Ethnicity & Crime Flashcards
Ethinic Groups & Court Proceedings
white = 87% pop - 73% convics & av custodial sentence = 15.9 months
black = 3% - 8% convics - 23.4 months
asian = 7% - 5% convics - 22.4 months
other = 3% - 14% convics
Official Statistics (Police)
black ethnic groups = over rep = only 2.8% pop = 7.7% arrests 6.2% cautions 12.1% prision pop
asian = 4.7% pop but 6% of prison pop
white ppl under rep = less likely to be arrested, cautioned & sent to prison
Police Targeting
EMs over pol & under protected - Philips & Browning stereos focus on EMs so m likely to = s&s
Gilroy (1982) - myth of black crim
Stop & Search
Black ppl 7x m likely to = stopped & Asians 3x under Terrorism Act 2000
only small proportion = arrests inc num perhaps due to:
- Police Racism- Institutional racism within police force (The Macpherson
report, 1999-Stephen Lawrence case). Phillips & Bowling (2007)- many
officers hold –negative stereotypes about ethnic minorities as criminals,
leading to deliberate targeting for stop & search.
2.Demographic Factors- Ethnic Minorities over represented in population
groups most likely to be stopped e.g. young, unemployed and urban dwellers
Arrests & Cautions
Black arrest rate = 3.5x white (2014/5) - once arrested less likely to recieve caution - perhaps due to mistrust - not admitting to offence means can’t be let off w/ caution
Sentencing & Prison
Stop & Search
custodial sentences m likely to be given in B & A offens = over rep in prison & m likely to be given longer sentences
Prosecution & Conviction
Stop & Search
CPS m likely to drop cases against EMs may be bc police evidence = weaker & based on stereos of EMs as crims - B&A defendants = less likely to be found guilty
Police Targeting Evaluation
targeting could be caused by moral panics - black muggers 1970s therefore based on actual crime - can lead to greater EM crime & targeting
Locality Theory
Waddington (2004) certain areas = m densely pop w/ EMs - explains m s&s - zones of transition - crime rates inc - lack of social cohesion
Locality Theory Evaluation
may = 1st gen but EMs move out of ZofT & assim into maj cul in later gens
Institutional Racism
Bowling & Phillips (2002) inc levels of robbery among B ppl could = product of labelling - arises from reg s&s = SFP
McPherson Report (1999) - result of SL murder highlighted how racist pols w/in police
Institutional Racism Evaluation
sincs McP police have actively changed pols to deal w/ IR - recruit m EMs but crime rate not dec
Social & Cultural Theory
Hall (1979) - moral panic
Hirschi - BofAs - Asian fams have m control over young - could explain less crime
Social & Cultural Theory Evaluation
not lim to EMs - m explan for age difs
Lea & Young (LRs) - EMs suffer marg & rela dep - can lead to sub culs to dec marg feelings - can = dev inc crime
= 1st to acknow = m likely to = involv in street crime & X just vics of police racism