Functionalism Flashcards
Functionalist View
Crime is func & necessary - would still be crime & deviance in Soc of saints
Boundary Maintenance
Reinforces VC via policing margins - formal & informal sanctions = reward / punish dev - shared disapproval of behav strengthens soc solidarity
Crime maintains boundaries - what is acceptable made known by arrest of others
Social Change
Leads to social change = organic process started where Soc responds positively to dev behav - becomes normal eg changes to law on homo in 20th C
Safety Valve
Safety valve - Davies said dev acts as SV eg prostitution as a release for male sexual tension
Warning Signs
Clinard / Cohen
an inc in certain type of crim / dev can = indicator of something in soc X function properly & change = needed
Durkheim A03
Doesn’t quantify how much enough crime is
Macro approach ignores indu impact doesn’t say why some m likely to commit crime
Doesn’t always promote solidarity - can lead to isolation
Assumes ppl follow the masses
Ignores concept of power - who makes laws - Marxism
Realist Criticism of Durkheim
Criticise idea that crime = normal & func
Crime = v real problem for victims & that the socio of crime should inform policy makers how to prevent crime
Merton’s Strain Theory
Everyone = socialised to ach American Dream - consensus = success & material wealth should = goals no equal access to goals= strain between Soc encour goals & Soc acceptable means of achieving them
Ppl socialised to believing that to achieve had to work hard = meritocracy - ppl made adaptations
Mems of Soc conform success & goals & normative means of reaching them - strive via accepted channels
Reject normative means of achievement turn to dev means in particular crime
= dev - largely abandon commonly held success goals
Applies to psychotics, autists, pariahs, outcasts, vagrants, vagabonds, tramps, drunks & drug addicts - have strongly internalised both cul goals & institutionalised means yet = unable to achieve success so give up
Rejection of success goals & institutionalised means = replaced by dif goals & means eg Marx
Merton A03
Takes crime stats at face value
Assumes goal & value consensus
Only talks about utilitarian crimes for monetary gain
Ignores group delinquency
Doesn’t consider who goals fav - work hard - money - cap
Positive Evaluation Merton
Explains anomie in a detailed way = product of strain between Soc accepted goals & Soc accepted means of achieving them
Based on 20 C US but is transferrable to any western, developed capitalist country