Crosswind Operations Flashcards
What can happen while taxiing in the wind?
A/C can weathervane into wind
Ground loop
Nose-over from Tailwind Gust
Which is better direction to have wind pointing at my aircraft?
Front right, but anywhere front!
When your taxiing with a quartering tailwind (in relative terms), what is your goal?
Block wind from going under the upwind wing
Stick to opposite side of upwind wing
Stick positioned downwind (Forward)
What side of ‘Berm’ should you taxi on assuming a Headwind?
Upwind side of the mound in the middle!
Allows upwind wing to be tilted downwards
It is ‘very’ hard to taxi when wind is xx% of Vso…
i.e. winds of 12kts or more!
[Vso means stall speed in Landing config]
At what % of Vso does it become impossible to control aircraft on the ground?
i.e. 20kts
Must suspend flight operations!
I am retired, I can wait…
What is the worse Taxiing problem to solve with regards to relative wind on my airframe?
‘Left’ Quartering Tailwind…because it wants to weathervane you into a left turn like all P-factors from your engine also!
Crosswind estimates with clock method are conservative and work!
30% is 30min or 50% of value
45 deg off is 3/4 crosswind component
3/4 of the Pizza Pie circle.
60 is 90% & anything more just use 100%
What does elevator control surface do when we put stick full forward?
It goes down
Elevator moves downward
But only when tail wind is >8kts
Relative wind to my Taxi speed is a factor!
True or False? Over relatively hard surfaces when wind is less than <8kts I should keep stick in my Gut?
-keeps weight on tail for tailwheel steering effectiveness
-Rough Terrain, you might lighten weight on tail at times
When on Soft or Rough surfaces what should be done with elevator control?
Stick almost Neutral in pitch to reduce weight on tail over rocks, and to reduce amount of debris being blown onto a deflected Elevator!
What should you avoid doing while taxiing over soft or rough surfaces?
Avoid Stoping
…as Extra power to get going may pickup rocks that will damage either Prop or Elevator!
Where should stick be in a no-wind condition?
Sucked back in my Gut!
Is there more chance to weathervane in a Tailwind or Headwind?
As flight control effectiveness is reduced
Less relative airflow over Rudder
What insiduous situation occurs when taxiing in a Tailwind?
Get going too fast, then you goto lineup with fuel sloshing in tanks, this leads to Lodcog?
Should be consciously taxiing slower when experiencing a Tailwind.
Sudden Burts of Throttle
Sharp braking
Any Excess Speed prior to a turn
With regards to the wind, what is my consideration for all taxi turns?
Make them ‘into’ wind, even if that is the ‘long-way’ around (space permitting)
What can you use to turn on ground against the wind (downwind)?
Full rudder
Brake application (Pas Evident)
What danger is there when you’ve been taxiing in 15kts headwind and turn to downwind?
Tail can be lifted and you Nose-over, adding power during turn only aggravates this…
*I will need to reverse my elevator input during this turn…in a timely fashion.
What direction is the wind trying to veer you during a crosswind takeoff?
In the direction of the wind source (side wind is coming from), due to large tail & fuselage surfaces weathervaning.
Why do you start a crosswind takeoff with full aileron into wind?
Because you must never let the upwind wing rise at all…can decrease amount of aileron deflection a bit as you get faster!
What is most common accident chain during crosswind takeoffs?
Pre-mature liftoff (slow) followed by a touchdown with drift that causes a high speed ground loop…
Pin it on the ground..longer during X-wind Takeoffs
What is my crosswind limit for both takeoff and landing?
You cannot consistenly manage Crosswinds above 15kts…
Becomes a No-Fly day, read Kindle.
8kts until 100hrs
What is minimum certification for crosswinds?
10kts or 0.2 of Vso
Which side crosswind is the most dangerous for takeoff?
What are the two detrimental things a crosswind is trying to do to me on takeoff?
Weathervane your fuselage
Lift your upwind wing
What is the main reason for aileron into wind during a Crosswind takeoff?
To keep wings level or upwind wing just slightly down (err to the downside not up)
What is order of control effectiveness on takeoff?
Then Rudder but Tailwheel steering prior
Will you always takeoff with some aileron into wind during a crosswind takeoff?
Yes always!
Ailerons are relaxed to a Neutral position once above 2’ in Ground effect (start Crabbing)
Make sure you never descend and touch with drift after liftoff!
What is the only way to minimize sideforces and avoid side-skipping on a crosswind takeoff?
Keep Upwind wing down (aileron)
Liftoff from that single wheel…last!
