rbcs Flashcards
Biliverdin (green) is converted to
bilirubin (yellow)
green) is converted to bilirubin (yellow)
Is excreted by liver (bile) Jaundice is caused by bilirubin buildup
Converted by intestinal bacteria to urobilins and stercobilin
Occurs only in
myeloid tissue (red bone marrow) in adults
Stem cells mature to become RBCs
increase in immature RBC seen when production is
increased such as occurs after blood loss
Increase in RBC
Macrocytic or Microcytic
an increase or decrease in RBC volume. The
former is due to B12 deficiency the latter Fe deficiency
increase in hematocrit above (the ratio of the volume of
red blood cells to the total volume of blood) 55%
Hyperchromic (genetic and rare) or Hypochromic (lead toxicity and low
iron) refers to the
e levels of hemoglobin in the RBC
A patient’s blood sample showed red blood cells to be microcytic and
hypochromic. What is a possible diagnosis
Fe deficiency
Anemia is a sign, not a separate disease process. true or false
Anemia is defined as an
n abnormally low number of circulating red
blood cells or low hemoglobin or both
Signs and symptoms of anemia, regardless of the cause can result i
Pallor of the skin, nail beds, conjunctivae and mucous membranes
Anemia due to blood loss
o Depends on the rate of blood loss
o Typically due to a loss of intravascular volume
o Can lead to shock and circulatory collapse
o Once controlled the body can compensate
Hemolytic anemias are characterized by the premature destruction of red
blood cells.
This leads to iron retention and increased erythropoiesis.
Causes include
o Spherocytosis
o Sickle Cell Disease
o Thalassemias
an inherited disorder that
leads chronic anemia, pain and
organ failure. It is transmitted as an autosomal
recessive trait which causes
glutamic acid to be substituted
with valine
Sickle Cell Disease