Drug Profiles: Winter quiz 1 Flashcards
<p>Succinylcholine: Pharmacokinetics</p>
<p>Onset: 1-2 minutes.
| Duration: 6-10 minutes.</p>
<p>Rocuronium (Zemuron): Precautions</p>
<p>Not routinely used in EMS as the initial paralytic due to the long duration of action.</p>
<p>Diltiazem: Contraindications</p>
<p>Should not be administered to any patient with hypotension, cardiogenic shock, VT, or A flutter, and A fib with WPW (may percipitate ventricular fibrillation). </p>
<p>Vasopressin: Mechanism of Action</p>
<p>In high doses, vasopressin acts as a non-adrenergic peripheral vasoconstrictor. When given during CPR, vasopressin increases coronary perfusion pressure.</p>
<p>Vasopressin: Pharmacokinetics</p>
<p>Onset: 2 minutes
| Duration: 10-20 minutes </p>
<p>Etomidate: Note</p>
<p>Etomidate is able to lower ICP while maintaining CPP, making it a useful agent in patients with increased ICP. </p>
<p>Rocuronium (Zemuron): Interactions</p>
<p>Intensity and duration, or paralysis may be prolonged by pretreatment with succinylcholine, general anesthesia (inhalation), lidocaine, quinidine, procainamide, beta-adrenergenic-blocking agents, potassium-losing diuretics, or magnesium.</p>
<p>Rocuronium (Zemuron): Dosage</p>
<p>RSI: 0.6 mg/kg</p>
<p>Vasopressin: Precautions</p>
<p>Do not give to patients with perfusing rhythms.</p>
<p>Succinylcholine: Contraindications</p>
<p>Hyperkalemia, history of malignant hyperthermia, penetrating eye injury, neuromuscular disorder (MS), Paralysis >1 day, crush injury >3 days, sever burns >3 days.</p>
<p>Succinylcholine: Mechanism of Action</p>
<p>Combines with cholinergic receptors in motor nerves to cause depolarization. Neuromuscular transmission is inhibited, causing temporary skeletal paralysis, untill it is metabolized and the cells become repolarized.</p>
<p>Vasopressin: How Supplied</p>
<p>20 units/ml vial</p>
<p>Vasopressin: Dosage</p>
<p>Single bolus dose of 40 units IV. After 3 to 5 minutes, if no response, give 1 mg Epi doses </p>
<p>Succinylcholine: Class</p>
<p>Depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent.</p>
<p>Rocuronium (Zemuron): Description</p>
<p>A non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent with rapid to intermediate onset, depending on dose, and intermediate duration of action.</p>
<p>Diltiazem: Pharmacokinetics</p>
<p>Onset: Immediate
Peak: Immediate
Duration: 1-3 hours</p>
<p>Ketamine: Mechanism of action</p>
<p>Phencyclidine derivitive causes "dissociative anaesthesia" characterized by profound analgesia and amnesia with retention of protective airway reflexes, spontaneous respirations and cardiopulmonary stability. Dissociative anesthesia results in a patient who does not appear to be anesthetized and can swallow and open eyes but does not process information or pain. Other actions: keeps airway reflexes intact; releases endogenous catecholamines; maintaines BP and heart rate; relaxes bronchial muscles; stimulates beta receptors in the lungs. </p>
<p>Rocuronium (Zemuron): Contraindications</p>
<p>None in EMS.</p>
<p>Etomidate: Mechanism of Action</p>
<p>Decreases activity of the reticular formation in the brain with minimal cardiac and respiratory effects.</p>
Diltiazem: Dosage
0.25 mg/kg over 2 minutes
Repeat 0.35 mg/kg if no responce in 15 minutes.
Max single dose: 20-25 mg
Maintenance infusion of 5-15 mg/hr