Quizlet 10/29 Flashcards
dopamine: contraindications
pheochromocytoma, uncorrected tachydysrhythmia (except sinus tachycardia).
Dopamine: indications
1 Significantly symptomatic hypotension (most commonly septic or cardiogenic shock). With the possible exception of cardiogenic shock, fluid resuscitation must be attempted before the administration of dopamine. In the prehospital setting, dopamine is not used for shock in the setting of trauma.
dopamine: dosage
2-20mcg/kg/minute IV infusion;
improve cardiac output (Beta): 5-10 mcg/kg/minute;
increase peripheral vascular resistance (Alpha): 10-20 mcg/kg/minute.
epinephrine: contraindications
none when used in emergency situations, however in patients with a pulse, use caution if they have underlying cardiovascular disease, hypertension, or tachydysrhythmias.
epinephrine: dosage
cardiac arrest: 1 mg/3-5 minutes IV (1:10,000), 2 mg/3-5 minutes ETT bradycardia: 2-10 mcg/minute anaphylaxis: 0.3–0.5 mg IM every 5–15 minutes (1:1000), 0.3-0.5 mg 3-5 minutes slow IV (1:10000). Croup 0.5 mL via nebulizer (2.25% racemic epinephrine added to 3 mL saline)
epinephrine: indications
cardiac arrest: asystole and V-fib/tach without a pulse, PEA. Also used in bradycardia (as a drip medicine only), anaphylaxis bronchospasm/constriction, and croup (racemic)