Quiz 3A Flashcards
Ex of EPI, measure ?
B 12 (cyanocobalamin)
In the dog, decreased skin elasticity
Body condition score is 8/9 is at increased risk of ?
cat was seen playing with dental floss begins to vomit and becomes inappetent ?
Blue merle cat
genetic deafness
hit by a car. Vertebral trauma shows a T13-L1 luxation. What is the prognosis?
Good to excellent, with immediate surgical intervention
heifers have had intermittent cough, thin body condition. On auscultation, all have harsh breath sounds and widespread rales and wheezes. What is the most appropriate intervention?
long-acting antibiotic
10-week-old Arabian foal with respiratory disease as well as dermatophilosis by 6 weeks of age.
Rhodococcal pneumonia
Streptococcus equi subsp zooepidemicus Rx
Penicillin G
cat is “very jumpy” and bites family members
Humans are most commonly infected with Campylobacter jejuni via?
contaminated foodstuffs
Abnormal structures are seen on the surface of the red blood cells
Mycoplasma haemofelis
Tall P waves, increased amplitude of R waves, and sinus tachycardia. systolic murmur is heard. Thoracic radiographs disclose an enlarged left atrium and moderate pulmonary edema.
Mitral endocardiosis
dog has paresis of the hindlimbs, increased patellar reflexes, and decreased withdrawal reflexes in the forelimbs. This lesion is ?
piles of undigested food mixed with a whitish foam throughout the house and yard over the past week.
mares with pneumovagina?
Secondary endometritis
the ventral parts of the lung are consolidated, multiple air bronchograms are seen in both cranial lobes. What is the radiographic patterns of pulmonary disease?
length of normal gestation (in days) in a cow?
280 days
most likely source of Salmonella dublin ?
Infected cows
Border disease in lambs
Abnormally hairy coat
damage to the hide of cattle
Hypoderma lineatum
calves have dry crusting lesions over the face, neck, and ears.
No treatment is indicated at this time
adverse effect of the use of oral griseofulvin in the cat
history of lameness in the right forelimb.
mass protruding from eye - Dx
Enlargement of the carpal, metatarsal, and tibial tarsal joints. Opening of the affected joints discloses pannus with coalescent, purulent material.
Add TCN to the water of all lactating sows
Hemorrhage of the visceral organs and lymph nodes
Hog fever
rabbit is evaluated because of red urine.
Examination of urine sediment for crystals
used to treat chlamydial, mycoplasmal, or rickettsial conjunctivitis in goats?
Cat with foul breath and dysphagia. Examination shows an ulcerated mass involving the rostral left mandible
Squamous cell carcinoma
bilateral nasal discharge in a 4-month-old cat?
Viral rhinitis
Most common cause of hypercalcemia in the dog?
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Most common cause of hypercalcemia in the cat?
Thyroid adenoma