Quiz 1B Flashcards
female Siamese cat vaginal secretions shows cornified cells, nearly always affectionate and extremely vocal
Mating should take place within the next five days
dog is tachypneic and has labored breathing when excited. The dog also has a marked inspiratory noise.
Laryngeal paralysis
lameness of the right hindlimb associated with a grade Ill medial patellar luxation - MGT
Medial tibial tuberosity transposition with lateral reinforcement
Diseases that usually causes chronic weight loss in sheep
Paratuberculosis, ovine progressive pneumonia, caseous lymphadenitis
diarrhea in 5. to 15-day-old suckling pigs
Isospora suis
oval inclusions in the red blood cells - RX
Remove third phalanx, ungual crest, and the flexor process
onychectomy in a cat
most commonly associated with bovine respiratory disease complex
Bovine herpesvirus 1 and Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica
used for farrowing induction in the pig?
Prostaglandin F2alpha
Heifer with small vulva and a hypoplastic uterus.
conjunctival hyperemia, and a mucopurulent ocular discharge for the past two weeks. Fluorescein staining is negative.
Exposure keratitis
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency in Guinea pig
Joint swelling
fibrosis and drainage from the scrotum two months after undergoing castration.
Scirrhous cord
most common complication for gastric dilatation-volvulus after 24 hours
Cardiac ventricular arrhythmias
A resonant ping is detected on the right side on percussion and auscultation, beginning in the paralumbar fossa and continuing caudally. - DX
Ultrasonography of the resonant viscus
marked pruritus of the dorsolumbar region. Physical examination shows dandruff and patchy erythematous areas on the dorsolumbar skin.
Flea bite hypersensitivity
Amazon parrot has ocular and nasal discharge and a tail bob. Droppings are scant, and the urate component is lime green.
commercial dairy herd reports an increased incidence of mastitis. and somatic cell counts are increased.
Contact the state/provincial animal health officials
calves on a dairy farm have scours. Morbidity rate is 90% and mortality rate is 30%. - DX
Virus isolation for coronavirus
cat has a sudden onset of dyspnea. On Thoracic auscultation crackles and a gallop are heard in addition to oxygen therapy, which of the following is the most appropriate treatment?
Cheyletiellosis RX
Whippet is noted to have dark yellow staining on all teeth. The teeth have had this appearance since the dog was a puppy.
Congenital defect in the production of enamel
chronic lameness of the right forelimb.90. In budgerigars, scale formation on the legs or the juncture of the beak and feathers is a sign of infestation by which of the following mites?
patent ductus arteriosus - Dx
Perform echocardiography
horse has had nodular growths on the prepuce of the penis for the past month of the summer. a biopsy sample from the affected site shows an eosinophilic granulomatous reaction.
Cutaneous habronemiasis
Feces have a homogeneous pea-soupy appearance.
long-term control of clinical signs associated with an extrahepatic portosystemic vascular shunt in a cat
Surgical attenuation of the shunt vessel
most likely site of the initial lesion of infectious necrotic pododermatitis in cattle?
Skin of the interdigital space
A 15-year-old neutered male domestic shorthaired cat is being evaluated because of a two-day history of walking in circles. The client reports that the cat has become more affectionate over the past several months. He is easily distracted and at times appears disoriented.