Cl
Na-H counter transport
Paracellular reabsorption of Ca, Mg, Na and K in thick ascending limb occurs bec of
Slight + charge of lumen with slight backleak of K into lumen creating + charge of 8mv
This forces cations to diffuse from lumen to paracellular space
First portion of distal tubule:
Reabsorbs 5% of NaCl
Contains distal tubule from macula densa of JGC
Second portion of the DCT reabsorbs most ions but impermeable to water bec
It acts as diluting segment
Transporters in the DCT
Na-Cl co transporter
Cl channels
Site of action of thiazide diuretics
Thiazide inhibit
Na-Cl co transporter
Cell types of late distal and cortical collecting tubule
1 principal cell
2 intercalated cell
Reabsorb sodium and water and secrete K into lumen
Principal cell
Reabsorb K and secrete H ion into lumen
Intercalated cell
Principal cells are sites of action of
K sparing diuretics Spironolactone Eplerenone Amiloride Triamterene
Mineralocorticoid antagonist that compete with aldosterone for receptor sites at principal cells
Inhibit sodium reabsorption and K SECretion hence sparing
Sodium channel blockers that directly inhibit entry of sodium and reduce transport of K secretion into cells
H ion secretion in the intercalated cell is mediated by
H ATPase transporter
Capable of secreting H ions against a large conc gradient 1000:1
Key role in acid base
For each H ion secreted,
a bicarbonate ion becomes available for reabsorption across basolateral membrane
Site of action of aldosterone
Late distal tubule
Cortical collecting tubule
Site of action of ADH
Late distal tubule
Cortical collecting duct
Medullary CD
ADH/Vasopressin MOA
makes the late distal tubule and cortical collecting duct permeable to water
Final site processing of urine and plays important role in determining final urine output
Medullary Collecting Duct
<10% of water and sodium
Unique to medullary collecting duct are
Urea transporters that permit urea reabsorption
Urea reabsorption in MCD helps
Raise osmolality forming concentrated urine
MCD also secretes
H ions
Polysaccharide used to measure GFR not reabsorbed nor secreted
Reflect changes in water present in tubule
Total rate of reabsorption increases as filter load increases despite constant GFR in PCT at 65%
Glomerulotubular balance
Inc arterial pressure effect on
peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure
reabsorption rate
inc hydrostatic pressure
dec reabsorption rate
inc in resistance of afferent or efferent arteriole effect on
pretubular capillary hydrostatic pressure
reabsorption rate
Dec hydrostatic pressure
Inc reabsorption rate
Inc in arterial pressure causes pressure natriuresis bec (3)
Impaired autoregulation
Inc hydrostatic pressure of renal interstitial fluid causing Na backleak to lumen
Reduced angiotensin II
Site of action
Collecting tubule and duct
Inc NaCl and water reabsorption
Important regulator of K
Angiotensin II site
1 Inc Aldosterone secretion - Inc NaCl and water reabsorption
2Constriction of efferent arterioles - inc peritubular capillary reabsorption and inc filtration fraction to inc colloid osmotic pressure in peritubular capillary all leading to inc reabsorption
3 Inc H secretion
4 Direct stimulation of Na reabsorption in PCT, LOH, DCT and CT
Angiotensin II exerts direct effect on transporters
Na-H exchange NHE
Na/K ATPase
Na-HCO3 co transport
ADH site of action
Inc water reabsorption
ADH binds to what receptor in the DCT, CT and CD
V2 receptor
V2 receptor binding coupled with Gs activating adenylate cyclase
Inc cAMP and activation of Protein Kinase
Movement of AQP2 on luminal side of cell
Exocytosis forms water channels permiting rapid diffusion of water through cells
Plasma volume expansion leading to cardiac atria distention stimulate release of
Atrial natriuretic peptide
ANP site
DCT, CT and CD
Dec NaCl reabsorption
PTH site
Dec phosphate reabsorption
Inc Ca reabsorption
Sympthetic effect on Na reabsorption
Constriction of renal arteriole leads to dec GFR from dec Na and water excretion
Inc renin and Angiotensin II formation
Renal clearance =
Renal clearance = Volume of plasma completely cleared of substance by kidney/unit time
Clearance rate of a substance =
Cs = (urine concentration x urine flow rate)/plasma concentration
Cs = urinary excretion rate (U x V) / plasmac
GFR = (urine concentration of substance x urine flow rate)/plasma concentration of substance
Susbtances used to measure GFR (3)
Radioactive iothalamate
Creatinine clearance isn’t perfect marker of GFR because
Small amount is secreted by tubules
so amount excreted slightly exceeds the amount filtered
Overestimation of GFR
Used to estimate renal plasma flow bec of its 90% clearance from plasma
Para-ammino hippuric acid
Filtration fraction=
Fraction of plasma that filters through glomerular membrane
Causes of K shift into cell
Beta adrenergic agonist
Alkalosis (H-K exchange)
Causes of K shift out/Hyperkalemia
Insulin deficiency Beta adrenergic antagonist Acidosis Hyperosmolarity Inhibitors of Na-K pump eg digitalis Exercise Lysis