growing olive pollice verde Flashcards
la coltivazione, la coltura
the cultivation, plantation, farm
la raccolta
the harvest, the collection, the drive (to collect)
the use, the employment, the application
la moltiplicazione per via vegetativa
propagation by asexual reproduction
(il) ovolo
ovule (the seed part of the female flower)
il pollone
il polline
shoot, sucker
la talea
a scion, a root, a cutting, a bud
to allow, to permit
tutti consentono a nuovi esemplari di
all give rise to new examples of
conservare integre le caratteristiche originarie
to entirely conserve the original characteristics
il vivaio
nursery (plant)
il letame
il concime
manure, compost, muck, rubbish
(il) innesto
the graft (plant)
punto di fusione = 5 ai 7 C
melting point = 5 to 7 degrees centigrade
punto di solidificazione 2 C
point of solidification 2 degrees centigrade
temperatura critica = 210 C
critical point (?or smoke point for olive oil)
il pollone
the root, or a sucker, or progeny
by means of, by, through, via, using
i pollone di ceppaia
the suckers from the stump
il cosidetto pedale
the so called base (of a tree trunk)
la parte basale ingrossato = pp of
the thickening at the base (of a tree trunk)
to thicken, to develop, to fatten, to enlarge, to put on weight
il conduttore, il presentore
the presenter
il guardiano il custode il sorvegliante
the guard
la guardia
military guard
il lattaio
the milkman
il postino
the postman, mailman, mail carrier!
la mungitrice
the milkmaid
il colletto
the collar of a tree (the bottom part showing the graft - new tree)
The shirt collar
cultural (but used in the care of trees = cure colturali)
la chioma
(tree) canopy, crown
head of hair, mane
la cura
care, (medical=care, therapy, NOT cure)
la guarigione guarire
(medical) cure to cure
il sciame, il nugolo sciamare
swarm (of insects) to swarm
tracked (caterpillar)
la benna
the bucket of a tractor
con benna orientabile
with adjustable (tractor, mechanical) bucket (ie a dumpster with a tippable tray)
to thin out, prune
il diradamento dei frutticini
the thinning out of little fruit
the alternation (as in bi-annual crop variation)
wide-spread, common,
il letame
both animal manure and plant compost
la torchiatura
the pressing
la sansa
pomace (the residue left after a pressing - skin, seeds, crushed stone and stems), used for grappa from grapes, fertilizer etc from olives
le sansa compostate
composted pomace
to support (e.g. with a stake or cane)
la spedizione
shipping (cost)
to lop
lo svettatoio
the loper, pruner
c’erano tanti fiori ma la frutta non sono crescuiti
there were many flowers but the fruit did not set