Red Pages Flashcards
Maintain aircraft control, Analyse the situation, Take action…
Aviate (fly the plane, don’t stall, spd is life)
Navigate (make one smart turn)
Communicate (will give rescue services)
It doesn’t pay to move fast, until you know what to move + in what direction!
Engine Fire on Start-up
Continue Cranking to attempt engine light-off
If successful start…then run engine at 1700rpm
If not successful, keep cranking for 2min
Mags off
Mixture cut-off
Thottle full Open
Fuel Valve shutoff Closed
Obtain a Fire Extinguisher (Horizontal Figure 8 sign)
When ready to use Fire Extinguisher…
Stop Cranking
Master 1&2 off
Fight Fire
Engine fire on ground or during takeoff…
Maintain directional control stick back
Mixture cutoff
Master 1&2 Off, Altn Fld +Mags off
Fuel selector valve Off
Get out and consider fighting fire with extinguisher
Tail rising during Taxi
usually after a turn from cross or headwind to a Tailwind..
Release any Brakes
Add Power
Stick way back into my Gut!
What causes the most severe Wake Turbulence?
Bigger, heavier aircraft during T/O-Landing, occurs when large Aoa is demanded
6kts of Crosswind is the worst
(as this hovers the ‘upwind’ vortex over the rwy)
Quartering Tailwinds, also very bad also
I can mitigate them by…
Rotating much earlier, Cimbout steeper
(note: most airliners climbout steeper than me)
Turning to avoid their flight path
Landing beyond their touchdown point
*if unsure, then I must wait 4min for dissipation…
G Push to obtain Vg and Trim, from 6deg Nu to 2deg ND PA
[most immediate priority from Vx 58kts is to push to 70kts, land straight ahead, avoid wires & walls]
…Land on any Remaining Runway with a forward sideslip…
L <800’ agl just land left-right 30deg of straight ahead track
[brief which side is better prior to lineup when there is an obvious choice]
You cannot stretch a Glide…trim to 70kts
I Investigate: GMT (if time permits
[Gaz (Mix Rich+Fuel selector on), Mags both, Throttle ease back+fwd]
D Delcare an emergency: Mayday, C/S x3, Position, Nature Emergency, People on board
E ECL: Toges (Tighten harness, Open door, Gaz off, Elec off, Stow loose items,)
Partial Power loss on Takeoff or Climbout
Adjust Pitch attitude (as required) to achieve Vg of 70kts
[accept whatever ROC or ROD that results, must fly 70kts]
Assess which side to turn is best direction, then turn with 15deg aob
#1. Away from Obstacles, if none…
#2. Into wind
Eng Fail 180deg back to Rwy…
Only once >800’ agl & Vy (Verbalize relevant MSL ALT for this aerodrome?)
Turn into wind (which is the side the wind is coming from…)
Use 50deg aob with nose down; speed target of 85kts at 1.5g
Fly the pitch attitude with the V-Bar parrallel to Horizon
Turn will take 15 secs, be patient (i.e. 7 sec until 90 deg done)
In the end, the Heading change 210deg…
Speed is life, 40% in + 60% out Scan
Engine Failure in Cruise
Rich Hot Bothx2
Mix Rich
Carb Heat Hot
Mags & Fuel Selector switch between my legs on Both
…If Time permits…while investigating “i”
Check Primer In + locked
Squawk 7700
When my engine has failed when should I engage the red starter button?
Only when propeller is not windmilling and there was no obvious mechanical seizure..
(You have not chucked a Piston or Rod)
Criteria for selecting a good field to land on?
Should be <1/2 way to the Horizon
Make extra effort to Look to both sides…
Longer, Ploughed, Green grass
Into wind is a Bonus if choices have no obstacles!
…Must Avoid… WWF
Electric Wires
Fewer obstacles on Approach end is preferred (in case I come in short)
[I changed field with Dave from ahead with tall trees to left ploughed]
When field assured:
Full Flap+Sideslip til 15’ then 3 point stall touchdown if space permits (Lda)
Ground run with Horizontal Decelleration of 90m is all you need (push it on when its a short landing area) even 10m decell is survivable!
