Punishment Flashcards
Reasons for Punishment
1.keeps soc going - w/o would = anarchy & soc collapse - needs retribution - D - public pun = good for soc - creates consensus
2.M’s say serves cap by controlling W’s - police enforce WC X RC
3.interventionist camp - prisons = deterrent - evi suggests X work
4.rehab - can become respectable mems of soc
Formal & Informal Agents
police - formal - enforce law in theory should = impartial - MP Rep & canteen cul
parli = formal - passes law - CPS decide who taken to court - court then decides pun & prison enforce
family unit, edu religion & media = informal
prevents furture crime
punishing discourages from future offending
can be used to reform / change offens so no longer offend - edu / anger management courses
offender deserves to be punished & soc = entitled to take revenge
Role of Prison = Changing
Garland (2001) 0 tol pols led to mass incarceration - since 70s num of ppl in prison inc Uk & USA
prisons taking m of a welfare role than b4
can lead to transcarceration - ppl moved between dif kinds of insitus that control lives
Acturial Justice
ppl are being inc controlled via sur based on sex religion pol affil employ status & assigned risk scores - profiling poten terror suspects & gov sur
Retributive & Restitutive Justice
retributive = pun of indu which = cruel & servere
restitutive = nec to repair damage done to restore to how was b4 crime
Synoptic Surveillance
sur = 2 way process - power of elites = monitored by media - Wiki Leaks but media often pressured to hide corruption
Control & Punishment
Rational Choice Theory
Internalised Surveillance
Boundary Maintenance
Heidensohn control theory