Canine Revision Flashcards
Non productive retching, marked gas distention
Irregular H.R, exercise intolerance, coughing
Fainting female miniature Schnauzer.
Sick sinus syndrome
Young dog with cyanosis, exercise intolerance
Tetratology of fallot
coughing, exercise intolerance, labored breathing
Mitral regurgitation
Generalized wobbliness and head bobbing
Cerebellar hypoplasia
50% of intact female dogs
Mammary gland tumors
Sternotic nares, everted laryngeal saccules, elongated soft palate
Brachycephalic syndrome
Thoracolumbar pain, arched back, hind limb hypermetria, ataxia
Mass in anal gland, more than 50% have metastasized at dx
Apocrine gland adenocarcinoma
Apocrine gland adenocarcinoma
Mass in anal gland
malodourous stool with mucous, cystlike structures
hypermetria, vertical nystagmus, head tilt
Granulomatous meningoencephalitis
Rx for Adrenal-dependent HAC
Unilateral adrenalectomy
Malignant melanoma - RX
Radical excision
No suppression is seen at anytime with LDDS test
With LDDS test, suppression at 4 hours, no suppression at 8 hours
Vomiting, stiff gait, PU,PD, petechial hemorrhage in oral mucosa
Sublingual swelling, part of a salivary mucocele
Dx of fibrocartilagenous empolism
Leptospirosis - Rx, DX
DCN | Dx. Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT)
Serial progesterone testing
Estimation of approximate ovulation day in bitches
Reverse D sign
Heart worm
Pulmonary edema, Congestion (cough / dypnoea)
L. side heart failure
Ascites, pleural effusion, pericardial edema
R. side heart failure
Cloudy lenses
Hind limb weakness, obsessive chewing of tail
Cauda equine syndrome
Cervical vertebra instability/ stenosis
Wobble syndrome
tumor, dome shaped, freely moveable
Small breed with systolic mumur
Mitral regurgitation/ insufficiency
Large breed with systolic mumur
Helps control canine behavior/urine spraying in cats
Proliferation invading horizontal walls of the ear canal
Ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma
Hypoadrenocortism-like syndrome, Cecocolic intussusceptions
Whip worms
Worms causing parasitic gastritis/ enteritis
Trichostrongylous spp
All parameters increases, platelets decrease
Increase PT, aPTT
Anticoagulant rodenticide toxicity
BMBT increases, all other parameters are normal
Von Willerand’s
Platelet decreases, BMBT increases, other parameters are normal
Worsening tetraperesis
Atlantoaxial subluxation
Alopecia, flaky skin, weight gain
Crescendo-descendo on L. 2-5th ICS
Aortic stenosis
Mumur at 5-6 ICS
Mitral dysplasia
Mass with scattered spindle-shaped cells with round nuceli
Older dog, clusters of large cells with round to oval nuclei tightly adherent to each other
Numerous red blotched (on skin, mostly ventral abdomen)
Dx: Coagulation testing
Most common benign oral tumor of dogs, grow from periodontal tissue, evasive, don’t usually metastasize
Canine ameloblastoma
Pear shaped pink smooth mass protruding from vulva
Vaginal prolapsed
muffled heart sounds, weak femoral pulses.
