quiz 3 ch 8 Flashcards
types of social relations
mate choice
behavioral ecology
study of ecological and evolutionary basis for animal behavior
reproductive contribution to next generation
ex: being in a herd is safer, but less food
favors behaviors that benefit> cost
produce larger, more energetically costly gametes.
reproduction limited by resource access
produce smaller, less energetically costly gamete.
reproduction limited by rate access
M and F function.
simultaneous or sequential reproduction.
conditions favoring hermaphrodites
low mobility in large environments.
low overlap in resource demands
share cost of M and F function
sexual selection
difference in reproductive rates among individuals resulting in mating success differences
higher fitness
variation in sexual selection drives evolution
types of sexual selection
intersexual selection
member of one sex chooses mate based on particular trait
individuals of same sex compete with each other for mates
Guppies mate choice and sexual selection
intersexual selection: F prefer brightly colored and fit to survive M
Kodric -brown
reproductive success due to Attractiveness and dominance.
Endler guppies hypothesis
natural selection study to test color pattern in guppies depending on predation
Endler guppies
if predate was removed then avg # of spots increased and were brighter
male scorpion flies
compete for who can possess more dead arthropods.
whoever wins secretes pheromones to attract female.
losers secret saliva mass and pheromone, sometimes force copulation
female scorpion flies choose males by
whoever presents more arthropods and are larger
nonrandom mating among wild radishes
is mating a random process
do all mates have equal probability of producing offspring
group living and cooperation
sociality usually involves
cooperative feeding.
defense of social group.
restricted reproductive opportunities.
inclusive fitness
sum of direct and indirect reproductive gains
invest resources like time and energy ratio.
cooperative breeders
species in groups often cooperate in rearing offspring
benefit to helpers
inherit territory
practice raising young
inclusive fitness
inclusive fitness (Hamilton’s Kin Selection)
type of selection which individuals increase their own inclusive fitness by increasing survival and reproduce relatives that are not their own offspring
genetic relatedness(benefit to recipient) - cost find inclusive fitness
green woodhoopoes sociality
use tree cavities for shelter and raising young.
defend territory by flocks of 2-16
green woodhoopoes
cooperative breeding
one pair breed creating strong philopatry of cavity
young bird share 50% of genes with siblings and have a chance of inheriting a cavity
stay close to natal territory
female lions
always related
male lions
cooperate in territory defense.
not always relatives
form coalition
Lions sociality
probability of siring depends on rank
more reproductive success in groups 3-4
larger coalitions = relative
eusociality characteristics
individuals of more than one generation live together.
cooperate to care of young.
individuals divided into non- reproductive and reproductive castes
groups of physically distinct individuals with specialized behavior in a colony
kin selection
individual increase inclusive fitness by helping increase survival and reproduction of relatives (not offspring)
eusociality of ants
queen = reproduces daughters = workers and soldiers/guards sons = drones
naked mole rat
singe reproductive queen.
several reproductive males.
males and females are non - reproductive working.
males = haploid (one sperm)
sisters= 1/2 DNA from mother and father
honeybees sisters develop from
fertilized egg.
honeybees brother develop from
unfertilized egg