Renal Flashcards
post op complication most likely to affect long term prognosis of patients with bladder estrophy
Bladder dehiscence
Gfr threshold for chronic kidney disease
Most severe and often fatal cause of hypercalcemic hypercalciuric nephrocalcinosis
Subcutaneous fat necrosis
Highest positive predictive value for fetal nephropathy on us
AP diam renal pelvis
Increase in gfr during fetal development depends on
Number glomeruli
Chronic exposure to catecholamines leads to a x number of cardiac beta adrenergic receptors
Gfr threshold for chronic renal failure
Which infants are at highest risk for renal vein thrombosis
IDM factor v Leiden
Where in kidney does spironolactone work
Collecting duct.
Production of fetal urine begins at x weeks and bladder is seen at x weeks
9 weeks
13 weeks
Most common cause of acute renal failure in NICU
Perinatal asphyxia
Enzyme involved In catecholamine mediated renal solute transport
na K atp ase
Angiotensin 2 stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete x
Nephorcalcinosis related to short bowel syndrome likely caused by increased urinary excretion of
What’s needed in ras pathway for normal nephrogenesis
Angiotensin 2
Renal agenesis caused by failure of development of what
Ureteric bud
Most common cause of normocalcemic hypercalciuric nephrocalcinosis
Distal RTA