Performance Numbers Flashcards
Illness Medication Stress Alcohol 8hrs Fatigue Eat
Never fly with Gusts (themselves) over ___; or any wind type over ___
10kts Gusts (like 5G16kts is a no go…)
Any wind over 20kts until got 500hrs BH, it’s a half-million dollar plane.
Temp dew point at least ___ deg split
2 deg or stay on the ground (except local flights)
Crosswind limits for first 150hrs on BH patrol:
Grass: 10kts
Cement: 6kts or less crosswind component
Cross-Country planning stage finds 35kts headwind…
Don’t Takeoff
As it could end being 50kts and not worth it.
Read a book/ Exercise/ wait/ Go on a Pass commercial
Never fly when winds from any direction on ground are more than ___ kts.
Later, maybe 22kts for steady headwinds down pipe, but issue becomes ground handling, you can lose it and tip over on ground hitting prop as you turn downwind to Park!
Land+Park into wind along Twy, don’t taxi in until later on when winds die down!
For my entire retirement 22kts at departure or destination is a NO-FLY day, unless off-field in an Emergency!
Left of Right crosswind of 10kts with P-Factor is a killer?
LEFT crosswind and worse when you lift the Tail
Wake Turbulence considerations…
Pause 4min on a timer
Takeoff before, then fly steeper or turn away
Land after them (discplace my threshold) and fly a steeper than 3deg path
Avoid being downwind of hovering Helicopters
Helicopters idling on the ground are not a problem (but speak up on radio).
I should Lean mixture for t/o above what Density Altitude?
Set Top of Tree with my Iphone inclinometer at 45deg up…then
Pace that distance to tree in feet…
Gives Trigonomety math for how tall the tree is…
Tan angle=Opposite/Adjacent
Then Isolate…Tan 45*adjacent (paces)= Opp (paces)
(b/c Tan 45 is equal to 1…simply gives #paces in feet +6 = Height of trees)
[+6’ is tree height…b/c I was measuring from 6’ high]
Density Alt=
Pressure altitude + ?
100 * (Actual temp minus ISA temp)
Example: 40deg C ambient - 15deg isa= 35 *100=3500’
Vr window…
Varies with weight only b/c it’s an ias…
When is it too early (premature) it will increase drag?
40mph Tail low
What speed is too late (wasted ground run)?
60mph Tail high
Vr implies a positive pilot input
Normal vs Utility categories
g certification difference
Higher G for Utility category
At 33% overgross an aircraft won’t climb!
Any downdraft will take you down
2650 pounds
Limit our Ops to 17.5% Overgross= With light winds or headwinds No Obstacles Harder surface Much Longer Tora
Standard Atmosphere:
Inches of Mercury
Deg F
14.7 inches
59deg F
My ISA Tora at Mtow for BH patrol is?
500' (test this with flags) Sea Level, 15deg C or 60deg F Mtow (not overgross) No Obstacles on Departure end Flap 1 Zero Wind, Zero Slope Compacted Surface
My Hard Rtow limit, used on an exceptional basis…
assuming a >90min flight that would burn 60lbs gaz
2400lbs or 20% overgross, but Target 2200 mostly at 10% over.
Immediate Airborne G tolerance in Turbulence would be reduce from 4 to 3.5g
Bigger Problem is Gear Loads, not the wing…if…
Immediate RTB must use less Rod on landing, smooth touchdown on a longer Runway, avoid all sideloads and high Rod.
Factors affecting T/O performance?
Rwy Slope
Obstacles on Departure end (takeoff direction)
Surface conditions (Soggy, Mud, Dry grass)
——below the line these can vary…
DA (Density Altitude)
True of False…one notch of Flap for t/o only helps get above immediate Departure end obstacles, not to clear obstacles further out such as clearing a Mountain pass…
A Tailwind that is 10% of Vr will increase Tora by?
My Roc at Sea Level ?
Light 2000fpm
Mtow 1200fpm
25% over-gross at Sea level= 400fpm (similar to a Drifter when solo)
25% over-gross at 9000’ Density= 100fpm; that’s my new Ceiling, terrain should be 5000’ lower at the planning stage of my 100fpm climb ceiling!
Service ceiling defined as 100’ per/min Climb changes with Density Altitude (i.e. temp) and Gross weight, lots of gaz and finesse to go any higher.
F3 takeoff vs. F1 makes a difference of ___ kts at Liftoff.
