random 8 Flashcards
la canna
canna (tropical plant), reed, cane, sugarcane,
to support, sustain (eg with a stake or cane)
tirare fuori
to pull out
i cingialli hanno tirato fuori i giovanni alberi
the boars pulled out the young trees
il giovane albero la giovane ragazza
the young tree, the young girl
sul sotto
(on the) underneath (under surface)
la tua ombra
your shade, your shadow
starvation, malnutrition, hunger fig: boredom, tediousness
avere sonno
to be sleepy
actually (you are wrong), in fact, on/to the contrary
non poi cosi male
not so bad after all (then)
to join oneself to (a person)
to join (something together), to add to
non c’e voluto molto
it did not take much
il lutto
grief sorrow
il/la barbone/a
homeless person, tramp
pure avendo
even having
il paragrafo
the paragraph
lately, recently
perdere la voce
to loose one’s voice
ho perso la voce
I lost my voice
consumare consumarsi usare usarsi
to wear out
la frizione si e consumato
the clutch is worn out
o forse e la scatola del cambio
or perhaps it is the gear box
il motore sembra bene
the motor (engine) seems ok
avere sonno
to be sleepy
taglio di capelli
la roba le cose
la bolletta
the bill (invoice sent to you)
il conto
the bill (account given to you at a restaurant, hotel)
il becco
the bill (beak of a water bird)
la locandina il manifesto
the bill (notice of an event)
to have to do with (to enter into the matter)
non c’entrerebbe
would not enter into it
the drill (exercise practice)
cioe e grave
that is serious, that is to say, meaning? namely, meaning what, ……….. or rather, in other words
cio O GR
this, that
volere bene (a qualcuno)
to care about (someone)
volere credere … volevo credere
to want to believe … i wanted to believe
il clima
the climate
la cima
the summit, peak, mountain top
to move
senza pensarci due volte
without a second thought
without thinking about it twice
fra cinquanta giorni
in fifty days
i settanta
it is settanta in all its forms
the seventies note pl v sing article
il labbro le labbra
the lip, the lips, note odd gender change pl to sing and both sing in italian.
SUL lavoro
AT work
oggi/questo pomeriggio
THIS afternoon
to grab to take etc
to grab to steal
to seize to grab
per il (collo)
BY the (neck)
la batteria
the battery … drum/s, percussion …. gun battery, artillery, battalion …. array of ….. tournament heat …
per quanto ne sappia
as far as I know, as much as I know of it
il loggiato
arcade, exterior gallery, portico
il portico
since, when, if
se n’e andato
(it) left (positive statement, not a question)
correre PER il bosco
to run THROUGH the wood (forest)
friendly (as opposed to aggressive)
friendly, cordial, congenial (sociable)
socievole, affibile, cordiale
sociable (outgoing, friendly)
cortese gentile cordiale
sociable (expected social behaviour)
things done in the company of others
to enjoy (some [Romans] say this implies sexual enjoyment)
dopo esservi godutu
after you enjoy (after you have enjoyed)
la scorza
the peel (of a fruit)
il guscio
outer shell of a hard fruit eg nut husk
la buccia
the skin of a soft fruit, the peel, the rind
l’istrice nf. il porcupino le istrici
porcupine porcupines
l’uliveto l’oliveto
olive grove
la rottura
the rupture
la serbatoia la serbatoia del carburante
tank petrol/fuel tank
il fil di fero
wire (strand)
to flatten something out (eg rough ground)
to flatten, to make smooth
appiatire appianare
il suolo
the soil, the ground
to shave
radere al suolo
to crush violently, to wipe out
avere una cotta per qualcuno
to have a crush on someone
io sono DI gannaio
i was BORN in january
autunnale d’autuno
autumnal (autumn as an adjective)
il serbatoio per la raccolta di acqua piovana
rainwater butt, water butt
la buccia
the peel, the skin, the rind (of a soft fruit)
il guscio
the husk of a fruit, grain, outer shell,
il fratello i fratelli
sibling, brother siblings brothers
l’alveare (m) la arnia
IL sofa
the couch, divan or sofa (note gender)
riscaldamento a pavimento
underfloor heating
corto o piccolo
short (short in length)
short (short in height - person)
short (clothes to short or too small)
short (in time)
short (not too long in time)
la festa
a national holiday, celebration, party, festival
free, gratis (no cost)
free (of opression, independent, unoccupied eg a chair)
to test (whether it fits, or is ready) to check, test, try [out] (whether it is correct, or working)
IN giorno IN giorno
from day to day
quanti anni dimostro
how old do I look
to raise (children), to grow
viviamo qui da
we have lived here
Note the present tense notating the past tense by using da = from
PER amicizia
OUT OF friendship
fuori da qualcosa
out of something
pagare AL mese DI gas
to pay PER month FOR gas
la prova
the test, examination, exam
the proof, the evidence
che cosa puo significare per
what it can mean for
il ponte
the ship-s deck, a long week/end, and the bridge
quanto e lungo
how long is
IN the summer
lo sviluppo
development (move forwards, or building development)
l’opera le opere
work, piece (art, building etc)
however, nevertheless
in poi
from here on, from here on out, onward, from here onward
il testo
text, written works, lyrics, words
la tesi
the thesis, dissertation,
l’indovinello, gli indovinelli
riddle, enigma
to preach
affermare, dichiarare, asserire,
to predicate
la locomotiva
the locomotive (engine of a train)
IN tavola
ON the table
sopra, al di sopra di
su sopra
scusare perdonare
to excuse
to hear something
to listen to a performance or presentation
la batteria
the battery the drum!