pericardial effusion
Most common cause of seizures in dogs over 5 years
Brain tumors
Seizures in younger dogs less than 5 years
Idiopathic epilepsy
Erythema, depigmentation, scaling, crusting of nasal planum
Discoid lupus
severe hyperkeratosis of dorsum and pinna
Vit. A responsive dermatosis
Dyshoria during surgical procedure
Administer Acepromazine
method of removing cataracts in dogs
Rx. Pituitary Cushing’s
Surgery in patients with prolonged PT and aPTT
Vit. K orally
Pentoxifylline and steroids
Rx of Cutaneous vasculitis
Solitary well circumscribed, firm, erythematous intradermal nodule
starts coughing, becomes dyspneic, cyanotic, faints
Drooling, retching, restless after a few snacks, tense abdomen, THREADY PULSE
Young dog with visual impairment and short stature for age
Ununited anconeal process of ulna, Fragmentation of medial condyle process
Elbow dysplasia
Vascular ring entrapment/ anomaly
Persistent R. 4th aortic arch
Miniature schnauzer with syncope (fainting)
SSS (Sick Sinus Syndrome)
Seen concurrently with anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinoma
Progressive pelvic limb lameness/ hock swelling that painful, firm joint
Synovial cell sarcoma
Chicken breast and cottage (Low in Cu)
Copper storage hepatopathy
Respiratory distress and vomiting
Laryngeal foreign body
Withdrawal reflex
Patellar reflex
Friable gingivial mass
Malignant melanoma
Lens luxation
Cataract and glaucoma
depressed, coughing, exercise intolerance
depressed, coughing, exercise intolerance
L – asparginase, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, prednisone, and vincristine
Generalized lyphadenopathy
Atrophied adrenal glands
Iatrogenic HAC
Differentiates between a vaccinated dog and dog naturally infected with Borrelia burgdorferi
C6 Peptide Elisa test
Tests HypoAC and Iatrogenic HAC
ACTH stimulation test
Lameness, enlarged joints, respiratory signs
Disseminated coccidiodomycosis
Nose down posture
Cervical disc disease
Invasive ear canal lesion - Dx
Computed tomography, MRI
Dx of Invasive fleshy mass in horizontal ear canal
Ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma
Severe vomiting, collapse, severely dehydrated, shocky
Progressively worsening carpal and tarsal laxity
Rheumatoid arthritis
S/C pre-operatively to patients with Von-WD
Desmopressin acetate (Vasopresin)
PD, vomiting, fluid filled tubular mass in ventral abdomen
Acute collapse, tachypnea, tachycardia, muffled heart sounds, weak pulse, growth in R. auricle
Continuous mumur
Pulmonic stenosis
Mumur in L. chest btw 2-4th IC
Thumb test
Coxofemoral luxation
Lump on hock
Severe acute spinal cord trauma (T3-L3), thoracic limb (rigid/ extended), pelvic limbs (Flaccid)
Forelimbs (Hypotonic), Hind limbs (Spasticparesis)
Cervicothoracic (C6-T2)
No ataxia
TCN/ DCN x 1 month + Gentamycin x 7 days
Rx for Brucellosis
Sloughing of nail off nail bed
Brittle nails, breaks easily
Cutaneous trunci reflex
Nasal pain, ulceration, unilateral sanguinopurulent nasal discharge with layer of gray-black necrotic material
Best arterial sampling site for blood gas analysis in dogs
Femoral artery
Ventricular fibrillation - RX
Stabilize patients with bradyarrhythmia’s e.g Sick Sinus Syndrome
Pace maker
Tachycardia, bounding pulses, discolored urine
Most common canine nasal tumors. Rx. Radiation
Ulcerative plaque of alopecia on limb.
Acral lick granulomas
Bilaterally enlarged adrenal glands, nodules may be present
Pituitary HAC
Esophageal sarcoma
Chronic spirocerca lupi
foreleg lameness (shoulder) that worsens with exercise
Hunting dog, hoarse cough, pyogranulomatous skin
Blastomycosis. Rx Itraconazole BID x 60 days, Amphotericin B
Radiolucent lines parallel to epiphyseal growth plate in large breeds
Hypertrophic osteodystrophy
Abnormal thickening of cartilage.
Osteochondriosis dissecans
Increased osteocyte production
Spondyloides deformans
Bumping into things, normal pupillary light reflexes, aka Central blindness
Occipital cortex lesion
Most common cause of hypercalcemia in dogs
Best rx for Ca oxalate ureterolith
Laser lithotripsy
DKA with breathing that is fast and very deeply in a very regular pattern
Kussmaul breathing
Agonal respiration (when death is imminent) in anesthetized patients with brain damage
Removal of urocystoliths
Lump under jaw, viscous fluid with red cells, degenerative neutrophils has been aspirated.
Salivary mucocoele
MRI showing enlarged ventricles in the brain and widened sulci
Cognitive dysfunction syndrome
Outdoor living, exercise intolerance, non-productive cough
Continuous murmur (machinery type), stunted growth
Reverse C structure in abdomen, abdominal distention with reddish colored urine
Splenic torsion in dogs
Mostly caused by malignant carcinoma.