4kts slower Liftoff
48 vs 52
Would not do that with any obstacles at departure end…
Vr does ‘not’ change with DA, but it does change with?
A 5kt Tailwind will increases takeoff roll by?
400’ or so…
Ground Effect…
Only exists between 2 feet and 25feet Agl
At 4’ gives 48% reduction induced drag, but @17’ only 8% reduction.
Pause there for 6 long seconds…then x-check if achieved Vx.
Don’t retract flaps in Ground effect
(Vx at Flap 1 is different (slower) than Vx with Flaps up)
Just Fly Higher (like 5’) if turbulent Gusty winds
Vx increases or decreases above Sea level?
Increases about half a kts per 1000’
Decrease with less weight
A 10% Gross Weight Reduction is=
-220lbs of freight
1/2 tank fuel (35 gallon less @6.2 pds each)
Or 1 pax
Will derease Tora and VR by? improve ROC by?
Will Decrease=
Tora by 30% of distance in feet
Vr by 5% which is 3mph or 2kts
Increase or Help=
Roc by 10% from 500 to 550fpm
Soft Field Takeoff procedure…
Flap 1 or 2
Never stop taxi
Use Ground effect at 2’-3’
Short Field Takeoff procedure…
Maybe leave luggage or people behind or Delay til better Temp/Winds
Full power during line up (try to make such a this turn ‘into’ wind)
Pop Flaps-2 at 30kts
Lift-off tail low (high aoa)
Push to remain in Ground effect
At what DA does Vx=Vy?
50 Vr Increases with weight
65 Vx Increases with weight
(1mph per 50lbs )
85 Vy Decreases with altitude
Vx = Vy above 9000’ DA
Affects of High Density Altitudes in the Summer…
Longer Tora & Less Roc
Stronger winds after takeoff
Obstacles harder to clear (must orbit)
For Landing=
Use the Same Vref, it is the right speed
More Landing distance required due to higher G/S (might not look comfy)
Winds on Climbout will…
will Back by 30deg (minus) in direction and increase
(Northern Hemisphere free-flow wind)
On descent... they Veer (clockwise) and decrease
Takeoff Distance increased % estimates for= Upslope Long Grass Mud or Snow Soft field
10% more per degree Upslope
25% more for Long Grass
50% more in Mud or Deep Snow
75% more on a Soft-field
Your Losing Daylight as you fly East or West?
East (as sunrises in the East)
Each deg of longitude is 4min later in the day.
15 deg Longitude is 1-hour later (time zones).
Cruise climb setting procedure >1500’ agl…
Retard throttle towards 26inch MP then set blue RPM at 2500
Tora increases with Square of weight change, so 20% overgross=
45% longer distance
When concerned about Tora, I can?
Wait for Temperature to drop
Wait for better Headwinds
Decrease current weight (dump fuel or pax)
Aircraft climb rate must be double the Rwy slope
True of False?
Must compare apples to apples with ROC in DA converted to Climb gradient in %
Vy decrease by __ kt per 1000’ DA
Roc Decreases __ % per 1000’ of DA!
But, HP reduction is 3.5% per 1000’ of Density Altitude
Vx increase ___ % per 1000’ DA
Consideration for Climbing through a Cold layer of Cloud…
It must be less than 600’ thick and topped below 5000’; as well, have radio contact with preceding aircraft that verified these facts. Never want to spend more than 60secs in ice…ever.
____ % more Tora for every 1000’ DA?
How does decreased Weight affect on Vy?
Decreases 1kt per 100lbs of weight reduction
Vx probably goes down at 0.5kts per 100lbs as the two merge at 10,000’!
Lose __ MP inches per 1000’
Vg (i.e. that is my L/D max)=
Still air Glide ratio of=
Prop moving vs. Prop stopped (stopped is usually better and coarse)
Climb Gradient?
Vg= 75kts
(Remains constant with Density altitude, but changes with weight)
[ref: Cessna Skylane is 80mph, Husky is 75mph]
Glide Ratios=
9: 1 with prop Moving
11: 1 with prop Stopped
Feathering is Max pitch (Coarse) on propeller so its more streamlined.
Want blades to Coarse pitch (Blue knob out) I MUST do that early
Default without oil in CSP is ‘Fine’ pitch, i.e. like a Spb!
Once oil psi is all gone, you got no more control of Prop pitch.
Some CSP will only goto fine when oil psi drops, you cannot change that
True of False…if I can takeoff, then I can always come back and Land …
But not the opposite, could land then not be able to Takeoff!