il gruppo musicale, il gruppo, la band, il complesso
the band
il complesso
the complex
una folla
a crowd
AVERE la stessa eta
TO BE the same age
around, about (approximately)
il rimorchio
the act of towing
the trailer
essere umano
the human note the essere as part of the noun!
gli sposi, gli sposini, novelli sposi
the newlyweds
to be convenient, useful, worthwhile
parla con la/lo stessa
talks to itself/ herself/himself
ce l’hai
do you have
lei parla con se stessa
she speaks to herself
lui si sente bene
he feels well
non se ne va mai
he never goes away
buttare via
to throw away
non se ne va mai
he himself of it going never=he never goes away
ci vediamo FRA poco
see you in a bit
quattro PER due FA otto
four TIMES two IS eight
il secolo
the century
DI chi
la forma
the shape
lo specchio
the mirror
la torta salata, il tortino, il tortino salato, il pasticcio, la pie
savoury pie il pasticcio can also mean a mess or mess-up, la pie is the anglicized version
la torta
fruit or desert pie as well as a cake
non ha quell’eta
he she is not that age nb you still use avere not essere
non ci sta bene in
non va bene a
he she does not fit in
it does not fit
e quello giusto
it is the right one
N.B. use: it is THAT (not the) correct one,
piuttosto abbastanza
rather pretty (pretty much as an assessment)
to learn
to teach
al mese
per month
to stroll, to amble. to walk
to move from place to place
to travel
ne ho avuto abbastanza
i have had enough (of it)
da solo
da soli
by yourself
by yourselves note not dai
l’hanno saputo molto tempo fa
they found out about it a long time ago note in the remote past and in present perfect, sapere means found out (or heard about), not known
the (electrical) switch
divertente comico
l’acqua pubblico
tap water
anche se
although, even if
(be) careful
to attack, to be careful, to pay attention,
fare attento essere attento
to be careful
FARE una doccia
TO HAVE a shower
to allow yourself to, to dare to
osare adire arrischiare avere il coraggio
to dare to
due scarpe tu ce le hai
tu hai due scarpe
you have two shoes
mi ha fatto conoscere
introduced me to
conoscere se stesso/i
to know oneself
posso prima vedere la stanza
can i see the room first
andare a trovare,
to visit (an appointment e.g. the doctor) to visit (a friend/person)
ti ho voluto vedere
i wanted to see you
Lo credo bene!
I should think so!
dare il permesso
to give permission
avere permesso
lei mi ha permesso di (vedere)
to have allowed
she allowed me to (see)
very, extremely, rather
la canicola
heat wave, mid-day heat
alla meglio
as best one can (in poor circumstances i.e. simply)
correndogli appresso
running after it/him
next to, near to, behind, after (it)
ottenuto ottenere
to attain, to achieve
tenere conto
tenendo conto
to keep in mind, to bear in mind
keeping in mind (remembering)
possono conoscere
to know someone
they can meet (ie they can get to know)
to know something
come sono andati i fatti
what really happened
mi fa piacere
i am glad (it pleases me)
e troppo DA chiedere
is it too much to ask
ci puoi arrivare
you can get THERE (not it or here)
possiamo arrivare FRA due minuteìi
we can arrive in two minutes
vestiti estivi
vestiti invernali
summer clothes
winter clothes
cercare di prendere cherchi di prendere
arrivare a
to reach for, can you reach
to reach for
mi fa sentire meglio
it makes me feel better
vuole tenere la gente AL sicuro
he wants to keep the people safe
a casa mia (not alla mia casa)
at my house
a qualcuno piace
does someone like
che fa l’avvocato (NOT CHI)
WHO is an lawyer
non si parla d’altro
DL we speak of nothing else note the insistence of using the passive even though it does not actually mean this, it really means one does not speak of anything else
da un giorno all’ALTRO
from one day to the NEXT
note the idioms are not quite the same
che cosa non va
what is wrong (this would be for a machine break-down only??? Or for people too)
la conigliera
the rabbit hole (burrow)
il rifugio il cunicolo
la tana
the burrow
non e per una torta qualsiasi
it is not for JUST any cake (the just comes out of nowhere)