Criminal Justice System Flashcards
Criminal Justice System UK
National Offender Management Service (NOMS)
Youth Justice Board
Attorney General
over see CPS, Serious Fraud Office Revenue & Customs Prosec Office
w/ solicitor gen = chief legal adviser to gov = respon for ensuring rule of law = upheld
public interest funcs - taking actions to appeal unduly lenient sentences & bring under contemp of court act
Home Office
over sees police & protects public from terror, crime & anti soc behav
helps build security justice & respect ppl need to prosper in free tol soc
= respon for crime & crime red policing sec & counter terrorism
Ministry of Justice
over see magistrates, crown, appeal court legal servicces commission & NOMS
manages justice process from moment suspect has been charged through court, prison & probation
respon for crim law, sentencing pol legal aid red re offen & prison & proba
Role in Control & Prevention
public protection
Role of Police & Courts
police - enforce law by prosec & catching crims
courts - determine guilt & impose sentence
Purpose of Punishment
Newburn (2007)
rehab/ deter
restorative justice
boundary maintenance
Changing forms of Punishment
Foucault (PM) soveriegn power - disciplinary power
Rusche & Kirchheimer (M) - class dom control
Garland - penal welfarism - punitive state & cul of control
Functionalists & Sub Culs
role of police to catch & punish mainly male WC crims
Durkheim - CJS as vital instit w/in soc - works w/ other soc instits to ensure soc sol & cohesion by maintaining law & order
Social Action
role of police - label some groups as m crim than others to target & arrest them - WC only appear m crim bc others escape labelling -get longer sent
business & state crime = ignored - police role = target those w/ less power
WC Thompson (1977) hanging & transportation to aus = punishment for theft
= RSA used by RC to maintain power
same as trad Ms but think EMGs = least powerful
when RC do go to court = lenient sentencing
police & courts X treat women fairly - fems see CJS as patri tool to maintain power - men in CJS mean women face double vic & dev