When ROC performance only gives 150fpm climb at Vy, consider?
Orbits to clear terrain ahead
Incorporate time for each orbit (8min) into my Fuel calculations at flight planning stage, 3 orbits at 150 Roc, costs extra 3 gallons, to gain 3000’ of delta altitude…verify this…assumes less than 15deg aob to keep Roc.
8000’ DA
Normal Cruise power setting=
Long Range Cruise (i.e. slower compromise fuel/time)
65% power, LOP 50deg, 27inch 22rpm
? LRC at 1.32 of L/D max: 100kts
Cruise Climb
Lower nose
Better vis
Cooler engine
Less Engine wear
Faster flight
…just costs a bit more gaz…set 26MP and set 2500rpm
Simply leave throttle wide-open once above ____ altitude?
But lean properly…
Max Range with Engine Running?
Vg (L/D max) +10kts!
(due Propeller/Engine efficiency)
90 kts
Kts to Mph
Just add 10% and then half again (it’s 15%)
1/60 rule
20kts crosswind at 120kts cruise
30kts across at 90kts cruise…
10deg of drift = Max drift
20deg of drift…
10,000’ Density Altitude gives __ % increase in takeoff run?
Lean accurately at the beginning of the roll (as part of it!)
High Density altitude, nose Pointing 6Deg Nose up but flightpath is…
Only going 1deg above Horizon line which can be below the Ridgeline ahead of me as Horizon is obscured by Terrain.
Maintain Vy and start orbiting, never slow it down below Vy
(Easing stick back is a mistake)
Need lateral space to orbit, turn into wind first, winds will be stronger
Cruising at 10,000’ the engine has __ % less horsepower?
Meaning only 100Hp left of my 165hp (7:1 compression titan X-360)
Minimum Fuel
Fuel consumption Rule of thumb…
5 gallons or 50min (that’s 2.5gallon per/side minus unusable if any)
(Air Regs: 30min Vfr, 60min Ifr)
6 Gallons an hour easy; just like 6T an hour on B-777
1 gallon for every 10min (1 litre every 2min, but that is acutally 7gal/hr)
Max Endurance
i.e. Min Fuel Burn…this is NOT about Range
About 20kts slower than Vg (L/D max)
This is always my Ditching Target Speed, allows better preparations and radio work for Rescue coordination.
How Far away from CB should I fly?
15nm, end of story
Gust Front and/or Downburst can end your flying days
(Dark with lightning)
(They can have Random tracks)
(They can build Fast)
(They can move at 45kts)
50kts then add 1/2 Gust at Mtow
~about 1.65 Vs
Decrease when aircraft is lighter
Aircraft designed for How many G at Mtow?
So takeoff overgross is mostly a Tora, Roc vs Density altitude issue
(Avoid Tailwinds on Hot days, no Performance when overgross)
Up to 5 inches oversquare is ok
Consider 6 inches
28 inches/23rpm
27inches /22rpm
Never fly X-cty in less than ___ ceiling ___ vis
Local can do less to change oil in circuit (1500’agl and 3sm or 6km)
Why bother, this is not what is fun, flying in shitty vis!
Frictional affects of wind are gone above what altitude?
G-load limits?
+3.8 and minus 1.52g
With Flaps
+2.0 and 0G
Utility limits are +4.4g and -1.76g
Glide speed depends on ?
Varies from 5:1 to over 13: 1 when I choose Head vs. Tail winds Glide
Fly a bit faster in headwinds (1/3 of Headwind component)
(in headwind glide distance becomes 1 mile per 1000’)
Subtract 2kts per 10kts of tailwind component
(in a tailwaind glide distance becomes 2 miles per 1000’)
Fly a bit slower if Lighter
When aircraft is lighter then Va is less, 1kt less per 100pds <2350 lbs
Doubling the cruising altitude increases Forced landings options by?
Four times
Height (3500’agl for Stalls)
Area (clear of city &danger airspace)
Secure/Stow (items inside cockpit)
Engine (All green, Carb heat On)
Lookout (clearing turns x2)
EO in a glide I want Prop Pitch (blue one) ?
Out or full Coarse for all EO ops
But, if no oil might not stay set to Coarse (defaults back to Fine?)
When should I slow down to ‘Stop the Prop’ competely?
Engine failure more than 3000’ above the ground,
Put throttle to ‘Idle’ so compression helps stop the Prop
Slow to 60kts briefly
Improves glide by 20%
EO below 3000’agl; where do I put ‘throttle lever’?