Paradichlorobenzene (Diper buckets, deodorizer cakes)
Trembling, seizures
Pleural effusion resulting from CHF. Rx Thoracentesis
Muffles lung sounds, cyanotic mm, and systolic murmur
Rapid, irregular H.R, coughing, exercise intolerant
Young pup with submandibular lymphadenopathy and swelling of muzzle, lip, eyelid
Juvenile cellulitis
Increases with cholestasis
Screening for hepatocellular injury in dogs and cats
Dog with history of dietary indiscretion is vomiting and has abdominal pain - DX
Plain abdominal radiographs
Progressive hair loss with no other conditions/ signs
Alopecia X
Generalized ataxia, hypermetria in all 4 limbs, head tremor
Definitive dx for Lytic bone lesion
Bone biopsy
Polyuria, pendulous abdomen, truncal alopecia
Epitheliotrophic lymphoma
Large swelling around vulva, aspirate shows round cells
Anaplasma phagocytophilium, Ehrichia ewingii. Rx DCN
Attacks granulocytes
Playing outdoors, later wheezing and coughing - DX
Dx of syncope
Radiographs and echocardiography
Older dog with low lumbar pain, urinary incontinence, poor anal/ tail tone
Lumbosacral syndrome
Hyperthyroidism in dogs
Malignant carcinomas
Hyperthyroidism in cats
Benign adenomas
non-pruritic alopecia on right hip area that develops gradually after last medical check up
Vaccine injection reaction
Splenic torsion (Firm mass shaped in backwards C in abdomen) - RX
Difficulty rising/ jumping with high WBC in CBC. Vertebral infection caused by spread of bacteria or fungi from another site
Don’t give debilitated or geriatric patients
Don’t give debilitated or geriatric patients
Dipylidium caninum Rx
Petechial hemorrhages on gums/ oral mm. Rx DCN
Rocky Mt. Spotted fever
Babaesia gibsoni - RX
Atovaquone and Azithromycin
Rapid insulin release resulting in hypoglycemia
Chocolate, Toad toxin
Cardiac arrhythmia, CNS dysfxn, convulsion
Nervous, rapid pulse/ RR
Epidural for limb surgery
Squamous cell carcinoma - RX
Complete resection
Hypotension, bradycardia, bronchoconstriction
Timolol side effect
Relax tension on eye following Oculomotor nerve damage
Pup smaller than normal size for its age with seizure, ataxia. Dx: Measure serum bile acids
Hunting/ outdoor dog acutely sneezing violently, gagging and pawing at his face.
Grass awn in nasopharynx
Respiratory disease + diarrhea, encapsulated structures inside macrophages and giant cells
Coughing, dyspnea, and bilateral epistaxis
Rodenticide toxicity
Ventricular premature complex
DCM. Dx: Ecocardiography
Canine insulin molecule is identical to ?
The most sensitive test for anticoagulant rodenticide toxicity
Weight gain, flaky skin, dull hair coat
Primary hypothyroidism
Constipation, failure to urinate, soft tissue swelling ventrolateral to anus
Peri anal herenia. Rx. Castration
Hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia
Cholecalciferiol toxicity
Swelling ventral to left eye
Maxilliary premolar 4 abcess
Caused by Furosemide, Phenobarbital, Mitotane
Euthyroid sick syndrome
bounding pulse
Iron deficiency anemia
Ultrasound (Reliably counts litter size)
28 days
40 days (cat), 45 days (dog)
Spinal cord compression on 2nd cervical
Ataxia and paresis
Balloned heart, jugular distention, diminished/ quiet heart sounds, ascites, weak pulse
Pericardial effusion
Increased BUN and Creatinine. In chronic renal disease, lepto, ethylene glycol toxicity, etc
Renal azotemia
Pre renal azotemia
Dehydrated animals
Avoid protein and phosphorus
Chronic renal failure
Immune mediated thrombocytopenia
Patachiae and ecchymosis
Healthy dog loosing multiple nails one after the other
Symmetric Lupoid Onychodystrophy
Lung worms (Coughing, nodules in lungs) - Rx
Ivermectin or fenbendazole
To get prednisolone dose
Divide dexamethasone dose by 8
Intussusception - helminth
Whip worms (Trichuris)
Ingestion of warfarin- containing rat poison
Ingestion of warfarin- containing rat poison
Neonate, drinks/ pees a lot, stumbling around, ataxia
Tragic facial expression, alopecia on dorsum/ tail