Forest Landing
Fly later portion at Vref with F4
(gives a better view of ‘line’ I choose)
Never stall on Treetops
Fly into them on a 3deg glidepath NO Flare…
Land into similar sized trees
Aim between 2 similar big trees, but never want to clip 1 single large tree!
Totally survivable
How to avoid Vapour Lock?
Flight Plan a lower cruise altitude with Mogas on Hot days.
Use Avgas >9000’ especially on Hot days.
Lower ambient pressure lowers Mogas boiling point causing bubbles when its Hot out, this simply leads to Fuel starvation, there is no procedure to fix it…
Immediate actions for a Rough Engine?
Rich Hot Bothx2
Primer in+locked
Throttle (slowly adjust back then Fwd)
~Could try only L or R mag
Scan Dynon for a faulty cylinder…
Turn to nearest
Search for landing sites and leap-frog between them (i.e. Zig Zag as required to remain over good fields)
-If mixture rich doesn’t work then try leaning it.
Just doing a precautionary landing in a favorable field is a safe choice.
Engine Fire
Immediate actions…if burning smell
Throttle to Idle
Mixture cut-off
Fuel Selector off (the Big Knob downstairs)
Mags Off
Cabin Heat off (stop smoke ingress)
Land ASAP off-field (You only got 15min)
Vents closed if through Firewall
[That fire likely burnt through some stuff and may reappear/ignite soon]
Sq 7700, Mayday
Master 1&2 off
Try 130kts to blowout the fire, or 75kts full-sidelsip away from flames
Land Asap and Evacuate
Idle+Neutral Rudder, Power, Climb level
Idle, stick Neutral (both ailerons and elevator), Rudder (opposite), Power, Climb (at 2g is enough, don’t rip wings off)
Spiral recovery (when ias is increasing as well as G loading and noises)…
Simply use Ailerons to level wings
Climb with 2g pull, don’t rip the wings off
Stall recovery?
Psi, Power, Rudder, Level, Climb
Pressure forward as a positive check, Power to full, Rudder (push opposite rudder to any wing drop), Level, Climbout slowly…at first almost level flight
Mid-Air collision occur when?
Near Airports, so do all Unicom 122.8 radio calls
Use the Radio and monitor others calls
1 a/c descending on-top of another a/c!
Check 6’ o’clock High
Lights on
-Don’t be afraid to Max perform the aircraft (do the snatch)
-I could use upto 75deg AOB to control damaged aircraft creating excessive pitch up (4g at 76deg aob) following a collision induced flight control malfunction.
Indications of an electrical fire?
The odor of burning insulation an acrid sharp smell
Faint White to a grey-blue smoke
Flickering Electrics
CB’s Popping (don’t reset them)
-Usually due to wire arcing (two wires touch without insulation b/c chafed)
[Wood or paper give off white smoke;
Diesel gives black smoke due to imcomplete combustion]
Electrical Fire immediate actions?
Master 1 & 2 Switches off
Alt Field Sw off
…If there is an obvious culprit, turn it off!
(Tx, Dynon, Radio)
Check CB’s, don’t reset them
Keep Mags ON
Fight fire
Take only essential electrics one at a time
Clear the Cabin of Smoke with Vents, only do that if you cannot breathe…
Land Asap
Cabin Fire immediate actions?
Cabin Heat off
Vents Closed
Master 1&2 off
Fight fire with Extinguisher
Land asap
Open Cabin vents after fire is extinguished
Consider opening window
Consider doing sideslip away from flames
Your landing asap in case of re-ignition
Icing up
Carb Heat On
Pitot Heat On
Go back immediately to ‘ice free’ air…
(wherever that just was…)
(if Carb heat used continuously, then lean mixture)
Last resort:
Induce a Spin…Stick back & Full Rudder
Indadvertent IMC
When can see less than 60 sec ahead with stopwatch, then MUST RTB
[3sm is seeing 100seconds…]; Never slow below 80kts
Go onto Ai; then verbalize PA-Hdg-Alt-Ias
Pitot Heat On
Consider where is most dangerous terrain within 3 miles of my current track?
180 deg turn is better Left or Right?
Read+Memorize Recip Heading ‘before’ I start the turn.
