Realism Flashcards
both see crime as real prob needing solu - come from dif ends of pol spectrum
RR - blame indu - no self control
LR - struc inequals & relative deprivation
RR - solu = order & control LR - democratic policing & reforms for equality
Right Realist views on crime
crime = issue destroying communs & underm soc coh = influ UK & USA
crit other theories for not providing prac solus = too symp to crim & hostile to forces of law
focused on realistic solus / cause - focus on stats
Biological Differences
Causes of Crime: Right Realists
Wilson & Herrnstein (1980) biosocial theory of crime = combo of bio & soc factors
bio difs make some m predisposed to crime - agres, extroversion & risk taking - linked w/ poor soc leads to crim behav
Herrnstein & Murray (1994) main cause = low IQ = bio deter
Socialisation & the Underclass
Causes of Crime: Right Realists
Murray (1990) crime inc due to inc in underclass who = defined by dev behav & fail to soc children properly
underclass inc in UK & USA due to cul of welfare depen
dec in marriage dec respon for fam - no need to work
Underclass threatens social cohesion
Causes of Crime: Right Realists: Murray
undermines values of hard work & personal respon
Lone Parent Mothers
Causes of Crime: Right Realists: Murray
ineffective agents of soc - esp for boys
Absent Fathers
Causes of Crime: Right Realists: Murray
lack of paren discipline & male role model so turn to delinquent role models to gain status through crime
Rational Choice Theory
Causes of Crime: Right Realists
indus have free will & power of reason
Ron Clarke (1980) commiting crime = choice based on rational calc of consequences - if rewards outweigh risk then m likely to offend
RR cost of crime = percieved low - why crime rate = high
Tackling Crime
Right Realists
RR don’t deal w/ cause believe can’t be changed
seek prac measures to make crime less attractive
focus = control, containment, & punishment rather than elimination underlying issue
Example: Broken Windows
Wilson & Kelling (1982) - essen to maintain local areas to prevent crime - any sign of deterior m be dealt w/ immed
advocate 0 tol to undes behav eg prositution, begging, drunkness
police should focus on streets so law abiding cits = safe
crime prev meths should dec rewards of crime inc costs
target hardening inc use of prison sentencing & swift pun to maxi deterrent
ignores wider structure causes - pov
overstates cost/ bens calcs - does this expl violent crime?
views crime as rational conflicts w/ bio social theories
preocc w/ street crimes - ignores corp crime
0 tol may give police freedom to discrim - EMs, youth
results in displacement of crime
Left Realism
create practical solus to growing crime rates
to reduce RR influ on gov pol
Young (1977)
crisis in explan - denial that inc = real - reporting has inc X crime = soc construc X reality
LR say inc = too great to explain this way - m ppl reporting as m crime is happening
Relative Deprivation
LR Causes of Crime
m prosperous today = m crime ridden - aware through media raises expec for mat goods
Young (1999) - ‘the lethal combo is rela dep & ind’ causes crime by pursuit of self interest at expense of others
inc indu causes disintergration of fams & communs by undermining v’s of mutual sup - weakens informal controls - creates spiral of inc crime
LR subcul = groups col solu to rela dep
crim sub culs subscribe to goals of soc - where legit avenues = blocked - these groups result to crime