final Flashcards
area with brackish water
where river meets the sea
large daily temp fluctuations
low rainfall
desiccation resistant plants that are sparsely distributed
soils low in organic matter
wet and dry seasons
lighting cause wildfires
saturated soils
2D landscape
tropical rainforest
stratified communities
high rainfall ~2,000-4,000 mm annually
little temp variation btwn months
nutrient poor acidic soils
shallow areas near oceans or lake shores
temperate forest
nutrient rich
deep soil
herbaceous vegetation
large roaming mammals/ ungulates
sediments and rocky ocean bottom
thin, low fertility acidic soils
change in allele frequency pithing a population over a period of time
natural selection
organisms give rise to live organisms.
chance variation btwn individuals that are heritable.
more offspring will be produced each generation that survives the environment.
some individuals have higher chance of survival than others in the same population.
condition for H-W equilibrium
random mating or no mating.
large population size = no genetic drift.
no immigration/emigration = no gene flow.
equitable fitness btwn all genotypes = no NS.
marine fish challenges
hyper osmotic
extreme water loss through gils
marine fish resolution
drink saltwater which also increases salt concentrations.
get rid of excess salt by chloride cels in gills and concentrated urine production
freshwater fish challenges
hyper osmotic
excrete excess internal water by large amounts of diluted urine. lose large amounts of solute
freshwater fish resolution
replace salts by absorbing Na and Cl at base of gill filament and ingested foods
water conservation
waterproof outer coating concentrated urine/ feces condense water vapor in breath behavioral adaptations drop leaves when in drought thick leaves few stomata periodic dormancy protection from poacher with spines or hairs
greenhouse effect
the surface of the earth is kept warm by ultraviolet rays from the sun being absorbed by greenhouse gases and not allowing it to be reflected like they usually are.
greenhouse gases
carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, ozone, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons
group of interbreeding organisms that produce fertile offspring
group of individuals of a single species in a particular area
all species in given area
organism + physical environments
highest level of ecological organization.
A.K.A.: sum of all ecosystems
factors necessary for species existence
resource partitioning*
exception of the principle of competitive exclusion. by Robert MacArthur which stated that resources are used in different ways or times, or both allowing organisms to coexist
principle of competitive exclusion
species with identical niches cannot coexist indefinitely. can lead to better competitor eventually excluding the other
the spherical shape and tilt of earth’s axis can lead to
uneven heating of earths surface
precipitation patterns cause*
rainforest near the equator.
major deserts near 30 degree N/S hemisphere.
seasons due to tilt.
air circulation patterns are
warm, moist air rising.
cools, condenses, and falls as rain.
cooler, dry air falls back on surface.
*phenotypic plasticity
variation in phenotype due to different environment
subspecies or race adapted to certain set of environmental conditions
latent heat of fusion
energy to freeze liquid water
latent heat of vaporization
energy needed to turn liquid water into vapor. don’t need to evaporate much water to cool a lot of matter
psychrophilic microbes
cold loving; usually found in Antarctica
thermophilic microbes
hot loving bacteria
ex: Taq
natural body temperature regulators
organism that cannot regulate their body temp; done by behaviors like burrowing or basking
constant body temp regardless of environmental temp
organisms with mechanisms to regulate body temp
rely on external energy sources
rely of metabolic energy
how do skunk cabbage generate heat
translocating starch stored in roots to inflorescence so it can be metabolized
O horizon
most superficial organic layer made up of fresh material
A horizon
mixture of minerals, clay, silt, and sand
C horizon
weathered parent material
B horizon
Clay, humus, and other material
high solute concentration relative to surrounding water
hypo osmotic
lower solute concentration relative to surrounding water
deep roots
when in dry environment to get water from deep in soil
shallow dense roots
plants in environment with infrequent rainfall
evaporation in terrestrial organisms cause
most water loss
by stomata, panting, and sweating
**how plants and animals can conserve water
waterproof outer coating concentrated urine/ feces condense water vapor in breath behavioral adaptations drop leaves when in drought thick leaves few stomata periodic dormancy protection from poacher with spines or hairs
approached for dealing with dry terrestrial lifestyle
water acquisition and water conservation
photon flux density**
looks at response of photosynthetic rate # photon of light striking meter surface each second
**type 1 functional response
feeding rate increases linearly as food density y increases and levels off at max.
consumer requires little or no search and handling time
*type 2 functional responses
feeding rate rises in proportion to food density.
feeding rate limited by searching/handling time.
**type 3 functional response
s- shaped.
feeding rate increases at intermediate densities.
limited by searching at low densities and handling at high densities
principle of allocation of resources**
compromise of natural selection operating on each organism to optimize energy budget to max fitness
mullein mimicry
noxious (harmful) resemble each other
ex: bees and wasp
batesian mimicry
harmless resemble noxious
prey defenses
crypsis defensive morphology defensive behavior toxins aposematic coloring mullein mimicry batesian mimicry
self feeders.
use inorganic sources of C and energy
use CO2 for C source
sunlight for energy
use inorganic Molec for C and energy
organic molec for C and energy source
reproductive contribution to next generation
ex: being in a herd is safer, but less food
intersexual selection
member of one sex chooses mate based on particular trait
individuals of same sex compete with each other for mates
Kodric -brown said
reproductive success due to Attractiveness and dominance.
sociality usually involves
cooperative feeding.
defense of social group.
restricted reproductive opportunities.
inclusive fitness (Hamilton’s Kin Selection)
type of selection which individuals increase their own inclusive fitness by increasing survival and reproduce relatives that are not their own offspring