quiz 8/ lecture 11 & 12 Flashcards
Private Speech
children’s self- directed speech
piaget = ego centric speech
- speak to themselves for self-guidance
- as they get older/find tasks easier –> self-directed speech is internalized
zone of proximal development
the zone that a child is in that is not easy, but not too challenging with an expert to learn
a range of tasks too difficult for the child to do alone but possible with the help of adults and more skilled peers
process whereby two participants who begin a task with different understandings arrive at a shared understanding
common ground for each partner
adjusting the support offered during a teaching session to fit the child’s current level of performance
as the child’s competence increases, effective scaffolders gradually and sensitively withdraw support
guided participation
broader than scaffolding
refers to shared endeavors between more expert and less expert participants without specifying the precise features of communication
cooperative learning
small groups of classmates work toward common goals
reciprocal teaching
a teacher and two to four students form a collaborative group and take turns leading dialougues on the content of a text passage
within the dialougues group members apply four cognitive strategies:
- questioning
- summarizing
- clarifying
- predicting
sensory register
a broad panorama of sights and sounds are represented directly but stored momentarily
short term memory
retain attended to information briefly so we can actively “work” on it to reach our goals
working memory
the number of items that can be briefly held in mind while also engaging in some effort to monitor or manipulate those items
central executive
directs the flow of information implementing the basic procedures just mentioned and also engaging in more sophisticated activities that enable complex flexible thinking
executive funciton
the set of cognitive operations and strategies necessary for self initiated purposeful behavior in relatively novel challenging situations
attention, suppressing impulses in favor of adaptive responses, coordinating information in working memory, and planning, organizing monitoring and flexibly redirecting thought and behavior
neo-piagetian theory
accepts piaget’s stages but attributes change within each stage, and moement from one stage to the next to increases in the efficiency with which children use their limited working memory capacity
central coneptual structures
networks of concepts and relations that permit them to think about a wide range of situations in more advanced ways
the ability to control internal and external distracting stimuli
production deficiency
attentional strategy
preschoolers rarely engage in attentional strategies
they usually fail to produce srategies when they could be helpful