Quiz 11/20 Flashcards
Morphine Sulfate: Class
Narcotic analgesic
Epinephrine: Class
epinephrine: pharmacokinetics
onset: IV immediate onset: IM 5 to 10 minutes onset: SQ 6 to 15 minutes
lorazepam (Ativan): side effects
Hypotension, respiratory depression
midazolam (Versed): precautions
monitor respiratory status
diazepam (Valium): side effects
hypotension, respiratory depression
Morphine Sulfate: Pharmacokinetics
Onset: less than five minutes IV; 10 to 30 minutes IM.
Duration: 4 to 6 hours.
epinephrine: interactions
sodium bicarbonate can deactivate catecholamines. MAO inhibitors potentiate the effects of epinephrine (Marplan, Eutonyl, Parnate, Nardil)
dopamine: dosage
2-20mcg/kg/minute IV infusion.
Improve cardiac output (beta):5-10 mcg/kg/minute.
Increase peripheral vascular resistance (Alpha): 10-20 mcg/kg/minute.
Naloxone Hydrochloride: Contraindications
diazepam (Valium): class
benzodiazepines, anticonvulsant, sedative, hypnotic
Morphine Sulfate: Contraindications
Head injury and /or decreased mental status, hypotension, abdominal pain associated with trauma (some EMS systems don’t permit use of morphine in undiagnosed abdominal pain of any origin.
Diazapam (Valium): Dosage
5-15 mg IV
lorazepam (Ativan): interactions
Effects are additive when used with other CNS depressants, for example, alcohol
Morphine Sulfate: Notes
Patients with allergy to sulfa are not allergic to MS. Morphine is the standard which all other analgesics are compared. 60 mg oral MS is same as 10 mg IV MS. MS is a schedule II narcotic.
Lorazepam (Ativan): class
benzodiazepine, anticonvulsant, sedative, hypnotic
Naloxone Hydrochloride: Pharmacokinetics
Onset: 1-2 minutes IV, 2-5 minutes IM.
Lorazepam (Ativan): Indications
Major motor seizures, premedication for cardioversion ot TCP, sedation associated with intubation, muscle spasms, acute anxiety, agitation (amphetamine or cocaine OD)
Lorazapam (Ativan): pharmacokinetics
Onset: 1-2 min IV; 15 min IM
Duration: 30-60 min IV, IM
midazolam (Versed): interactions
Effects are additive when used with other CNS depressants, for example, alcohol.
Morphine Sulfate: Indications
Pain, cardiac pain refractory to NTG, burns, acute pulmonary edema.
Dopamine: precautions
extravasation will cause tissue necrosis
dopamine: side effects
increased myocardial oxygen demand, ischemia, tachydysrhythmias.
Naloxone Hydrochloride: Interactions
diazepam (Valium): mechanism of action
Enhances action of GABA, an inhibitory
neurotransmitter, which inhibits spread of electrical
activity from irritable focus during seizures, calms CNS.
Also a muscle relaxant.
Naloxone Hydrochloride: Indications
Symptomatic opiate overdose (respiratory depression), Clonidine overdose.