random 6 Flashcards
la madrelingua, madrelingua
native (mother) tongue native (adj. speaker)
il campagnolo, il cafone …………. il contadino
the peasant (derogatory) ……. the peasant (farmer not derogatory)
la bolletta
the bill
di’, o di
say: imperative for dire for tu
nowadays, these days, currently
il montaggio
the assembly the editing
campo visivo
visual field, field of view/vision
the framing (of a view)
la scena
the set, the scene, the setting
la ruota
the wheel
il mozzo
the hub of a wheel
la ruota di scorta
spare wheel
il pneumatico, la gomma
tyre (wheel)
la gomma liscia
bald tyre
la gomma a terra
flat tyre
il pneumatico termica
snow tyre
il manometro
tire pressure guage
la chiave per smontaggio dello pneumatico
tyre iron, tyre lever (to remove tyre)
la battistrada
tyre tread
la pressione degli pneumatici
tyre pressure
la catena neve
snow chain, tyre chain
il gozzo
skiff, fishing boat ….. crop - bird neck, gizzard stomach
il schifo (barca), il schiff
skiff boat
il schifo
disgust revulsion
disgusting, revolting
disgusting, revolting, repugnant
l’amo la amo
the hook I love her (note, no apostrophe to avoid confusion)
la lenza
fishing line
the bait
to visit with the implication of medical
fare visita
to visit with friends etc - less common usage
andare a trovare
to visit friends - common usage
una relazione
a report (on a topic)
trend, performance, tendency
the company
la tabella
table, chart, graph
le vendite
the sales (of a company)
la diminuzione mensile
the monthly breakdown
dare un occhiata
to have/take a look
sono saldamente aumentate
they have been steadily increasing
il saldamento
the flake from a surface under stress the above phrase does not make sense
la campagna
the campaign (business and political) farmland, countryside
to undertake, launch, start
il rimbalzo
the rebound
very bad, awful
anche a me …. serve una cosa
i also …. need one thing
SUL punto di morte
on the point of death
la coscienza
the conscience
fa’ mente locale
gather your thoughts (lit. localise your mind)
stare in piedi
to stand
non posso stare in piedi
i cannot stand
alzarsi in piedi mi alzo in piedi
to stand up, i stand up
to resign
non ti servi
you do not need
restare fino a tardi
to stay late
a ritorno dal
coming back from
mollare ……….. la molla ….. il molo
to dump, to ditch something to release, let go to drop ………… the spring (mech) …… the quay
unemployed, out of work
tempo pieno
to disappoint, to let down
a quanto pare
as it emerges
whatever, any, whichever
ovunque …………… dunque
everywhere ….. therefore, the point (get to it!)
ci sentiamo
(we will hear each other: note immediate future = present indicative) I will talk to you, we will talk
ci vediamo
(we will see each other) i will see you
to aim, to direct, to steer, to point
stare dirigendo
to be heading towards
a lungo
for a long time
over there
this time
parlare del piu e del meno
to talk of this and that
leggersi in pensiero
to read ones mind
il faro
lighthouse, beacon, guiding light, streetlight, headlight, floodlight
il farro
hulled wheat, spelt
avere bisogno di, servirsi, necessitare di, dovere
to need (for dovere=to need to do something)
il signo
la sigla
acronym, initials
non girarci troppo intorno, vieni al dunque
don’t beat about the bush, get to the point don’t go round in circles, get to the point
ammalato ….. ammalarsi
sick pp and adj. ……. to be sick, to fall/become sick
era stato dato il nome del, essere chiamato come
it had been named after the
easily, with ease …. agility, ease of movement
la lite, litigare
argument, fight (usually verbal), ….. to argue, bicker
combattare, azzuffarsi, picchiarsi
to fight (physical)
to ring (telephone)
to leave
yeah! really! already
to want (in the sense of an offer, do you want, will you go a…)
to move (home) relocate oneself
to imply, to hint at
the hint, the mention, the cue, the sign
sta Per piovere
it is going to rain … note present tense for the future
socievole, amichevole
un allevamento
upbringing, livestock, farm animals
la cattedra
desk, pulpit
una cattedra divisa
two subjects to teach (the divided preach)
il ricevimento
the reception
la sfida
the challenge, the dare
lo scontro
the collision, the crash, the match, the skirmish
il sconto
the discount
il stronzo
turd, shit, bastard, jerk etc etc bitch
