ICVA Flashcards
most common cause of maxillary sinusitis in the horse?
Infection and abscessation of a tooth root extending into the sinus
psittacosis DX
Isolation and identification of Chlamydia psittaci
Extremely watery feces shows motile piriform trophozoites - RX
pregnant cows with bovine viral diarrhea virus may cause calves to have?
Cerebellar hypoplasia
mass in the left inguinal area lateral to the prepuce. Cytologic examination of a fine-needle aspirate shows numerous round, discrete cells with reddish purple granules. - RX
Administration of prednisone and cimetidine
vomiting and diarrhea in a litter of 1-week-old piglets is characterized by a high morbidity and a high mortality rate.
Transmissible gastroenteritis
dogs with gastric dilatation-volvulus
Ventricular premature complexes
goat has a sudden onset of clinical signs of blindness, depression, head pressing, and anorexia that progress to recumbency with opisthotonos and nystagmus.
Horse with distress and food reflux from both nostrils.
Esophageal obstruction
therapy for swine dysentery
dog has anorexia, fever, severe trembling, and stiffness of the limbs three weeks post partum.
Intravenous calcium gluconate
The foal was normal at birth and began suckling vigorously at 1 hour of age. Examination shows icteric mucous membranes and hemoglobinuria
Neonatal isoerythrolysis
Quarter horse stallion collapses suddenly and lies covered with sweat in lateral recumbency. When the horse attempts to stand, it exhibits generalized muscle fasciculations, prolapse of the third eyelid, inspiratory stridor, and loose feces. What is the most important question to ask the owner? *
What is the bloodline of the horse?
10 year old cat with weight loss, polyphagia, polyuria, polydipsia, and restlessness. Cardiac arrhythmias are noted on auscultation.
cylindrical mass in the mid abdomen -most appropriate next DX
at greatest risk for developing clinical toxocariasis?
Children with a history of pica
most likely to be a source of prenatally acquired infection in pups
Toxocara canis
In a cow at 35 days’ gestation, elective abortion
Prostaglandin F2alpha
fast-growing and heavily muscled is being evaluated because of progressive bilateral lameness of the front legs
island of hair growing in the temporal portion of the left cornea
3-month-old Appaloosa foal is being evaluated because of pyrexia, cough, and nasal discharge. Clinical examination of the foal shows increased respiratory rate and increased bronchovesicular sounds.
Rhodococcus equi
episodes of vomiting or regurgitation for the past four weeks.
symmetrically enlarged prostate gland. does not produce pain; it is twice the normal size and movable within the pelvic canal.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Cat with dark-staining, round- to rod-shaped, non refractile bodies on the surfaces of numerous red blood cells. - RX
symmetric alopecia, comedones, and a pot-bellied appearance.
Low-dose dexamethasone suppression test
scratching around the ears and frequent shaking of the head. Examination shows bilateral, circumaural, cutaneous excoriations and thick reddish brown crusts in the external ear canals.
Microscopic examination of aural exudate
isosthenuria and moderate azotemia.
Nonregenerative anemia
days after initial treatment of a minor corneal lesion. Reexamination of the affected eye shows photophobia, lacrimation, blepharospasm, corneal edema, and a yellowish white stromal infiltrate in the cornea. Vital dye does not stain the cornea. - DX
Corneal stromal abscess
iguana is reluctant to move and refuses to eat anything except lettuce and an occasional mealworm. Radiographs show multiple fractures and thin cortices in the bones.
lactating dairy cow is being examined because of a sudden onset of anorexia, decreased milk production, decreased fecal production, and colic. area of tympany, over the middle of the right 12th rib. tense structure in the right abdomen. - DX
Right abomasal volvulus
diagnosis of salmonellosis
Culture of the mesenteric lymph nodes
6-month-old kitten is being evaluated because of abnormal curvature of the legs. Radiographs of the skeleton show multiple healing fractures and generalized osteopenia. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism
Cat with sudden onset of paralysis of the rear legs.
Aortic thromboembolism
intravenous injection in mature swine
Dorsal auricular vein
most likely cause of dilated cardiomyopathy in an adult cat?
Taurine deficiency
Horse with bilateral nasal discharge and retropharyngeal swelling.
One hour after being vaccinated, a puppy develops sudden swelling and pruritus of the lips, eyelids, and nose.
Immediate hypersensitivity
hemorrhagic enteritis affecting the small intestines of suckling pigs
Clostridium perfringens type C
likely cause of generalized polymyopathy secondary to chronic renal failure in cats
fecal sample contains round 2- to 4-cm bodies that are acid-fast-positive, unresponsive to antibiotic therapy.
Cryptosporidium spp
enlargement of all mammary glands - Mgt
rabbit has a sudden onset of paralysis of the hindquarters and urinary incontinence.
Spinal injury from inappropriate handling
steer is standing alone and shifting its weight from one rear leg to the other. Physical examination shows spasms in the perineal area. - DX
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration
partial intestinal resection. anastomotic technique that will provide both secure closure and the largest luminal diameter?
Single-layer appositional
dog has become acutely lame. Radiographs of the affected limb show lysis in the distal radial metaphysis.
12-year-old male dog is found to have bilaterally symmetric alopecia, enlarged mammary glands, and a pendulous prepuce.
Testicular Sertoli cell tumor
high-pitched noise when inspiring while running. DX
Endoscopy of the larynx
grade III/VI murmur and a gallop rhythm - DX