Several firm non painful swellings attached to ribs
Multiple cartilaginous exostoses
Head pressing, acting blind, loss of conscious proprioception on all 4 limbs
Necrotizing encephalitis
Dx for influenza
PCR on nasal swabs; acute and convalescent titers
Inhibits cartilage formation
Persistent mumur
Fever with bloody urethral discharge, rectal palpation is painful, reveals firm bilobed structure, tenis ball size
Acute prostatitis
Straining to urinate, abdominal pain, small volume of reddish urine
Transitional cell carcinoma
Retained placenta in bitch
lameness, benign growth on bone (Spicule of conical smooth new bone)
Dark splotches on abdomen (Petechial hemorrhage)
Evaluate Platelet count and BMBT
Worsening paralysis in hind limbs
Neospora canis
Odoriferous diarrhea, foul smelling watery brown stool
gametocytes in peripheral blood leukocytes
Pulmonic stenosis. Mumur between 2-4 IC space on left
R. Ventricular hypertrophy
5-6 IC on left space
Mitral dysplasia
5-6 IC on right
Tricuspid dysplasia
Small growth on mm of lips
Viral oral papilloma
Day 42- 45 of pregnancy
Fetal skeleton visible in radiographs
Causes prolonged Prothrombin time
4 P’s of Cushing’s
Panting, Pot belly, PU, PD
Diuretics (Furosemide), Diet (Low Na), Dilators (ACE inhibitors)
80-85% of (non-Iatrogenic) Canine Cushing’s
Pituitary origin
15-20% of (non-Iatrogenic) Canine Cushing’s
Adrenal origin
Young dog, mostly male with weeks of foreleg lameness, problems gets worse with exercise, lesions seen in shoulder (left caudocentral humeral head)
Osteochondrosis (Weight control is key)
Chelation (e.g Succimer)
Rx for lead toxicity (Lead based house paints)
Rx of Refectory IMHA
Human IV immunoglobulin
Mostly geriatric, nystagmus, head tilt, ataxia, circling, and cranial nerves are normal
Idiopathic vestibular disease
Cough, exercise intolerance, fast, shallow breathing
CHF (Rx. Furosemide)
Holosystolic mumur with max intensity over left apex
Mitral valve endocardiosis
Canine pyometra
Absence of P waves
Atrial standstill
Muscle tremors, tachycardia, hyperpnea
Metaldehyde toxicity (Molluscicides)
Helicobacter dx
Gastric biopsies
Potassium citrate may be used to alkalinize urine
Ca oxalate
6 months old dog licking vulva a lot
Juvenile vaginitis
Chewing gum seizures
Fluctuant submandibular swelling with thick serous fluid on aspiration. Rx. Surgery
Salivary mucocoele
Palpable cranial abdominal mass, splenic masses with multiple cavitations
Epinephrine IV, Prednisolone Na succinate IV
Swelling face ff vaccination
Heartworm, Heart failure, Hemolytic anemia, Hemangiosarcoma, HE, Hepatic diseases, GDV
Mass growing lateral to anus. Rx. Abrx and warm compress
Anal gland abscess
R. Head tilt, nystagmus (Left), ataxia
R. Otitis media/ interna
Large breed dog with occasional hind limb lameness
Hip dysplasia
Left thoracic limb lameness
Rocky mt spotted fever
Patechial hemorrhage
Anemia with icterus
Babesia and piroplasma
Regurgitation, ACH receptor antibody test reveals an elevated antibody level. Rx. Pyridostigmine bromide
Myasthenia gravis
Hunting dog, pyogranulomatous skin condition, conjunctivitis
Multifocal crusts with large coalescing pustles
Pemphigus foliaceus
Ulceration/ crusting on nasal planum
Pemphigus erythematous
Dark brown urine, very pale mm
Zinc toxicity
Heartworm, HyperAC
Osteolysis of spinous process
Cobalamin deficiency
Infl bowel Disease
Good prognosis, most cases resolve spontaneously
Idiopatic trigeminal neuritis
How long after a booster rabies vaccine is a dog, cat, or ferret is considered vaccinated
Shifting leg lameness, thrombocytopenia
Anaplasma phagocytophilum
Transient “blue eye” (Corneal opacity)
Assoc with Canine infectious hepatitis (Canine adenovirus 1)
PT, aPTT (Normal), BMBT (Prolonged), Platelets count(low)
Immune mediated thrombocytopenia
Young, growing, or large breed dog with bilateral metaphyseal pain, swelling in distal radius/ ulna
Hypertrophic osteodystrophy