Quiz B1 Flashcards
dog with difficulty in opening the jaw
Masticatory myositis
Sudden onset of the inability to close the jaw
Trigeminal Neuritis
most commonly associated with Mycoplasma mastitis in the bovine
Use of contaminated intramammary cannulas
10 weeks old Arabian foal with recurrent respiratory infections characterized by pyrexia, purulent nasal discharge, cough, and respiratory distress following exercise.
SCID - Combined immuno deficiency syndrome
In the dog, which of the following abnormalities is most typical of estrogen toxicity?
pathogenesis of acute pulmonary edema and emphysema in the bovine most likely involves injury to pulmonary tissue by
minimize the occurrence of pregnancy toxemia in a flock of crossbred ewes.
Target the plane of nutrition to avoid extremes in body condition in the pregnant ewes
Rotavirus infection involves part of GIT?
Small intestine only
In a budgerigar with gout, laboratory tests of serum
Uric acid concentration
Birds with sudden onset of diarrhea. PM- birds are dehydrated; the middle third of the intestine is dilated and inflamed with bloody intestinal contents. What organisms?
Eimeria spp
Degree of solubility of the agent
equine central incisor erupt?
2.5 Years
sudden onset of stridor, cyanosis, and dyspnea that worsen with exercise.
Laryngeal paralysis
diarrhea in 5- to 15-day-old suckling pigs?
Isospora suis
Crop with delayed crop emptying and a palpably thickened crop wall, thick-walled, budding organisms
A laboratory ferret should be routinely vaccinated against ?
Canine distemper
In the dog, decreased skin elasticity
Cat with raised ulcerated mass, first and second molars of the lower left jaw. There is blood in the saliva.
Squamous cell carcinoma
Cat with rapidly growing nodules on the head.
Cryptococcus neoformans
cat tests antigen positive for heartworm
In horses, most common site of osteochondritis dissecans of the hock?
Intermediate ridge of the tibia
In examining the records of commercial beef herds, which of the following production parameters?
A 20% preweaning mortality rate
The rumen is full, and ingesta is firm.
Vagal indigestion
No decrease in plasma cortisol concentration is observed following a high-dose dexamethasone suppression test.
Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism
jaw, which is locked open at a 45-degree angle and cannot be closed manually.
Temporomandibular luxation
ventrolateral strabismus
oculomotor (III) nerve
Medial Strabismus
abducens (VI) nerve
chronic weight loss in sheep?
Paratuberculosis, ovine progressive pneumonia, polioencephalomalacia
most appropriate diagnostic procedures for tuberculosis in cattle
Complement fixation test
soft-tissue mass in the cranial mediastinum.
Pulmonary adenocarcinoma
Increased serum bile acid concentrations, decreased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration, and ammonium biurate crystals in urine
pathology in a dog with a portosystemic shunt
Dog with bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge for the past two months.
Nasal aspergillosis
intestinal lymphangiectasia is most consistent with with?
In the dog, cancellous bone grafts are most commonly taken from?
Iliac crest
Agent of fibrinous pleuritis and fibrinohemorrhagic pneumonia in swine
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
pyoderma in the dog?
Staphylococcus intermedius
spiked T waves
Polyradiculoneuritis in the dog is best characterized by?
Flaccid tetraparesis
treatment of beta-streptococcal pneumonia in horses?
Rx for red-brown fluid with numerous threadlike worms in lambs.