Full Forward gives less compression, better ‘windmill’ performance as I am not going to ‘Stop the Prop’.
What should be my Orbiting Terrain Seperation allowance (lateral space needed) when using 15deg aob @8000 DA?
8000’ DA, you add 2% per 1000’ for Tas, so zero wind G/S at Vy will be close to 85kts, 13-15deg aob gives a Rate 1 turn, so takes one min and 2570’ or a 1/2 mile radius; take this distance x2 for diameter of my required
Min Orbit Terrain lateral seperation=
I need 1sm clear of obstacles (turn into wind)
Radius Turn: Velocity squared in kts / 11.26*Tangent of your Bank Angle
Canyon Turn (Dirk's goto turn for Efato, Traffic avoidance, Steep turn Airex)
50deg Aob, 1.6 G-load
Full Power, Maintain 90kts
Diameter/Space required= 1200’ or 1/4sm or 0.2 Nm
(Radius of turn is 605’, need 2 x Radius for 180deg turn back)
Stall speed increase of 1.2 Vs of clean, so becomes about 75kts.
180deg Turn completion in 12 seconds…
{45 deg= 1.4g, 1500’ , 74kts stall, 15 secs}
[55 deg= 1.7g, 1000’, 82kts stall, 11 secs]
A/C ceiling today=
<100fpm climb ability at Vx (as Vy decreases to Vx which is pretty much L/D max)
Varies with Weight (overgross) and DA
Only flightplan above terrain that is 5000’ below Max cruise avail today (try 2300lbs and see how high get 100fpm)
Terrain of 12000agl is most likely my highest mountain Pass outside Alaska, but not reachable when a/c is over-gross, on a Hot day or Windy day.
Difference when cruising at 10 000’
- Wind variations of >5kts per 1000’ cause severe turbulence
- Greater than 30min above 12,500’ requires Supplemental Oxygen, upto 14000’msl, then must have anytime above 14,000feet msl.
- Only 60% HP available (my engine only produces 165hp vs 180hp it could if had 8.5compression vs. 7.0)
~100HP left for me at 10,000msl - 20% more Tas
- Ask myself, does DA today allow 5000’ Terrain clearance with 100fpm ROC?
10% less weight is __ % less Glide speed?
i.e. 220pds less weight is 3kts less Vg
Mountain PNR?
When I could no longer complete a 180deg turn using 30deg aob @idle power without hitting the ground or the other side of a canyon.
Dead reckoning with wing’s level gives an error rate per hour ?
5-10nm off track!
100kts =5%
With no GPS it is wise to Offset my ploted track by 20deg to best side about 45min prior to arrival and you’ll hit your reference marker for sure: Lake, Railroad, Coastline, Hwy. This allows certainty of which direction to turn once arrive there.
Max Range usually found Vy + ___%
A bit slower than normal cruise
Never enter a Canyon less than ____ feet wide.
1500’ (lenght of a Rwy)
Relationship of stall speed and G-Load
Stall increases with Square root of the load factor (G-load)
So at 2g the stall speed is 1.41 or 41% higher
60deg aob is 2g, Flap extended G-limit is 2G.
Fly on Downwind or Upwind side of Canyon
Downwind side, so you can turn into rising air and into wind!
Oil Min & Max psi
25-100 psi
Normal: 60-90
Always approach Ridges at?
45 deg angle, on the ‘upwind’ side
Winds must be less than 20kts at summit (3000’ or more hills)
If you get turbulence as you approach, it will only get worse, get out!
Considerations and Procedure to Expedite down through a cold cloud layer that will likely cause Icing…
On a descent the layer must be less than 1000’ feet thick and have that verified via a recent Pirep!
Carb heat on, set throttle to 18”, decell on top until 80kts then push 10deg nose down on AI, allow accel to 110kts to expedite transition, target pitch attitude=
10deg + 30sec
[Don’t sidelip imc or Spin unless dire Emergency, too confusing]
[If picking up ice, consider accelleration until 140mph]
Descent Procedure
Carb Heat on, 15 inches MP
140kts unless turbulent then slow to Va
Trying to keep engine semi-warm
Mountain flying (>5000’msl Terr) with Winds at summit less than ___
15kts at planning stage, upto 20kts once airborne, but not Fun!
Max power for a Physiological reason (bleeding out), running out of daylight, beating a storm…
100deg ROP Egt at 2650 RPM (2700rpm is Max)
Burn a lot more fuel and more Parasite drag, but will reach 130kts (150mph)
As seen from Cockpit the propeller will be turning?