Turn at 22deg aob for 1 min
Maybe decide climb, descend; however, 180deg turn is usually Best done level.
Turn 1min, Rate-1 (22deg aob) if I got 1nm of space free of terrain.
Ditching procedures?
Flown slower at Max endurance speed which gives time for radio calls, 65kts
Marine channel 16 Mayday & Position, no-need to hear their replies
(carry Marine radio for any salt water crossings)
Find a boat nearby and fly ‘in front’ of it with lights ON…
Jettison heavy objects
Squawk 7700, Elt On
Land into wind
Land at 1.2 Vref, minimum Rod, Full-Flaps
Touchdown in a level attitude
Just prior to impact, Cross arms & Remove feet from Rudders
Don’t inflate Mae West prior to Ditching
Stoges (…must open door prior to water impact)’
How to escape from a sinking aircraft…
Put Heed in your mouth, calm down
Open door and Eyes fully (maybe latch it open)
Hold a post near door
Unstrap (never start by doing this, unstrap last)
Exit with hands-only pulling you out, don’t kick or you’ll get tangled on gear.
…If stuck, backup a bit, twist 90deg and try again, could also use a knife.
Then Drift above a/c while holding top of doorframe, check Pax!
Breathe normally as in scuba diving, to go up slowly to the surface
Once on surface, inflate Mae West
is my Emergency Landing Checklist, last bit of GLIDE pneumonic….
Stow loose items
(sharp, heavy)
Tighten harness
(like very tight)
Open Door
Gaz off
(Mixture & Fuel selector)
Elt On & Elec off
(Master Sw 1 & 2 off+Altn Field+Mags off)
Forced landing touchdown attitude?
Tail wheel first if able & use brakes
What can over-priming cause?
Induction Fires, Continue to operate the Engine Starter to suck flames back in.
Best way to immediatly stop the engine if there is collision imminent on ground or no rise in Oil pressure 30sec after start?
Mags Off
Faster stop than with Mixture
…now Cylinders will have un-used fuel in them…don’t touch the prop.
Night Engine failure, best practices…
Fly into wind! (as this gives lowest G/S)
Use Synthetic vision to avoid obstacles
Stabilize @55kts F3, wait for impact…gives least compression & lowest overall energy
Put my big LED Lights on
Flare only if it makes sense (over a field); never stall it.
I.A. if on ground during taxi my tail starts to rise?
Release brakes
Add Power to overpower Tailwind with Propwash
Stick full Back
When is it ok to use power against a brake?
On taxi if tail coming up with a Tailwind
Blast of air is to increase elevator effectiveness
Best glide engine-out config
Fly Vg clean
Throttle Full Open
Tailwinds help a lot!
If Landing site is bad…Elt On & Sq 7700
Prop Coarse…Blue all way out; but doesn’t help if there is no more eng oil psi
Engine failure on Takeoff roll
Maintain directional control stick back
Once stopped…
Mixture cutoff
Master 1&2 Off, Altn Fld +Mags off
Fuel selector valve Off
How to do a PFL
Alt lost per 360 deg circe at 25 deg aob clean
Land into wind, avoid landing short…
Aim for first 1/3 of field (have sideslip available)
Be 500’ or so on downwind as a wag
In-flight Fire
Throttle to Idle
Cabin Heat off
Is it an engine or electrical or Cabin fire?
[Close air vents for a Cabin fire and use Extinguisher]
Wing Fire procedure
Lights off x4
Aux Fuel Pump off
Pitot Heat off
Shaking & Dumping oil
Mags off, setup for GLIDE
Forced landing will follow
Zero Oil pressure
With Vibs, shaking, Dumping oil…any other Dynon indications…
Mags OFF
Don’t relight
Vapor lock occurs
Occurs over 10,000’ with mogas
Your not doing a forced landing…
Aircraft Upset…
Throttles as required
Ailerons to roll level
Pitch to level flight
Governor Failure…
Throttle back <2600 rpm
Land Asap, as oil might be leaking out…
Slower Descent (prop is not ‘fine’, full-in)
Governor Failure…
Throttle back <2600 rpm
Land Asap, as oil might be leaking out…
Slower Descent (prop is not ‘fine’, full-in)