also, even, too, of course
to tolerate, bear, respect, put up with
to correct, to improve
la base
the base, the fundamental
a volte anche scarso
and sometimes even mediocre
avere la mente di un lombrico col tumore al cervello
to have the memory of an earth worm with a brain tumour
un anno alla Sapienza
a year of knowledge, or a year at that university
a pesca
fishing (=at fish)
il collo
the neck
la gola
the gullet, the throat
l’esofago il gargarozzo
the gullet, the throat colloquial
so, therefore
il passo il passetto in piu
the step little step more
l’aneddoto la storiella
enormous immense
to gain, to profit to nibble, to gnaw feel envy. feel regret
to climb to scale to pass (an exam) to step over
scalare marcia
to change down (gears)
la consapevolezza
il perfezionamento
enhancement, improvement
il coprifuoco
the curfew
il traduttore la traduttrice
cartaceo, cartacei, cartacea, cartacee
la contrarieta
the setback
il contrattempo
contra tempo setback
le si avvicina
approaches her
apre piano la porta
opens the door slowly
tenersi scceglia
to keep oneself awake
prima delle due
before two (o’clock)
togliersi il cappotto
to take off ones coat
salire sulle montagne russe
to ride the rollercoaster … lit. to ride the Russian mountains
restare in ascolto
to keep listening
guarda che ti sento
look, I can hear you
guarda che
look! – not the act of looking
to translate
to betray
la consulenza
the consultation
il studio di consulenza
the consulting room/office
il cocomero
watermelon, seems to be used as an expletive
pretentious, highfaluting
pompous, pretentious, highfaluting
scandalous, outrageous, shocking
il reggiseno
braziere, bra
la borsa, borsetta
hand bag shoulder bag
la busta
envelope, small bag or (eg glasses) case
mangiare dove capita
eat where it happens (at work)
il bollitore
kettle, teapot
la teiera
the teapot
non so neanche io cosa farne
i do not know what to do with them
che mi stessi per dire
that you were going to tell me
prima che ci fosse questa roba technologica
before there was all this technical stuff
la traccia
the trace, footprint
e verramente il massimo
it is really the best
il sapere
the (body of) knowledge
la conoscenza
the knowledge of, the understanding of
la stufa, la stufetta
the stove, the heater,
il gufo
the owl jinx dark-humour
la bomboniera
gift given out at a party party favour
to risk, to venture, to hazard
la colla
given that, seeing as how, since, because
il pennellino
the little brush
il pennello
brush, paint brush
fun, nice, pleasant
il divertimento
entertainment, amusement, fun, pastime,
to spread, to rub on
il rullo
roller, role, reel, spool
shady, suspicious, dubiousc, askew
la cartoleria
che la facessero ancora
that they still did/made it, that they would still make it
la nonchalance pronounced as if french! but sounding the last ce as in Italian
the nonchalance
il tuffo
a dive, a plunge, a leap
il tufo
volcanic rock bricks, tuff, tufa
un tuffo nel passato
a leap into the past
in carne e ossa
in the flesh (lit: in the flesh and bones)
il collo
the neck
la gola
the throat
essere ospite da
to be a guest of, to be staying with
avere girato il mondo
to have travelled the world
la stessa che ha girato il mondo
the same one that travelled (around) the world
tanto lo sappiamo
we know so much
il sfoggio
the show, display
to show off, to flaunt, to boast
nascere note not a compound verb
to be born a compound verb
essere in tournee
to be on tour
la viandante
the wayfarer
per me stesso
for myself
sepellire sepellito = pp
to bury (cemetery, or cover over with earth as in plants)
la neve ha sepellito la strada
the snow has buried the road
andare avanti
to run fast (a clock)
to develop, to strengthen
to slip, to slide, to skid
restauro, ………restaurare, ……….restauratore
the restoration, refurbishment, renovation ……to restore etc ………the restorer
la mia macchina e in panne
my car broke down note the tense switch
to seem to appear
il parere
opinion point of view
imporovvisamente, d’improviso, di colpo
siamo persi di vista
we drifted apart
ansimante, ansante, senza fiato
breathless out of breath
mozza fiato
breathless with excitement
essendo ansimante
being breathless
la mascherina
face mask
la maschera
the mask
mascherare,camuffare, celare
to mask, to camouflage