Face the wind, left arm at 45deg (left from straigth ahead) and right arm at 135deg (like broken shoulder) then…
Left points at High pressure area!
Touchdown point is x feet from Aimpoint
100’-200’ Further
Never land short of Spot Landing touchdown point
Often Aimpoint would be 100’ short of Touchdown point
Maximum time at 2700rpm
5min ideally
Never more than 15min
10% extra ias on landing will increase Land Distance by:
20% or more
How long do I maintain Gust additives to my Vref?
1/2 the Gust all the way until the Flare
IMC 180deg turn at Rate-1 when cruising at 120kts
19deg aob for 1min (use a clock) 180deg hdg change
Don’t need ias or hdg, just an ai.
More likely flying at 100kts…so 15deg aob!
Tas/10 +half the answer= aob for rate 1
5kts fast on touch down means?
10% more speed than you need
20% more Landing distance Required
Never fly at a Groundspeed less than 35kts…
True, DPS, my own airbus ‘mini-groundspeed’
Unless truly steady winds without local low-level obstacles or weather system.
My aoa protection settings…
1.15 in Cruise
1.10 Vs F3 on approach
Anytime above 25kts on water
Land Firmly
Flaps up immediately (wow)
Consider taxiway landing if there is a strong crosswind or divert.
9x sqrt Tire Psi
At 6psi would be above 22kts, assuming on cement
At 10psi would be >28kts
GPS Approach Minimum for me…
600 and 1.5 sm (2km)
Or minimums +200 + 1/2sm (+1km)
Divert to better weather or land in a field somewhere, never fly to minimums…
Must be no reported icing in cloud.
1 Orbit
1 Gallon 8min 15 deg aob Gain 1000' Assumes 120-150 Roc
Just stop climbing at 100 fpm Roc…
Clock method of Crosswind calculation
20deg is 1/3 30deg is 50% 45 deg is 3/4 60deg is 90% 70-110 deg is 100%
Uphill vs Downhill
Land uphill
Takeoff Downhill
Or wait…until winds and temperatures improve my outcome
50deg aob
25% increase in stall speed
10kts headwind will reduce landing distance by?
15kts is 39%
Covers __ Feet per second
90kts g/s clean
100 feet covered per Sec
150 feet covered per Sec
Reduce Vref by __ kts per 100lbs lighter a/c?
2kts per 100lbs
Calculate Vref at 2000lbs as baseline
Aft cofg will increase or decrease stall speed?
Decrease a little.
Factors that have a Squared Effect…
Excess speed on touchdown squares crash impact forces
Braking required squares with increased g/s
Lift production is squared as a function increasing ias
Go-Around Procedure
Max power Push level (Long 4 secs) 1 notch flap off Re-trim Climb at Vx Retract all Flaps
1.15 Vs for short field, in stable air, with 2 deg G/S (flat), Lots of power.
1.25 Vs Normal ops
+Half the Gusts
Consider flying minimum Ground speed in a Decreasing Headwind or Increasing Tailwind
Vso (landing config F3)=
Vs (clean stall)=
Vfo (maximum speed for flap extension)
Flaps 3 stall speed vs. Flap 4?
Vso 45
Vs 60
Vfo 85
? Not much 1-2mph
Each Knot fast over Vref will be how many extra feet of Land Distance?
100’ more Land distance!
How does a 50’ obstacle on Takeoff or Landing affect Performance Numbers?
It will double Tora and/or Landing distance values
Anytime touchdown >50% down a runway I should?
Just Go-Around
Each degree of downslope adds?
10% more Landing distance Required
Flap 3 or 4 CofG at Forward limit Cowl Flap Closed Max weight Idle power Decel of 1 kt per second
As weight decreases what happens to Va?
It also decreases
What kind of landing do you make in tree tops?
Vapp touchdown, don’t stall just like an major International airport!
How many G’s can body absorb in compression?
How many lateral G’s can body absorb
so don’t Stall and Fall!
What happens to trauma I endure if I hit a wall at 90kts instead of 45kts?
4 times the Newtons, or Quadruple the destructive energy inflicted on me!
What affects my climb gradient?
How to calculate?
My a/c climb gradient on the day varies with Density Altitude, Weight, and Head vs Tailwind!
(clb 8000’ alt / [17*6080feet]) * 100=
7.9% Gradient in zero wind