Quiz on 9/19 Flashcards
The Chinese dynasty (960–1279) that rose to power after the Tang dynasty. During the _____, an explosion of scholarship gave rise to Neo-Confucianism, and a revolution in agricultural and industrial production made China the richest and most populated country on the planet.
Song dynasty
A major rise in prosperity that took place in China under the Song dynasty (960–1279); was marked by rapid population growth, urbanization, eco- nomic specialization, the development of an immense net- work of internal waterways, and a great increase in industrial production and technological innovation
China’s economic revolution
China’s capital during the Song dynasty, with a population at its height of more than a million people.
The Chinese practice of tightly wrapping girls’ feet to keep them small, prevalent in the Song dynasty and later; an emphasis on small size and delicacy was central to views of female beauty.
foot binding
A phonetic alphabet developed in Korea in the fifteenth century in a move toward greater cultural independence from China.
The “way of the warrior,” referring to the martial values of the Japanese samurai, including bravery, loyalty, and an emphasis on death over surrender.
A set of practices that required a show of subordination from all non-Chinese authorities and the payment of tribute — products of value from their countries — to the Chinese emperor. In return, China would grant trading rights to foreigners and offer gifts even more valuable than the tribute itself.
tribute system
The largest religious structure in the premodern world, this temple was built by the powerful Angkor kingdom (located in modern Cambodia) in the twelfth century c.e. to express a Hindu understanding of the cos- mos centered on a mythical Mount Meru, the home of the gods in Hindu tradition. It was later used by Buddhists as well.
Angkor Wat
An Arab dynasty of caliphs (successors to the Prophet) who governed much of the Islamic world from its capital in Baghdad beginning in 750 c.e. After 900 c.e. that empire increasingly fragmented until its overthrow by the Mongols in 1258.
Abbasid caliphate
An empire of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, centered in Persia and present-day Iraq. Seljuk rulers adopted the Muslim title of sultan (ruler) as part of their conversion to Islam.
Seljuk Turkic Empire
Major Islamic state centered on Anatolia that came to include the Balkans, parts of the Middle East, and much of North Africa; lasted in one form or another from the fourteenth to the early twentieth century.
Ottoman Empire
New capital for the eastern half of the Roman Empire; _____ highly defensible and eco- nomically important site helped ensure the city’s cultural and strategic importance for many centuries.
Arabic name for Spain, most of which was conquered by Arab and Berber forces between 711 and 718 c.e. Muslim Spain represented a point of encounter between the Islamic world and Christian Europe.
An East African civilization that emerged in the eighth century c.e. as a set of commercial city-states linked into the Indian Ocean trading network. Combining African Bantu and Islamic cultural patterns, these competing city-states accumulated goods from the interior and exchanged them for the products of distant civilizations.
Swahili civilization
A series of important states that developed in the region stretching from the Atlantic coast to Lake Chad in the period 500 to 1600 c.e. Developed in response to the economic opportunities of trans-Saharan trade (especially control of gold production), it included the states of Ghana, Mali, Songhay, and Kanem-Bornu, as well as numerous towns and cities.
West African civilization
A prominent state within West African civilization; it was established in 1235 c.e. and flourished for several centuries. _____ monopolized the import of horses and metals as part of the trans-Saharan trade; it was a large-scale producer of gold; and its most famous ruler, Mansa Musa, led a large group of Muslims on the pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324–1325.
A fairly small-scale commerce in enslaved people that flourished especially from 1100 to 1400, exporting enslaved West Africans across the Sahara for sale in Islamic North Africa.
trans-Saharan slave trade
A major commercial city of West African civilization and a noted center of Islamic scholarship and education by the sixteenth century.
One of the main centers of Christendom during the medieval centuries, the _____ was a continuation of the eastern portion of the Roman Empire. It lasted for a thousand years after the collapse of Roman rule in the West, until its conquest by Muslim forces in 1453.
Byzantine Empire
The city of Constantinople, the capital and almost the only outpost left of the Byzantine Empire, fell to the army of the Ottoman sultan Mehmed II “the Conqueror” in 1453, an event that marked the end of Christian Byzantium.
Ottoman seizure of Constantinople
A culturally diverse civilization that emerged around the city of Kiev in the ninth century c.e. and adopted Christianity in the tenth, thus linking this emerging Russian state to the world of Eastern Orthodoxy.
Kievan Rus
Branch of Christianity that developed in the eastern part of the Roman Empire and gradually separated, mostly on matters of practice, from the branch of Christianity dominant in Western Europe; noted for the subordination of the Church to political authorities, a married clergy, the use of leavened bread in the Eucharist, and a sharp rejection of the authority of Roman popes.
Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Western European branch of Christianity, also known as Roman Catholicism, that gradually defined itself as separate from Eastern Orthodoxy, with a major break occurring in 1054 c.e.; characterized by its relative independence from the state and its recognition of the authority of the pope.
Western Christendom
A highly fragmented and decentralized society in which power was held by the landowning warrior elite. In this highly competitive system, lesser lords and knights swore allegiance to greater lords or kings and thus became their vassals, frequently receiving lands and plunder in return for military service.
Western European branch of Christianity that gradually defined itself as separate from Eastern Orthodoxy, with a major break occurring in 1054 c.e. that still has not been overcome. By the eleventh century, Western Christendom was centered on the pope as the ultimate authority in matters of doctrine. The Church struggled to remain independent of established political authorities.
Roman Catholic Church
A “rebirth” of classical learning that is most often associated with the cultural blossoming of Italy in the period 1350–1500 and that included not just a rediscovery of Greek and Roman learning but also major developments in art, as well as growing secularism in society. It spread to Northern Europe after 1400.
European Renaissance
What did the Song dynasty borrow from previous dynasties to build an enduring state?
The Song dynasty revived the Confucian exam system, a means for selecting government
bureaucrats, now made more rigorous by the invention of printing.
How does the Chinese practice of foot binding illustrate social and gender changes during the Song dynasty?
The practice of foot-binding was associated with ideas about feminine beauty that emphasized small size, frailty, and deference. It limited a woman’s ability to move around, which would keep her restricted to the home and subservient to and reliant on men. As the power of the Song dynasty increased, so did the power of patriarchy.
Evaluate the similarities and differences in the influence China had on Korea and Japan. In what ways was that influence resisted?
*Both Korea and Vietnam achieved political independence while participating fully in
the tribute system
*the cultural elite of Korea, Vietnam, and Japan borrowed heavily from China—
Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, administrative techniques, the examination system,
artistic and literary styles— even as their own cultures remained distinct.
*Japan was never conquered by the Chinese and was physically separated from China, thus its adoption of elements of Chinese civilization was voluntary
What cultural changes occurred in Korea in response to Chinese influence?
- women no longer raised children in the home of their parents
- choice in marriage became frowned upon
- and men were no longer buried in the sacred plot of their wife’s family.
-Women were no longer allowed to remarry if they were widowed or divorced. - Female inheritance of property also eroded.
- men were now required to establish one wife as the primary wife, which changed how inheritance worked.
Compare China’s influence on Vietnam with its influence on Korea and Japan.
Like Korea and Japan, Vietnam adopted elements of Chinese Buddhism, Daoism, Chinese art and poetry, and were influenced by its Confucian bureaucratic state. All of these areas were influenced by the Chinese writing system.
How did the experience of Islam in India and Spain differ? In what ways was it similar?
- In both regions, Islam was successful in maintaining its independent status as
a religion rather than being absorbed into already established and dominant faiths.
-In India, Sufism was important in encouraging conversion.
-In Spain, especially after the tenth century, Islam was militantly independent of the Spanish Christian world and went to great lengths to express that independence; Arabized Christians remained religious infidels and second-class citizens in the eyes of Spain’s Muslims
Islam had a revolutionary impact on every society that it touched.” What evidence might support this statement, and what might challenge it?
● The large number of conversions in places like Persia, Anatolia, and North Africa
● The role of Islam in facilitating long-distance trade.
● The emergence in India of hybrid religions like Sikhism.
● The persistence of local social and cultural practices such as those concerning women
in Anatolia or West Africa.
● The Christian reconquest of Al-Andalus in Spain as an example of Islamic influence
declining in a region.
What changes did the Indian Ocean Trade Network bring to East Africa?
*politically transformed by the introduction to Islam.
*a collection of independent city states.
*experienced direct contact with the Arab and Asian worlds. Its
language (Swahili) is an example of this connection.
*implemented technologies to help them adapt to their specific environmental contexts.
What changes did the trans-Saharan trade network bring to West Africa?
Trade brought Islam to West Africa which in turn led to the formation of the first major empires in this region of the world. Mali’s rich gold deposits brought attention to this empire from across the Dar al-Islam. Trade also allowed for significant urban development evidenced in cities such as Timbuktu.
How was Christian civilization in Western Europe different from that in Eastern Europe?
*In Eastern Europe, each cultural zone developed its own patriarch, or religious leader.
Western Europe has a central religious figure (the Pope).
● In the East, Greek became the language of religion and scholarship instead of the Latin
used in the West.
● The Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches disagreed on a number of
doctrinal issues, including the nature of the Trinity, the relative importance of faith and
reason, and the veneration of icons.