Quiz C1 Flashcards
Rhodococcus equi - Rx
3-month-oldAppaloosa filly is evaluated because of a three-day history of coughing, bilateral nasal discharge, wheezes on inspiration and expiration. Ultrasonography of the lungs shows comet tails throughout the peripheral lung tissue
Equine herpesvirus-4
peripheral lymph nodes are enlarged bilaterally, and the liver and spleen are easily palpated. Oral examination shows grade 3 periodontal disease.
Feline infectious peritonitis
mural mass in the right uterine horn of Holstein cow
hard mass attached to the mandible of cow - Rx
sodium iodide intravenously and parenteral penicillin
Amazon with Paramyxovirus 1 is identified by virus isolation subsequent to necropsy.
Report the finding to government authorities
must be recorded in order to calculate the heat detection rate for a 21-day period in a dairy herd?
Number of open cows beyond the voluntary waiting period and number of breedings
Bluetick Coonhound hunting dog, unable to stand, On neurologic examination, withdrawal response and proprioception are absent in all four limbs.
Idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis
prolonged gestations, dystocia, and retained placentas. most appropriate next step in management?
Evaluate the farm’s hay and pasture
management practice most likely to decrease the incidence of pneumonia in these calves?
Vaccinate calves at 6 and 12 weeks of age with a vaccine against bovine respiratory disease
reddish lesions on the hard palate, and an erythematous region on the upper lip adjacent to the left canine tooth.
Eosinophilic granuloma
The combination of mild colic, ptyalism, and grinding of teeth in a foal is most indicative of which of the following?
Ascarid impaction
A 20-month-old Rottweiler dog has swelling and pruritus of the face two hours after receiving a multivalent vaccine. Which of the following components of the vaccine is the most likely cause of this dog’s clinical signs?
iatrogenic mandibular fractures that occur during dental procedures in cats?
Extraction of the mandibular canine teeth
most common site of calculi obstruction in small ruminants?
Urethral process
antimicrobial protocols is most likely to prevent infection related to surgical repair of a femoral fracture in a cat?
Intravenous injection at induction of anesthesia
Duration of treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics in otitis media ?
3 to 5 weeks
enlarged prostate gland - Rx
reason for performing ovariohysterectomy on pet ferrets?