Marxism & Neo Marxism Flashcards
A Crimogenic Society
crime = inbuilt & natural part of soc - emph econ self interest, greed, personal gain, - looking after others X priority
relative poverty means some struggle to survive / excluded from consumer society- encour crimes like theft, vandalism & violence bc perps = excluded
Gordon 1971
A Crimogenic Society
soc shouldn’t be surprised at WC crime rate = surprised there isn’t more
Selective Law Enforcement
CJS applies law dif to dif soc groups
WC & EMGs = crim rich = ignored
Reiman (2001)
Selective Law Enforcement
ruling class m likely to commit crime but less likely to have the offence treated as a criminal one
eg social security fraud = poor com & almost always prosec - tax evasion isn’t
Selective Law Making
law reflects the interests of RC
Box - the rich often engage in activities that cause death, injury, fraud = protected under law - health & safety law - what = crime - ideo construc - serious crime = prop crim = WC X envrion damage by corps
Selective Law Making
law shaped to protect property & profs of rich & powerful - argues the rich & powerful = part of a crime syndicate
Snider (1991)
Selective Law Making
argues cap states will pass H&S laws / against pollution & other laws reg priv businesses only when forced by public crisis - will weaken them whenever can - don’t want to effect profitability - will impact donations
Ideological Funcs of Crime
ideo funcs of crime are to give a reason for the soc control by RC to prevent rev - crims portrayed as disturbed rather than reveal the role of cap
Ideological Funcs of Crime
laws are occa passed which on look like benefit the WC but still benefit RC = loop holes & lack of prosecution
2007 corp hom law - in 1st 8 yrs only 1 successful pros
Ignores other causes of crime
M focuses on class inequalities & ignores others that can lead to crime eg gender & ethnicity - also completely ignores other causes outside of inequality
Passive WC / Romanticises Criminals
suggests the WC can’t help but commit crime due to economic circumstances
says crims not to blame = soc that causes behav
Crime in Communist States
if crime was a symptom of cap then com states would = crime free - not in russia & cuba
Ignores Victims
m of the victims are poor & WC if M view = true then RC = vics
Law Makers in mod democs = elected
= elected & include a range of interests - m crim laws are not controversial & = no consensus regarding greater good
Neo Marxism V Marxism
agree on:
1. soc based on exploitation
2. law = made & enforced for Bour ben
3. getting rid of cap would greatly reduce if not eradicate crime
Taylor Walton & Young
full soc theory of crime - combo trad m & interac/ label
crime as volunteerist - free will, concious choice, meaningful action, pol motivated not passive puppet
Crime as Political Act
stress crime = delib & concious act w/ pol motives so womens lib etc = example of ppl fighting back against injustice of cap - vandalism = symbolic attack on socs obsession w/ property - banksy
1.wider origins of dev act
full soc theory applied by hull 1978
1970s period of crisis in Brit - result of internat downturn of cap econ
2.immediate origin of dev act
this turmoil shown in a number of inner city riots conflict in NI & inc level of strikes - gov search for group to scapegoat to draw attention away from crisis
3.act itself
mugging according to police - m likely to be carried out by African - Car backgrounds
4.Immediate origins of social reaction
media outrage at extent of muggings linked to racism in Met Police
5.wider origins of social reaction
need to find scapegoat & case which young men from A-C backgrounds could = blamed
6.effects of labelling
a sense of injustice amoungst ethnic mins against the police led to much hostility between them & further arrests
7.the nature of the dev process as a whole
real cause of crime not addressed = hidden by CJS
Hirst 1975
Evaluation of Taylor et al 1973
critical criminology strayed too far frim trad M
Rock 1988
Evaluation of Taylor et al 1973
romantic view of crime & criminals - robin hoods
Evaluation of Taylor et al 1973
difficult to apply to theory so = m model than approach - Hull = closest
doesn’t explain all types of crime - DV
fem criticism = gender blind
Marxist Sub Cultures
centre for contemp cul studies - youth sub culs develop as a for of resistance to cap inequals
Cohen 1972 - skinheads asserting WC masc
Hebdige 1979 - resist through ritual - sub culs quickly = comercialised
Marxist Sub Cultures Evalutation
underestimates the extent to which youth sub culs are influ by consumerism
Cohen - meth probs - biased view points to prove points
Blackman (1995) ignores sub cul variations based on sexual iden, age & location
Thornton (1995) Youth sub culs = creation of media