Once airborne tgt 3” agl in grd effect
Can it be necessary to use differential braking to counteract weathercock tendency during Crosswind takeoffs?
Yes in extremis, a bit of opposite brake
Only when <20kts
What makes the taildragger want to weathervane?
Vertical stab and large fuselage surface!
More pronounced effect on pavement…
True or False: Never underestimate even the smallest left crosswind?
True adds to all 4 engine left-turning tendencies!
At what point in takeoff roll would you use differential braking?
Early, prior to rudder effectiveness
Along with full aileron into wind
What’s the difference between a Short/soft field takeoff and a crosswind takeoff?
-Soft/short flown Tail-Low, let it fly off…
-With Crosswind Tail-high, then abrupt Vr
What speed increment should be attained prior to Vr during a crosswind takeoff?
10% Faster or value of the Gusts, whichever is greater
What is the most important thing to avoid when doing rotation during a Crosswind Takeoff?
Prevent aircraft from settling back onto the Runway with Crab!
Is it acceptable to conduct last bit of takeoff roll on the remaining upwind wheel (single wheel touching)?
Yes, this is acceptable and preferable to any side skipping.
Once airborne what do you do with the controls?
-A coordinated turn into wind for Crab!
-Don’t keep the sideslip as this kills your ROC.
-Fly II to extend Rwy centerline.
Assuming you have Tora available, what flap setting should be considered in a crosswind takeoff?
Runway flyover for determining its lenght should be done with accurate?
Groundspeed on gps
70kts 120 fps
80kts 135 fps
(Going 60 is a bit danger slow, maybe on final pass)
60kts g/s into FPS?
100’, but flying to slow in a tailwind and no flaps (stall!)
90kts is 150’
With 100kts ground speed, how many FPS?
170’ per second
700’ minimum LDA is how many seconds?
6 sec at 70kts g/s
5 sec at 85kts g/s
4 sec at 100kts g/s
Must be no obstacles at either end of surface used!
How can you reduce the effect of a crosswind on takeoff?
Angle my takeoff path across the runway by 10-15deg, lineup on downwind side..
-Lineup downwind and point at upwind corner of Runway!
-As you get going faster all control inputs will become more effective.
If my Takeoff is usually done in 500’, where should I point my nose in an offset crosswind takeoff?
A point on upwind side of Runway, that is 500’ away!
What is the problem with doing a turn part-way though the takeoff on grass/gravel?
Aircraft may skid or chatter during the turn, when turning to parrallel the runway direction (not good)
Only do small turns to avoid Ground loop and Gear sideloads (not designed for those!)
Elevator does what what when I pull stick in my Gut?
It goes up!
In gusty winds how much extra speed should I carry before initiating Vr?
Half the Gust or 10% whichever is greater!
Why are crosswind landings harder than crosswind takeoffs?
Because you must maintain directional control as Flight controls are becoming less effective!
Why avoid starting slip method above 200’agl?
Just Crab, tiring to sideslip…
Winds can be too strong, but remain fine nearer the surface for the proper technique.
Usually winds will back (less digits) and reduce as you get lower.
When an aircraft is airborne it is affected by the relative wind only; unlike on the ground…there are 2 winds named?
-Relative wind (due to a/c movement)
-Air mass wind (crosswind)
…a/c follows a resultant wind of both component…
What happens to relative wind with regards to crosswind as aircraft slows after landing?
The relative wind decreases but crosswind doesn’t, so the crosswind becomes more pronounced.
True or False: during a crosswind you need to keep upwind wing down more?
False, you need to keep it from lifting, but you don’t want to overdo it and force it down.
At slower speeds on the ground in a crosswind you may need to use upwind or downwind brake?
Downwind, to counteract weathervaning.
Sage advice for ‘Conventional Gear Pilots’
“Fly the thing ‘til it’s tied down”
Many things can cause initial swerve, but after that the centrifugal forces are stable or unstable?
Centrifugal forces cause the aircraft to swerve even more!
What’s difference in my reaction to a slow ias vs. higher ias ground loop?
Use of power in the fast case, idle power if slow.
During a fast ground loop what can you do?
Keep flying the wing, attempts to stop outside wing from dragging; it’s too late for any violent brake applications as wingip touches…a/c will flip over.
Four things than can cause a post-landing swerve?
Uneven ground
Soft spot on ground
Improper Rudder usage
Crosswind weathervaning
What is max headwind allowable for landing as a % of Vso?
What is max crosswind component as % Vso at 90deg? and 45 deg?
30% if 45 deg off or less…