ENT Flashcards
Risk factors for ROP
Pre-natal like low birth weights, preterm, postnatal like exposure to oxygen, postnatal weight gain
Average palatal index in neonates
Most common cause of asymmetric crying facies
Hypoplasia of depressor anguli oris muscle
Single risk factor that can cause ROp in preterm newborns in the absence of other anomalies is
Abnormal oxygen environment
Which syndrome is associated with upper eyelid coloboma ?
Goldenhar goloboma
What needs to happen before cochlear implants are placed ?
Trial period with hearing aids to determine potential benefit
If you receive bevacizumab for ROP, what is the follow up rec ?
Close follow up between 45-55 weeks PMA and continued exam to at least 65 weeks PMA
The cystic form of lymphangioma of macro cystic dilatations is most often localized in the region of the ?
Head and neck
Vascular malformations that are present at birth may enlarge suddenly if there is what?
Hemorrhage or thrombosis and result in acute respiratory distress
When do babies need one week ROP follow up?
the highest risk eyes need one week: retinal vessels extending only into zone one, eyes that have low stage ROp in zone 1, or eyes with any stage 3 ROP
What nutritional preventative measure has been shown to be comparable to anti VEGF in reducing neovascularization?
Omega 3 fatty acids (in mice)
Tell tale skill set deficiency associated with cognitive visual dysfunction (CVD) is what
Difficulty establishing the correct pencil grip
What type of embryonic cells migrate from the anterior skull base to form the bony cartilage skull base and nasal vaults ?
Neural crest cells
Stages of ROP
1- flat line or demarcation between vascular and avascular retina
2- line becomes ridge, vessels still within retina
3- neovascularization in ridge and vascularization beyond retina
4- partial retinal detachment
5- complete detachment
One of the most common nasal masses is a x cyst which may have no effect on nasal breathing unless an intranasal component is present
When is ablative therapy considered for ROP?
Type 1 ROP:
ZONE 1, stage 3 or with plus
Zone 2, stage 2 or 3 with plus
The nasal maldevelopment most likely to be associated with holoprosencephaly is
Pyriform aperture stenosis
Which gene accounts for up to 50 percent of cases of non syndromic sensory neural hearing loss ?
GJB2 grandad James Bond is deaf
At what GA does the vaso proliferative stage of ROP happen?
36-38 weeks
Charge syndrome stands for
Coloboma or cranial nerve deficits
Heart defects
Atresia of choanae
Retardation of growth and development
GU anomalies
Ear malformations and hearing loss
What’s the data comparing laser to becluzimab for ROP?
I-higher mortality for med so need more safety and efficacy trials
Which nasal cyst may contain hair follicles and sebaceous glands ?
Dermoid cyst
The pupillary light response is first evident at what GA?
31 weeks
The most common cause of unilateral vocal cord paralysis is
Cardiac surgery
The last post menstrual age to assess retinal vascularization in the absence of ROP is
45 weeks
What is the mechanism of hearing loss in that related to mitochondrial mutations and aminoglycosides?
The antibiotic inhibits mitochondrial protein synthesis resulting in less ATP in cochlear cells
What are the two most common risk factors for nasal deviation after vaginal delivery?
Increased birth weight and primigravity
Dark spots in both eyes during routine red reflex exam?
Congenital cataracts. It’s dark in catarata del iguazu
The only oral muscle innervated by the cervical branch of the facial nerve
Most common cause of bilateral vocal cord paralysis
Idiopathic vocal cord adductor muscle hyperactivity
Which growth factor is part of the algorithm to predict ROP threshold?
Insulin like growth factor
Percentage of cleft lip with or without cleft palate detected prenatal via US is