Renal Flashcards
What is urinalysis?
looks at color, pH levels, protein levels, specific gravity, glucose, ketones, blood cell detection
What are you looking for in a culture and sensitivity test?
Looks for a specific bacterial infection
What is a KUB?
an x-ray taken of the kidneys, ureters and bladder
What is cystoscopy?
a fiberoptic scope used to look at urethra and bladder
What will a lower UTI present as?
Cystitis or urethritis
What will an upper UTI present as?
What are some risk factors for UTI’s?
Women, pregnancy, older adults, catheterization, instrumentation, sexual intercourse, obstruction
Who is more likely to get kidney stones (men/women)? Around what age?
Men. Onset in 30-40’s but increases w/ age
What are some causes of acute renal failure?
Shock, trauma, obstruction, toxicity, infection
What happens to BUN and creatinine during acute renal failure?
How is chronic kidney failure caused?
prolonged injury to nephrons
What happens during hemodialysis?
Blood travels to DIALYZER in plastic tubing that has a semi-permeable membrane. Dialyzing fluid (containing diff. osmolalities) cleans out toxins from blood and returns clcean blood to body.
What is CVVH?
continuous veno-venous hemofiltration
What is CRRT
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
What is an Arteriovenous fistula?
surgically created connection between an artery and vein for hemodialysis
What is the sensation like when you touch an AV fistula? What is it called?
Thrill, feels almost like a small electric charge
What does CAPD stand for?
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
What does CCPD
Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis. Usually overnight
What does IPD stand for?
Intermittent Peritoneal dialysis. USually 36-42 hrs/wk
What is functional incontinence?
cant make it to the restroom in time but know you have to go
What is overflow incontinence?
Leakage from overfull bladder.
What is stress incontinence?
Caused from cough, laugh, sneeze, valsalva
What is urge incontinence?
strong, sudden urge to urinate (usually bladder spasms or contractions)