alice in wonderland dual language text Flashcards
la conigliera
rabbit warren, rabbit hutch, rabbit burrow
very, extremely
il poggetto
il poggio
small bank or hillock but not in dictionary
senza fa niente
with nothing to do
dare un’occhiata
tenere d’occhio
to peep
to keep an eye on
tenere d’occhio
to keep an eye on
to check on/something
stare in guardia contro
stare in guardia a
to keep an eye out for
a che serve
what use is
alla meglio
as best one can
roughly, simply
to wonder, to ask yourself
la canicola
heatwave, mid-day heat
avere mezza assonnata
to be very sleepy
to be more or less sleepy, almost sleepy
una ghiralanda di margherite
a daisy chain
il piacere
un piacere di conoscerla
the pleasure
a pleasure to meet you
mettere conto
mettesse conto
to be worth it
was worth it/the
when suddenly
suddenly (un-forecast)
rose pink, pinkish,
to brush against, touch lightly, almost, very nearly
nearly touching her, brushing against her
diceva fra se
was saying to itself
to wear
il completo
il costume
the outfit (clothes)
degno di noto
remarkable (note meravigliarsene is translated in Alice, not the dictionary)
la meraviglia
wonder, surprise, marvel, splendour, magnificence
in seguito
s’accorse si accorse
he/she realized - past remote
to notice, to realise
trasse un orologio dal taschino della sottoveste
to pull (out a pocket watch), to draw, to bring, to drag to pull out a watch from it's/his/her waistcoat pocket
mettersi a scappare
to hurry on
il vespro
evening eventide
la sottoveste
il gile il panciotto
slip petticoat underskirt
diceva fra se
was saying to itself/said to itself
correndogli appresso,
after it (physically following something or somebody)
rassomigliava from rassomigliare
to resemble, look alike, look similar to
well, mine, spring
le scaffali di bibliotecha
book shelves
to skip, to slide, to skid
il sentimento — l’emozione
the feeling – feeling emotion
solo — soltanto
only this one or that one
—it is only just
mi leggi nel pensiero
you read my mind, you read my thoughtS
lui LE manda mille baci
he sends her a thousand kisses … note Le is used not LA because she is the indirect object, not the direct. Mille is used without a numbe even though it says A thousand
colpire DI notte
to strike at night
rubare un ladro
to steal, (a thief)
IN allegria
WITH cheer
confondere i nomi non aiuto
CONFUSING the names does not help .. note the use of the gerund in english for the infinitive in italian
la risata
the laugh
il divertimento
entertainment, amusement, pastime, fun
la piazza principale
the main square (plaza)
walkable (surface you can walk on not distance)
walkable (distance), doable, possible, feasible
ci mettono in allegria
they MAKE us cheerful
portare fortuna
to bring luck
fare un piacere
to do a favour
essere un piacere
to be a pleasure
la forza
in punto
sharp (at that exact time)
una volta alla settimana
once a week
nel caso
just in case
per caso, a caso
by chance
lui FA parte
he IS a part
(avere) a CHE fare con il caso
to do with the case
avere (qualcosa) a che fare
to have (something) to do with
a caso
at random, by chance
sparare a caso
to take a shot in the dark, to guess, to shoot randomly
ha FATTO domande a caso
he ASKED questions at random
l’alice le alcici
anchovy anchovies
la sardina le sardine
sardine sardines
non e per forza
it is not necessarily
AL giorno
PER day, A day (as how often per day)
o l’una o l’altra
either or note Italian only uses o for the either
to spin (wool etc), to run in a line,
la galleria
tunnel, art gallery, arcade
si senti cadere
she felt/found herself falling
cadere rotoloni
to fall head over heels
la specie
species, type
il precipizio
precipice cliff
softly (touch)
piano basso
softly (sound)
dolcemente gradualmente
softly (movement)
il territorio
territory, area, bailiwick, purview
qual quale
what (sing.) which (pl.)